The three-time Super Bowl champ and Patriots star joins GMA for his first live interview since announcing his retirement from football at age 29.
#ABCNews #RobGronkowski #Gronk #NFL #SuperBowl #Football #Patriots #News
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He’s seems like a good human being and NE was destroying him!!! Good for him and we all saw what he accomplished next!!! Good Luck Gronk!!
So glad he came back. Now we just need Luck to come back
Who’s here after he’s on the bucs
Who’s here after Gronk got traded to the buccaneers?
well well well, how the turntables…
so americans love a game where palyers are very most likely to get CTE ???
Anyone think that mental health due to head trauma has a lot to do with this retirement?
Unfortunately, this guy has probably heavy CTE as well
Right now I am watching that with ScreenVariety Tv.
I like how they aren't talking about the brain damage he has. He is sick from football.
Shit, I’d play 8-10 years and retire too. Dude has plenty of scratch. Why get beat up when you have millions of dollars in the bank? Be a young man still and enjoy life. He’s got plenty of money to invest and plenty of opportunities outside of being on the field. Fuck yeah. Go Gronk! 👊ðŸÂ»
I want GRONK to join back I have 3 jerseys of his and a lot of other jerseys I have 17 jerseys
How about them Cowboys
Gronk is the best right end of this era and a Woody High grad.
Good for him. You've gotta consider he's been playing since he was probably 6 or 7 years of age.
Football been very good to me. If it weren’t for me playin football today I wouldn’t be playing football today.
He was such an embarrassment to the nfl
Must be nice to retire at 29🤣
Rob Gronkowski Is 1 very cool & smart dud 🤙
Great choice to retire, you can be a sports newscaster, motivational speaker, or trainer. You literally have so many options.
Just shows how impressive Brady is in his 40s and still killing it!
he'll be back..
Everyone jumps down Andrew Luck throat for retiring at age 29 for injuries and not enjoying football anymore. This dude fucking retires and evryone says o congrats and enjoy life and retiremnt, good luck. SMH
One of the GREATEST to ever play the game ! And the greatest to play his position. He has NOTHING left to prove. 3 Super Bowl rings & endorsement deals, cbd oil . Kid is Tough as Nails . Good luck to you kid, retired at 29. And still have your whole life ahead of you. Proof you don’t have to kill yourself for the sport before you choose to walk away.
A multimillionaire, only “works†3 months a year, gets to travel the world, millions in endorsements, must be a tough life for these players
He got up and played with an injury most would be out of the game. That’s mental toughness.
Thanks for all the wonderful games you gave your Patriots' fans. We love you, Rob. Be happy!
Football rose them up and brought them down. Good luck both.
Crazy when some players (like luck) give their body for that 5 second play for so many years and when they retire, they are selfish
i love seeing a player retire before 30…. u made ur money, u won the championships, now save ur body, and move on….. i love it tbh.
That guy never use his money he got from The Patriots, he only used the money he earned from the sponsor and Commercials. He look crazy but he is the most stable guy I had seen
Gronkowski so much thinner now that he's off the gear
Hahahaha this nigguh got his blood stripe hahahahaha
Eh I don’t really believe all of that…he’s pushing this narrative to sell his story and his upcoming deals
He was insane in the brain on the field which caused him to be injured frequently. Enjoy life Gronk