Rittenhouse wants to live quiet, stress-free life after acquittal l GMA

Rittenhouse wants to live quiet, stress-free life after acquittal l GMA

Kyle Rittenhouse broke his silence for the first time since a Wisconsin jury found him not guilty for the killing of two men and the wounding of another during political unrest in Kenosha last summer.

#ABCNews #KyleRittenhouse #TuckerCalrson #FoxNews #Kenosha


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33 thoughts on “Rittenhouse wants to live quiet, stress-free life after acquittal l GMA

  1. what's to live a quiet life but making the rounds on TV and with top republican leaders. 🙄 i hate liars, just come out and say you're 18 and enjoying your 15 minutes of infamy.

  2. Well I sure hope y’all have a spotless rap sheet…. Before y’all morons speak publicly remember one thing, it is now legal for children to take up arms against you for no reason and when you die he will be a hero and your search history, traffic tickets and past crimes will make you look like a monster. As a veteran I am appalled at this trial and the outcome. I don’t care if he killed Hitler, he had no legal right to do so. Kyle committed multiple felonies before he was even able to kill anyone. He is a criminal. If his victims happened to be criminals too that’s fortunate but he had no idea of knowing. How many innocent lives need to perish before you Trumptards realize you are letting criminals dictate your lives?

  3. LET'S GO BRANDON 🖕🖕🖕 MERICA 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  4. In the middle of the riot , people were there , I mean the rioters were there too destroy , loot , put on 🔥 fire buildings , companies , and shoot with the will to kill !
    And this young man had to shoot 1st if not he would be with the people already got shot to be killed !
    In his case that was self-defense !

  5. Its amazing how much false information people put out even after the trial. All the facts are set in stone now. The information is out there. The prosecution tried to make their case and the jurrt decided he was innocent.

    That's final, there is not a single thing any of you can do to change that.

  6. You murdered 2 people and wounded another and got off. then you run your mouth. Good luck living a nice quiet life. The nut job republicans may think you're a hero but your just a murderer.

  7. Kyle those days are gone. Forever. You're a punk vigilante that murdered and injured. Think George Zimmerman killer of Trayvon Martin.. Acquitted but somewhat nasty life since. Gun charges included.
    Other legal issues coming for you. CORRECTION: Punk had AR__ purchased for him by Kenosha resident since he was 17…His friend stored it..Neither of them real smart…A normal life 😆😅🤣

  8. he wants to be a kid .. wants to be a nurse.. give me a break.. no kid walks on the street with a gun THAT big and no nurse kills people. he’s foul.

  9. This kid is going to willingly become the poster boy for everything bad and wrong with America. A cultural icon. And he's going to try profiting handsomely in the process. I predict he eventually runs for elected office. The fact that it all rests upon the foundation of killing two people doesn't seem to factor into his thought processes. Perhaps because he a cold-blooded sociopath?

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