A new study shows how air particles move through an airplane and what safety precautions to take while onboard.
Risk of COVID-19 transmission virtually non-existent on flights: Airline executive

A new study shows how air particles move through an airplane and what safety precautions to take while onboard.
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Finally something all of us normal people can agree on. Everyone on the plane breathes the same air…. don't trust airline executives to tell you how safe a plane is
I call bs anyone experiencing a fart on a plane knows your area is not a bubble
Let's do the same study on a city bus and city subway.
I am seriously thinking what I should wear in front of my face, a HEPA filter or seatback of an airplane. Excellent medical advice which can save thousands of people, from redundancy in the airline industry.
If the air filters are so good, what is the point of masks then? Every few minutes you got fresh air. This narrative is all bs. Also the experiment is one sided instead of being generic. Where are the results for no masks? What are those numbers. Mask no mask, makes no difference. Statistically the same transmission. And on top of it, you got over 99% survival rate. If you're so scared, don't fly.
Um, conflict of interest. I'm not interested in any study promoted by the airline industry that concludes there's virtually no risk on airline industry flights.
This is a pile of 💩
If true, why will you be required to be vaccinated to fly?
i think everyone flying should be tested period!!!!, at least 3 days before flying, if you couple that with the masks we are good to go
whew wanted to check if people would believe this dumb fake research. Like dummies are a great sample for experimentation. That works with car accidents. Even with car accidents it's not completely accurate. The whole design of the experiment has issues. How is water or that stupid vapor covid19, it's so much smaller and stays longer in the environment. People should sue this airplane for trusting this company. They need to be stop for business.
Wow what a “thorough†scientific study using a completely still, breathing manikin. Really? We’re supposed to think this study is a “good indication†that there is less than .003 % chance of contracting this deadly virus on an airplane? They know that percentage is way low because that is NOT a reasonable scenario. There are so many different variables that raise that percentage. But there it is… ABC published it! Independent study? By the DOD? No peer review? It’s all about trying to boost the economy, it’s all about the money, the root of all evil. What will they do when holidays are over and COVID-19 spreads like wildfire on account of air travel. May God forbid and protect! Here’s an idea, let’s not worry about the economy and let the rich take care of the needs of the poor. Don’t worry, they won’t go broke. They could eradicate world hunger and many diseases BUT why the hell should they? People say they believe in God and the Hereafter but they will never truly believe until they love for their fellow human what they love for themselves. May God guide the true believers to take action in leading the world to His justice not ours.
Nice start but we need CDC experts to weigh in and provide airline plus aircraft safety ratings. Do your own research, not all airlines have the safety measures noted in this video. Some still allow mask removal for food or drink. Some aircraft do not have HEPA filters. I will only fly Delta who have serious mask enforcement and reduced seating capacity. I also stay away from any airport area where people don’t wear masks. Only requires 1 person not wearing mask to put everyone at risk.
It's basically non-existent….PERIOD!
The following information (among others)has put my mind at ease regarding covid-19. Although, MY HEART GOES OUT to those who have died and suffer from covid-19 and their families, it reassures me that the threat is not NEARLY as grievous as we see everyday on television and in the newspaper.
"Coronavirus Recovery Rates
Scientists and researchers are constantly tracking infections and recoveries. But they have data only on confirmed cases, so they can’t count people who don’t get COVID-19 tests. Experts also don’t have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%."
Today's numbers (10/16/20)…
213,000 deaths ÷ 8 million cases x 100 = 2.6% death rate or 97.3% SURVIVAL RATE!!!!! ( probably higher because we haven't tested everyone. )
I will take those chances any day! That means there is almost zero risk of dying if I contract Coronavirus!!!!!
We live with similar risks everyday. One example is Car crashes.
33,000 deaths ÷ 6 million crashes x 100 = .5% chance of dying or 99.5% survival rate.
They dummy looks like my x girl friend, it is!
The airlines want to keep making money, they always were a bunch of money hungry and lying basterds.
Fear the Media and not the FLU
(No covid deaths. No autopsy was done to find the cause of death)
jajaja yeah and the moon is made of cheese
let's just vote this video down. full of BS
So what it's the damn flu you get it you get over it Life Goes On
Human vs mannequin
and wat abt the ppl that takes off their mask🙄or won t wear it.
and who is saying that …the airlinesðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ§ÂÂÂÂ.Desperate times
Well, it is coming from the airlines, so I'd take it with a grain of salt, but it looks promising. I wonder why they didn't go over the data for the mannequin without a mask. That would have been interesting.
Altogether, hopefully we see more studies in a good direction. Masks seem to work despite what Trump is saying.
Wonder how much Boeing paid for this research?😂👎
They're doing this study and rigged its results just to boost sales. Too much GREED in this world. It's all about the money money money money
Well they did tested on dummy now it’s time to test on live subjects and they need volunteer.
Lord help me fly again soon!
If you believe this I've got a bridge over Sydney Harbour I can sell you. Yeah really, and I can throw in an Opera House to sweeten the deal.
"US Military study"…funded by United.
Reporting fake cases doesn't make any sense so it means that the virus is on the air???
They are lying! They don't want people to have freedom
Fake covid
To all those cult members of Trump…even if you catch the virus and you are totally fine studies show that it’s still bad to have it in your body long-term effects can happen
"I won't take half like pop" – Hunter Biden to his sister. Ignoring the story is evidence of your bias…ðŸÂ‡
Finally the research from the us military government study someone says it start flying people stop being a sheep stop letting covid rule your lives get to work 😠the political agenda is slowly breaking i thought we all was going to trust science
Nah I'm not buying it
You people buying this scamdemic are the absolute dumbest people on the planet hands down. The road to hell on earth is being paved with good intentions and your minds are so entrenched in the left right dog and pony show and appealing to authority and the media you can't even see it! May your chains and your family's chains rest lightly upon you.
More ðŸÂƒ💩!
The media and politicians are terrorists and they're paving the road to hell on earth with good intentions and most of you are oblivious to what's really going on.
We are being played by big pharma, the media (GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom/CBS, Time Warner Media), politicians (left AND right), NGOs/non-governmental organizations (The Council on Foreign Relations, UN, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Royal Institute of International Affairs) & elitist tax exempt foundations (The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, etc.)
Whether this virus is real or not does not matter! They are clearly using it to turn us against each other (Divide & Conquer) and push elitist agendas (global fascist dictatorship, technocracy, mandatory vaccinations, vaccination certifications, immunity passports, total police state surveillance & control system, etc.)
The job of the establishment media is to deceive, divide, and distract! There are no legitimate journalists on TV!
If you think you're too smart to be fooled. If you get off on virtue signaling, cult of personality worshipping, appealing to authority and the establishment media AND you're too dumb and/or brainwashed by academia and the media to see giant contradictions and obvious agendas, may your chains and your family's chains rest lightly upon you.
It's time to stop believing everyone that questions the establishment is a "conspiracy theorists" and wake up!!! We are losing our freedom right now! They are ushering in tyranny under the guise of public safety all over the world! This is not a conspiracy theory! It is happening right now! If America falls it's over for the rest of the world. Which side of history are you gonna be on? I choose dangerous freedom over tyrannical "safety"!
(includes people with core morbidities)
• 0-19 YEARS: 99.997%
• 20-49 YEARS: 99.98%
• 50-69 YEARS: 99.5%
• 70+ YEARS: 94.6%
There is no EMERGENCY and there is no PANDEMIC! There is ZERO justification for continuing these extreme measures! If you believe there is, it's because you've been brainwashed by the media!
The left and right dog and pony show can't agree on anything that truly benefits we the people! However, what do you know, both sides want you wearing a face diaper! Both sides want you to socially distance! BOTH SIDES WANT TO FORCE YOU TO TAKE A COVID19 TEST OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND INJECT YOU WITH BIG PHARMA'S EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE AND ALL ITS BOOSTERS OVER AND OVER!!!
What type of drugs is this fool on?
Definitely safer than being at a Trump rally
This is irresponsible journalism. The 95% of consumers who internalize the headline and not the full story are going to behave less safely as if this is experimental study is proven fact and you know it. Do better.
OK, but what are we going to do about 1-hour process of check-in and 2-hour process through security?
They've always wanted ti take away our right to travel.