Rising gas prices hit Americans hard l ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

Americans share their thoughts on the rising cost of gas and how it has impacted their daily lives.

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#ABCNLUpdate #Russia #gas #oil #RisingPrices #sanctions #economy


By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “Rising gas prices hit Americans hard l ABCNL”
  1. hahahahahahahaha. jokes on america , now send your version of jihadist to ukraine and let them wear the bomb vest and scream "FREEDOM!" ,

  2. What does Putin and Russia have to do with it? According to the agreement, Russia will supply at the old prices even before August. All claims to the President of America, to their policy and the reverse consequence of the sanctions policy. But further, after August, it will be even more expensive when they completely abandon Russian oil. We have a lot to think about…

  3. Скажите спасибо санкциям 👍

  4. This clown Biden is a joke and a idiot……….he is an insult to the American people…….he said he is banning Russian. oil………..we only buy 4% from Russia,,,,,……..mean while Europe is still buying Russian OIL…….plus everyone is buying Russian gas………( so much for his oil embargo )…..this clown has already called up the Arabic two times ………..BEGGING FOR OIL……..AND THEY DID NOT ANSWER HIS PHONE CALL…….he's even trying to get Venezuela and Iran to sell us gas……( our enemies )……That show just  how much this idiot of a president is respected AROUND THE WORLD……………………All this jerk has to do is open our pipe lines…….and the price of gasoline will go down again………SO WHATS THE PROBLEM HERE…….is it really Russia…….or is it Biden…..??????????…..plus of course the oil companies are having a big pay day………FOLLOW AMERICANS..REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU VOTE NEXT TIME……

  5. Inflation to 15% and gas to $8 per gallon.
    Unfortunate that Biden and AOC progressives attacked our domestic energy last year; that gas and oil sure would come in real handy right now!!!

  6. As a people, we need to stop playing dumb and simply accepting what the thieving buzzards in DC tell us. Simply put there is no shortage nor is there any threat of a shortage of oil in this country PERIOD. We are still exporting it, we are importing far less than we were in 2016. The corporate whores are using their DC cronies to manufacture a reason for them to pick our bones clean. The corruption goes all the way to the oval office where our fearless leader gives them the nod nearly every day to raise prices and it's not just on the oil either. The midterms are here we need to evaluate our representatives and see just who they are really representing, us or their corporate masters. Jan 6th was only a barroom brawl compared to what is coming if this crap continues unabated.

  7. Just remember it is not the current administration…alright that was sarcastic. Bet Obama and Carter are thankful for this administration.

  8. If Joe Biden had not put a stop to building the Keystone pipe line. We were not have high get gas prices. So this is Biden fault he cannot blame President Trump for Higher gas.

  9. This is corporate greed and corporations bowing to the RNC/GOP to make the present administration look bad.
    Corporations started inflating prices for no other reason than to make the democratic administration look bad, at the expense of American's.
    And gas prices didn't need to double. Again, big oil and coal, making America suffer because America wanted Trump out of office. The amount of demand is low enough that the loss of Putin oil isn't hurting America. Maybe the big oil wants America to cozy up with Putin and they figure putting pressure on Americans and thereby making Biden look like a problem, they'll get back their lickspittle boychild Trump.
    Many more will come to realize this inflation is intentional, and completely unnecessary. Big corporations are making huge profits, up 10%, by charging more for less. But they aren't paying more for material, labor, so why the price hikes?
    Politics. Dirty, nasty, politics.

  10. Gas prices when Biden took office… $ 2.39
    Gas prices a year later… $4.25
    National Average… #buildbackbetter #greennewdeal #bluewave 💙🤲🏻🙏🏻👍🏻

  11. Write your Congress people, your governor, and the President – it does not matter what political party – WRITE THEM. There is NO reason why we should have pay an arm and leg for gas, while oil companies are continuing to make record profits.

  12. You can bet that the wealthy do not care a damn about the rising fuel prices, because they can just party more. President Trump had it all fixed (for the common people) and then Biden got in (like a Bull in a China Closet) and spent a lot of time undoing a lot of good things president Trump created. Now are you Trumpfobes glad you listened to the far-Left Demagogies and voted for Biden?

  13. BIDEN SUPPORTERS LOVIN IT!!! 😂😂😂😂💀🤦‍♂️

  14. Get ready folks to see a serious recession coming, if not a depression. With gas prices going up like they are, people are going to quit traveling, eating out, and doing any type of entertainment in lieu of putting food on the table. It's going to have a trickle effect and every business is going to suffer. If you notice when you are grocery shopping, some items are out of stock. Strap in because we are in for a $hit storm coming.

  15. Anybody who tries to say "Americans agree" to higher gas prices is lying to you. NOBODY asked me or anyone else I know! This has NOTHING to do with Ukraine! They are lying to you. The average American is either barely holding onto a roof over their heads, food on the table, utilities, and fuel costs or they are about to lose everything!!! Most cannot afford to run out and buy a $60 000-$120,000 vehicle! The Biden administration care nothing about us!

  16. This is what happens when our government keeps on Sanctioning for things that doesn't effect us. Ukrainians are not Americans…let Ukraine fight their own battle.

  17. While Ukrainians are fighting for their freedom and their lives, and same situations happen in other countries. Many Americans whine for gas prices. Many “patriot Americans” have been whining for that even before the war in Ukraine started. Yet, nobody complains for what they pay when they go to the restaurants, bars, movies, super bowl tickets!! Many “patriots” in America think entitlement and freedom are equal…..

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