William Taylor, a top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, revealed Wednesday that his aide overheard the president following up one day after his phone call to check on the status of those investigations.
#ABCNews #ImpeachmentHearings #Trump #Impeachment #BillTaylor #Ukraine
you all are full of shit!!!!!!! I am no longer going to support any thing Democrat sponsored!!!!Wheres the proof that is what court is supposed to be about not your political bias!!!!!!!!!
"So what was in the phone call that was impeachable"
Taylor: "uh errrp derp……"
George Stephanopolous went to a dinner party with Epstein the day he completed his sentence.
ABC and the rest of the Democrat propaganda wing still trying to sell this bullshit.
The Republicans that uses strategy before
Against another Women ….https://youtu.be/GyndRcz7mZE
This Time the Actual President pulled off the dirty move.
More fake news from ABC highlighting the Democrats point of view only.
How can we be sure this is actual footage from ABC
Fake news
"Revelations"? Lmaooooo 🤣 what a joke!
The impeachment hearing is the closest thing we have seen to Joseph McCarthy's communist hearings in the 1950s. The liberal media has become our very own Tokyo Rose. The National Enquirer is more reliable.
George knows his indictment is coming. All of these people look scared, as they should be. SEDITION is punishable by death, according to the Constitution of this country. George looks scared.
This is news I guess
Joe Biden is clearly a fallout.
made the illegal call with the Ukrainian President, he already admitted to
that! You can't call a foreign country and ask them to investigate a fellow
American, if you do that and you hold up military aid then it’s a crime! Republicans look pathetic trying to defend Trump! Everyone knows Trump is guilty, everyone, even his Trumpbots! ðŸ˜â€ÂÂ
Republicans and Democrats are both done what they have done in the past and none of us got in trouble for it just makes me sick to hear
Just for the record, you may think you know enough to comment about specifics, but you and I don't. However, Congress should revamp and try to represent a Democratically elected people.
Nobody buys this story…. ABC standing for Absolute Bull Crap!
Oh how bad trumpers want this to just all go away. Trumpers are truly traitors to this country.
I say we go back in time and impeach Roosevelt for giving away so much to the Russians, now that undermined the security of the USA. Oh nope wait he was a Socialist so it's ok, right?
Someone told me that ABC is Fake News! I'll testify to that.
Why do new witnesses have to testify behind closed doors? This is a coup.
Not ganna lie this impeachment is kinda dumb, them arguing is like 2 blind people arguing on who's the better painter.
How far in debt do they want the taxpayers to go to accomplish nothing??
Can you imagine what kind of a mess our country would be in, if Biden had been elected President ?
FU ABC https://youtu.be/UdcGQ_HkEnM
Im just wanted to see how much ABC is full of shit.
Watching your beloved precious American Parchment ; that one document that holds your nation together ; burning into
ashes as it is being rubbed under a pile of human waste of politicians whose job is to defend it.
The U.S. Constitution is no more as it is no longer the value it was worth printed
Sad day for each and every man women and child who called themselves American Citizens
American Citizenship isn't worth it's value anymore….
abc network is a big sham.
Snufalupagus was a friend of Epstein. Hmmm?
Media-run narrative, per usual.
Guliani was like 0.0021%
Welcome to Fantasy Island!
David Muir, you're a disgrace to journalism.
The junk News Network! This is s*** news Trump, getting it done making America great again!!
This is junk news. Tune in to Fox news for Truth in broadcasting. These people are s**. Their news is s** they are the left-wing complicit scumbags in League with the Democrat Party pay no attention to them.
"Overheard"… ok boomer
More like 'XYZ News'… getting the news backwards.
Witch hunt