Results from 3,300 antibody tests in a community | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

A Stanford doctor said official records showed 1,000 COVID-19 cases in a California county, but antibodies showed the number could be up to 80,000.




#WorldNewsTonight #COVID19 #AntibodyTests


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Results from 3,300 antibody tests in a community | WNT”
  1. Done with crappy test kits that give you false positives on other human coronavirus that are really common 🤦

  2. A lot of dumb people on here with no grasp on what a virus is. This report is tracking antibodies as unconfirmed cases… Guess what else everybody has antibodies for? The Influenza virus, also known as the Flu. You all had your immunizations given to you at your birth, Influenza being one of them, therefore your bodies are all carrying antibodies for it.
    Using your "logic" you have antibodies for influenza therefore you wouldn't need to get a flu shot every year. Yet, we have how many people dying from the Flu each year? I mean if we're counting cases of influenza with your "logic" here, the entire country has antibodies for it, so lets take the numbers of death and divide it by the total population to get a % count.
    So sad that many of you are considered adults with the privilege and responsibility to be decision makers — on a level that affects everyone else with your votes and protests.

  3. This is good news, while it shows the virus is very contagious, it also means that for people less then 65 years old, covid-19 is just a simple flu or cold. Maybe politicians around the world should take this extremely important information in consideration to save the economies. Despite the fact that pharmaceutical industries and their associated medical organizations are trying to inflate the severity of the decease in order to increase funding on vaccines and treatments.

  4. The numbers simply do not work. If they went into the study assuming that 1-2% of the population had the antibodies that would of been 50 people (roughly) people of the 3300 tested. if they say that the number of people who have had the virus (and recovered) are 85 times higher than expected then that is 4250 people which is well more than the people tested.

  5. All general news outlets fail us in understanding science at an important point in human history. Telling the public an insignificant conclusion from the insightful Stanford research evidence. Specifically, all general news outlets and their health reporters obviously don't understand simple statistics that any 7th grader understands when taught. The point of approximately 80 times more people being exposed to Corid-19 with the same number killed. We all wrongly thought 3-4% would die…WHEN the number was only 0.2%!!!…… As some less trusted reporters have pointed out… his is a number closer to a bad flu season than all old people are going to die. This 'bone head' sky is falling reporting and failed science news informers greatly helped cause …the 2020 great depression through ignorance of statistics and science.

  6. So, the death toll is 80 times lower than the one based on reported cases. Thus, more like a bad flu season. No need to shut down at all.

    And no virus ever effects 100% of a population.

    Such a disproportionate response.

  7. Antibody test wasn't randomized. People who want to volunteer to be tested are much more likely to have had the virus (someone who had symptoms in the past or came in contact with an infected person is going to be much more likely to request being part of the study).
    3,581 people have died with covid-19 in Queens New York City. The total population in Queens is 2,278,906. So 1 in 636 people living in Queens have died from covid-19, including those who have never gotten covid-19.
    At the time of the study, there were 38 deaths in Santa Clara County California. Using the study's estimate of 45000-80000 people being infected, that means 1 in 1,184 to 1 in 2,105 people WITH covid-19 had died in Santa Clara.
    According to this study, even if 100% of Queens inhabitants have gotten covid-19, they still have a fatality rate that is 2-3x higher than what this study is projecting. It is very obvious that the study is grossly inaccurate.

  8. Top virologist say testing method is flawed and ineffective in determining if C19 is present.
    Also I note the media has not mentioned Tiawan's success in contacting virus. They haven't shut down or required Social Distancing at all yet they have lowesr infection rate of any develpoed nation.
    They did ban travel to and from Communist China and tried to alert the UN's W.H.O.. However, WHO were fearful of China's anti Taiwan policy so they ignored the Taiwan org.
    Any of us that have worked with or for UN agencies them to be either ineffective or corrupt. The US would do well in not only investigation WHO and it repressing the info should also do a forensic audit of how the hundreds of millions annually are spent and who benefits. Based on direct experience in the Middle East, West Africa and the Far East they will find the people to helped are the people in need.
    Kudos to the Italian Emergency medical team and the US marine engineers responding to Tsunami disaster in Sri Lanka. I was monitoring relief efforts there. The Italians and US marines accomplished wonders. Whereas, the UN teams and the Red Cross lived high on the hog and accomplished little. The silly Canadian PM came for a photo op and annouced he was ten thousand wool blankets via the UN. Sri Lanka is approximately 200 miles from the equator. I.e., really hot both day and night.

  9. Terrible news, with all these under the radar spreaders we didn't know about passing this on to others the death toll will be even higher 🙁

    Low fatality rates usually imply way more will die because more people will get the disease.. That's why the flu (0.1% fatality rate) killed ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more people than Ebola… A disease with a 50% fatality rate.

    Anyone who tries to spin this as good news because of a lower fatality rate is an idiot.

    SARS couldn't even kill 774 globally with a 10% fatality rate, while H1N1 managed to kill 200,000 to 500,000 with a measly 0.2% fatality rate.

    In conclusion? If a disease has a high fatality rate that usually means a low death toll, but if a disease has a lower fatality rate, that usually means a WAY higher death toll.

  10. Awww now that the virus isnt that bad mortality wise lets make sure to hammer the idea "antibodies dosent equal immunity" real hard msm. Yall can get enough of fear based clickbait can ya? 🤦‍♂️

  11. I hope all these heartless people in abc will suffer from the same disaster they are causing people. I hope they lose their job and all their wealth and wait for a petty handout from government

  12. I hope some smart lawyers are taking notes and will hold abc and all the other news agencies accountable for lies and manipulations

  13. This study has been going on for a while and when finally there is a report on it, it is so manipulated to make you believe the opposite

  14. A week before lockdowns I had a sore throat and felt weak. Lasted a day or two. Maybe a cold but who knows how many people I infected not thinking it was anything big. Should've locked down much sooner.

  15. They said maybe 5 percent of population has been “exposed”. Exposure does not equal infection. So, you cannot calculate infection rate based on this study. Covid -19 tests come back negative if you have less than 3000 count on the swab, so you can have live Covid in your nose and still be technically “negative “. Viral load matters. Health care workers have died from Covid -19 due to large amounts of exposure. Masks matter, social distancing matters. Don’t take this one piece of information and try to manipulate social response to a pandemic.

  16. if washing hands is good. washing your mouth with toothpaste or a mouthwash could also reduce the virus being expelled out of the mouth.

  17. So now there is results from Boston, LA, Kansas, and others with 3-4%. Boston being as high as 30%. Likely because it was/is a hotspot. So if this is true, it says two things: 1) The virus is spreading faster or has already spread farther and faster than we thought by a significant amount and 2) the mortality rate is something around 0.1%. So I still have to begin asking now, what is the point of a lock down now? Essentially we prevented out medical resources from being overwhelmed and pretty much everyone will eventually get it… likely well before there is an available vaccine. So yeah, what is the point?

  18. If thats the case whats does it means? at end of Jan some states just have the first case?within 80 days the known figures reach 800K? and now you tell us that figures just the tip of the iceberg? so the virus exist in the states way earlier than what Trump says China virus? no wonder he didn't want to have the test kit ready for mass! no wonder the flu infect 40M and killed 70K in
    A year! And everybody blaming China for covering up? So it’s not the flu at all? And now everyone is asking China for compensation?

  19. Yeah, because those of us who know their sick can’t get tested. My entire family is sick with it and no test.

  20. Framed in the worse possible way. You guys can't even lay out great news without screaming 😱 death.

  21. Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity discussed this study and its failings, this was not a randon sample, which seriously undermines this study. They put out a call to people saying they wanted to test to see if people have the antibodies. During that time in california people could not get the test, therefore, people called to be in the study so that they could be tested. This undermines the the findings because people that participated thought they had the virus. There were other errors with this study, per Chris. Please watch his take on this as well as other videos he has put out. This guy has not led me wrong in the past three months. He really cares about what is being done regarding this virus, and has helpful ideas about what you can and shoul do.

  22. Exactly, The virus isn't that bad. So many people have it and dont even know it. If you count all the people who were positive vs the death toll. The numbers would be close to the annual flu.

  23. This Stanford study is not peer reviewed and the samples were not random. You can't announce that you're going to test people for coronavirus if you want random samples. Additionally, the study used a test with extremely low sensitivity and specificity. Not cool Stanford! You're putting a lot of people in danger when you tell them it's safe to expose yourself to this virus by shady wording in the study and not declaring conflicts of interest from those involved with study professing the study's findings as correct via social validations.

  24. Not a large enough sample. I had every single symptom of COVID. Got sick after seeing an ENT that had gotten back from China. Fever 11/28..went to clinic. 12/5, could not breathe…back to clinic. Was sick for six weeks. Negative for flu.

  25. There's just so much negativity circulating around the news outlets. This study gives insight that the fatality rate is much less. I am optimistic and realistic. Time to look at the brighter side. And by the way, the majority of the infected who succumb to the disease are those with comorbidities (diabetes, hypertension, etc) which are basically lifestyle diseases. Bottomline is, it's time to live a healthier life.

  26. To many people are coming up positive . this is very telling . I believe it spreads like the flu ……………???????

  27. Well, this is, in part, excellent news re: treatment! The antibodies of people who had beaten the disease are worth their weight in graphene, and now it turns out it's not as rare a resource as previously thought!
    We have plenty of antibodies now, from a variety of people, and the antibodies were good enough for the disease to pass by relatively unnoticed!

  28. I had read about a volunteer study that would mail a test kit to your home so one wouldn't have to go anywhere. I couldn't find anything about it though. I think it would make sense to send that pin-prick blood sampling kit to everyone and make it voluntary, only, anonymous as blind studies are supposed to be.
    After watching George Stephanopoulos describe his symptoms, I think I may have had it because I had one night of feeling very achey with chills and low back pain. I still feel a bit yucky, but it's just a nagging body ache now. I have a strong immune system and I suspect I was able to fight it off. I want to know if I had it so that I don't infect anyone else. I'm going to assume that I could be infectious and stay the f**k at home! I have enough food for a couple of months so I can do that.

  29. That's a gross over estimation. If that ratio were true, that means as of today, literally everyone in NY has been infected. That is highly unlikely. What's more likely is that the volunteers in this study contributed to selection bias. Meaning, if you feel like you may have had it, you are more likely to participate in a study like this.

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