Rescue teams move in position ahead of monster storm | ABC News

Rescue teams move in position ahead of monster storm | ABC News

The volunteers that make up Team Rubicon will provide immediate aid to communities affected by disaster.

#ABCNews #RescueTeam #TeamRubicon #Volunteers #Hurricane #Dorian


17 thoughts on “Rescue teams move in position ahead of monster storm | ABC News

  1. I bet Rubicon Isn’t government funded! It makes too much sense!

  2. Hes marry ? To a metereologisr ? No chances ! 😂 Just kitting ! Hats off 🎩to all of his team and to our all our Military Family ! From a proud, proud Army Mom !!! 🙋 🇺🇸

  3. The money spent on rescue teams, if people choose to not evacuate they should ride the storm out rather expect some personalize taxi when the water is 12’ deep. If people knew they were really on their own more people would evacuate. Don’t leave it to taxpayers to bail them out

  4. Um… how’d that nuclear bomb and shooting the hurricane go for you?

  5. God bless Rubicon team and to you Mr wood😇 💚

  6. THANK YOU 🙏🏼 MILITARY VETERANS 💜❤️💚💜🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌺🌺🌺🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

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