Republicans go on the offensive in impeachment probe l ABC News

Republicans go on the offensive in impeachment probe l ABC News

Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., says Democrats are cherry picking words to distract the public from the truth in the impeachment probe.

Historic public impeachment hearing underway: Live updates and analysis

#ABCNews #Impeachment #Hearings #Trump #Politics #Republicans


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25 thoughts on “Republicans go on the offensive in impeachment probe l ABC News

  1. 2:37 This sad excuse for a journalist changes the subject when her interviewee starts revealing the truth about how corrupt the Democrats really are. And people still won't accept that the media is biased. 🤦‍♂️

  2. I see some comments in the comment section about. A B C covered up for Epstein Fox did the same thing they covered up for Donald Trump when he had kids in cages it's separated them from their parents screw Epstein and screw Donald Trump

  3. The best defense is a good offense. My deepest sympathies to the American People for having to witness this fight for power and greed by the Republicans. No interest in the Truth or what is Right – just determined to maintain control. Shocking to witness! The EVILgelicals that support this administration are also desperate for power and control. Shame on them ALL!

  4. The real news here is the democrats have been trying to impeach trump before he was sworn in. We are watching special interest groups attempting to hijack the office of the presidency. This is the new american democracy.
    If you arent aware of this , President Eisenhower predicted 50 years ago that the military complex (big business) was the biggest threat to our democracy. And that is EXACTLY what has happened. There is no coincidence that all of the million dollar donations to the clinton foundation have ceased since she lost the presidency. There is no coincidence that politicians run on a platform of healthcare reform and after they are elected, nothing happens to healthcare reform but the politicians somehow become a millionaire. Special interest groups (business lobby) own Washington and they want trump gone because he is bad for profits. Trump is NOT a politician. He has NEVER been a politician. He is a businessman who has the best interest of THE PEOPLE in mind. Big business wants Trump out because they can’t buy him.

  5. How many officials of Trump's Administration does it take to screw in a light bulb?


    One to deny that a light bulb needs to be changed.

    One to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs

    to be changed.

    Trump to blame Clinton for burning out the light bulb.

    Trump to tell the nations of the world that they are either "for"

    changing the light bulb or "for" darkness.

    One to give a billion dollar no-bid contract for the

    new light bulb.

    One to deny there was ever a light bulb.

    One to arrange a photograph of Trump, dressed as a janitor, standing

    on a step ladder under the banner: "Light Bulb Change Accomplished".

    One administration insider to resign and write a book documenting

    in detail how Trump was literally in the dark.

    Trump to viciously smear the others.

    That Russian guy.

    One to say:"But what about those missing light bulbs?"?

    Trump to campaign at rallies on how he had

    a strong light-bulb-changing policy all along.

    One that’s going to steal the light bulb.

    Trump to confuse Americans about the difference between screwing

    a light bulb and screwing the country.

  6. If the trumpy wanted the American people to hear the whole story, why won't he allow those subpoened to testify? Due process occurs at The Trial not during interviewing of witnesses. But of course the republicans see loss of power and from there loss of profit. The funds were released after the investigation started so no Ukraine didn't have to do anything. The Democrats stepped in first by investigating the whistle blower's allegations. It took another vote from congress to re-release the funds since the original timeframe passed.

  7. Lol what else can GOP do except argue everything other than what dump did was bribery and extortion. Let them dig their own political graves and show the public their hypocrisy on live TV

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