Republicans decry committee investigating Jan. 6 riot

Republicans decry committee investigating Jan. 6 riot

Republican Rep. Jody Hice gives his perspective on the investigation and the questions he says should be asked.

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49 thoughts on “Republicans decry committee investigating Jan. 6 riot

  1. that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing

  2. Oh, look, more looters (for which there is “no evidence”) being wholeheartedly APPROVED by the Soviet Democrat Party in the cities they run (into the ground) so long as riots don’t break into the capital… “RIOTING GOOD!” 😉

  3. Pelosi should call their bluff & give the ReThuglicans what they keep saying they want and have an investigation into the 2020 Summer Protests, so the truth will come about who the real instigators of the violence and destruction were and just watch them change their tune!

  4. I'm hoping this committee exposes which republicans, including Donald Trump, were involved in the organization of this riot – and gets them locked up! Lock him up!

  5. Poor little snowflakes. Losers. I swear, the thin blue line crown is pathetic. Trump supporters look stupid. they lie to themselves and think no one notices. How dumb are they? Derp derp we rejected a joint committee and now we will pretend they are screwing us when we walked. So damn pathetic.

  6. This dude is the damn embarrassment, he says it's one sided, that's because Republicans wanted it that way or they were gonna sabotage it anyway with Jim Jordan.
    REPUBLICANS are a damn joke and they think Americans are stupid. Only dumb racist trumpers fall for stupidity and lies.
    He says we need answers, what?, didn't he listen to what the officers had to say?
    NO!! Cause he don't care, he'd rather blame pelosi and call her a sham, how pathetic and predictable.
    Bottom line is Republicans are full of s*** and now they're scared, they're trying to do and say everything they can to scare people into believing the lies,
    But I'll tell you something, it won't work, Americans are smarter than that and the true Americans out vote trumpers always, there are not enough of you trumpers to stop us even with the electoral college or the 60 vote filibuster, now put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  7. republicans 💩🤡🤡🤢Charge them all with sedition.. take their guns ,money, homes….thow their ass in jail.

  8. Perhaps we should put all the politicians who are decrying the January 6 riot into the same clothes the police officers had on that day and then get a gang of violent people to put them through the experiences the officers went through. As for the intelligence, where was Donald Trump? He had that same information in advance and instead of acting in a way that would prepare the police for problems he instead chose to stir the pot with his unproven retoric.

  9. It’s a sad day when the GOP, Benghazi committee insurrectionists, spin the narrative to attempt a coup and want no one to investigate the worst President EVER!! These people are inhumane beings with little to no conscience of morality and only love to enrich their power.

  10. Investigating and requesting accounts from a list of witnesses has to start somewhere… just because witnesses aren't the first to be interviewed does NOT mean they are not going to be called as we work through the large list. Short-sighted commentary!

  11. 14 cities including Portland, Oregon had a year of democrat endorsed riots…."where does it say protests have to be peaceful". Investigate them too. They stoked flames for a year, and no one said shxx. Lying dems. Liars.

  12. The only person MURDERD on Jan 6th was Ashley Babbitt "BY A CAPITAL POLICEOFFICER" – Lieutenant Michael Byrd murdered Ashley Babbitt! Lieutenant Michael Byrd is a "MURDERER"

  13. Blame Pelosi for the stop the steal 🤣🤣🤣🤣 F**** stupid Republicans

  14. Millions of American patriots feel the same. This was a false flag event. Investigate Nancy Pelosi, who deliberately refused additional security, and Capitol police who opened the doors and welcomed people in – including FBI plants inserted to encourage this.

  15. He sound like Drumb,the con of the con😂😂😂 Can't sleep last night ha 😂😂

  16. If we just obfuscate all of reality, it will go away. Disinformation is key. We just need more propaganda. Give us a new conspiracy theory, Donnie. Manipulating the nation will surely make America great again. We can do this, Donnie. Believe me.

  17. As a British Citizen I am confused did the Democrats not offer a BiPartisan Commission to the Republicans which they rejected? They are now complaining that the Select Committee is one sided. If it is one sided that would appear to be because of the decisions of the Republicans.

    Having listened to some of the evidence of the officers who gave evidence the Republican narrative of what happened on January 6 is of questionable veracity.

  18. This congressman is the sham. There r 2 repubs on the committee. And this is after u & ur colleges rejected the sp invest. Still obstructing, still not in reality, u should be ashamed!!!

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