Reps. Omar and Tlaib fight back against Israel, Trump l ABC News

Reps. Omar and Tlaib fight back against Israel, Trump l ABC News

Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar called on their congressional colleagues to visit Israel despite the country’s decision to ban the two of them.

#ABCNews #RashidaTlaib #IlhanOmar #Israel


34 thoughts on “Reps. Omar and Tlaib fight back against Israel, Trump l ABC News

  1. These Muslim woman both hated the president of the USA and Israel… Sounds like HAMAS and IRAN who want death to both these men…

  2. Drop dead Tashib, Omar, and all the other anti-Semitic, racist, and anti American skanks. I don’t see any chains or ropes restricting your movement, so get on a plane and head back to the cesspool you call utopia.

  3. Hey I need some cash for a babysitter. I’m also quitting my job to run for public office and I need a salary too!
    Epstein didn’t kill himself and we want to see the video from 3 years ago!

  4. You nasty ass b** you will never be considered an American and knew neither will that Somalian b** be considered an American get your asses out of Congress you don't deserve to be there if not the people will take you out of there

  5. Talib is worthless lib scumbag. It’s time this trash be removed.

  6. Hey ABC News!
    why don't you report the murder of ILHAN OMARS boyfriends wife's look alike out in front of her own apartment building while walking a dog that looked very similar to dr. Beth MYNETTS dog!??!!!!….BY AN ISLAMIC NATIONAL?!!!

    Would that be too much like factual news reporting for you to handle?

    Getting too close to the truth for you people to be able to report?

  7. DR. Beth mynetts look alike was murdered while walking a dog that looked like dr. Mynetts by an Islamic national.

    Ilhan Omar's (aka:) NUR SAID'S new
    boyfriend is Dr Beth MYNETTS HUSBAND!!!

    Dr. Beth mynett recently filed for divorce alleging that the affair between ilhan Omar and her husband is why she's asking for a divorce

  8. Oh look, I'm crying about my grandmother that I care nothing about, only Grand standing… Yasser Arafat present day…. it's an old movie lady.
    How is Grandma by the way 😂😂

  9. Our new names for the incumbents. Rashida Tlaiban, AKA Gargoyle Face alternately Monolithic Countenance and ultimately, the most repulsive female specimen of the human genus; second to Ill-Willed OMAR, The other, Biblical-clad specimen. Wearing that funny headdress that reminds some of us of Chiquita Banana, ready to dance the conga, or sing some Latin Salsa..!
    That last one is cutely symmetrical. Nearly perverse.
    How sad. Their bloody ideologies and disgustingly anti American track record, has sentenced them to the most incessant, pernicious hatred, with utmost contempt, that any two female specimens of the human genus, can muster..!
    We pray fervently each day, that they simply disappear from our pathetic existence…
    Just Brain Droppings.
    We can all dream..! Can't we..?

  10. What's to stop congress from removing these haters from congress
    They are anti AMERICAN anti ISRAEL they pretty much hate everything we're about so I say horse whip em and run um out of town on a rail to the airport on a 1 way trip to Iran or somewhere else

  11. I don't give 2 hoots about Omar's so called 'anti-Semitism'… What is important is that Omar broke American laws:  There is evidence that Rep Omar may have committed the following crimes: perjury immigration fraud, federal tax fraud marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud and student loan fraud. Americans deserve to know if Rep. Omar is guilty. Sign now to support and investigation into her!

  12. Ocasio can leave isreal alone we hate all four congresswoman and wish they were not here send them and pelosi out of our white house Democrats are ass wholes we the people hate all of them they don't go by the law at all so media liberals make us sick there will be a wat if they aren't out.

  13. Isreal has a right to let in their country it's their law so Omar I hope they kick her out we the people love isreal and Omar can leave them alone so president Trump we have to fight for isreal and America that we love

  14. Tlaib and Omar can go back where she came from ,all four of them Congress woman can go to hell I hope isreal will not listen to none of them they are illegal fraud Omar married her brother.and was arrested at a protest so the four bitches have to go with pelosi now fight them hard president trump.they don't belong there in our white house close the border wall close the border wall.

  15. ABC just gave themselves a bad name. These two are "fighting back" against Israel?? Poor babies, did Israel hurt their feelings by denying their right to terrorize and dismantle the country?

  16. They have there own anti-Israel agenda!!!!!🐍.

  17. Trump didn't forse sht he basically said it would be a good idea. Those 2 are a disgrace to people kind and all of them in the squad need to be caned and sent to getmo

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