Rep. Veronica Escobar speaks on Texas school mass shooting

Rep. Veronica Escobar speaks on Texas school mass shooting

Democrat Veronica Escobar said Republicans are beholden to the NRA and it will be up to voters to demand gun reform.

#VeronicaEscobar #NRA #gunreform


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32 thoughts on “Rep. Veronica Escobar speaks on Texas school mass shooting

  1. i dont like when they say they want to ban guns because lets be real, if someone wanted to get a gun they could get it even if it were illegal, we need to identify these type of kids and stop thinking that there attitudes will change because it wont, if they are killing animals they will kill a human eventually

  2. The problem in country you have a very lousy Law in implementation of gun law any one can buy like buying a candy in a store. Look how many already die but poor action of the government 👎👎👎👎👎

  3. They cannot put everyone that has a gun or wants one in some therapeutic ward to stabilize or evaluate their mental health, so they can keep a gun or go buy one. To make sense of it all do all your testing and evaluation on those that will become guards and teachers that can carry and protect the schools. Stupid is as stupid does and protecting the schools by making new laws is really really stupid to a mental health person that has killing on their mind.

  4. This democrat women is as stupid as they get just spewing more fear and propaganda about gun laws.. Laws are not going to stop a shooter… Even making laws to fully take guns will not stop a shooter from getting a gun in this country… You can take millions away but there are millions that will never be taken.. If it is not this kid it will be someone else and they can get a gun.. This country is now so full of guns that no law no taking of guns will stop these from an unprotected school or location with just a sign saying NO GUNS ON THE PREMISSIS, NOT ALLOWED. These politicians are either stupid or they know what they are doing to get control of the people as they take control of America. We have no protection from foreign invasion as well. If Fentanyl, heroin and other drugs are illegal by law and it is being transported in by the ton to kill kids do these idiotic people, like this women really thing make more laws is going to change anything… GET SMART HIRE SECURITY WITH GUNS TO PROTECT THE SCHOOLS.

  5. There's money behind all this. It's the only thing that matters to certain politicians. Weapon manufacturers need to sell their products. It's a big business and government officials are part of that business. People are not important, money and power are.

  6. Let's Put the Blame here where it 100 percent Belongs. Corrupt Politicians Corrupt Government Corrupt America!! Defund the Government!!!!!
    Maybe if y'all Greedy Asses would give out Proper Healthcare especially Mental Services this wouldn't happen!! But y'all go ahead and protect Banks and American Money over our children!! And Send Millions and Billions to other Countries… are all you Voters that Stupid and Blind!!! Jesus!!

  7. SUCH HYPOCRISY FROM REPUBLICANS. Kids being murdered by guns is ok but abortion is wrong. Why??? Oh yeah!! Cuz they get paid by pro gun organizations to let this keep happening. If abortion clinics paid them they’d be ok with abortion.

  8. We need better security in our public schools I noticed an observation that the most expensive schools for the rich you don't see this happening and it's because not the way they were raised or their education but the system they are using should be used also in our public schools

  9. After syncretizing with the GOP for decades, evangelicals stopped worshipping God and started worshipping Power.
    The Gun is the physical extension of their God.
    As news of the mass shooting spread, Republicans and Evangelicals everywhere, all at once, came

    out in support of the Gun.

  10. So the right to bear arms has taken a wrong direction in our generation. I believe laws have to change because unfortunately guns are in the wrong hands of people who are mentally Disturbed also social media has a big roll on this and copycats that they believe they will go down in history as immortals so my question is to the feds and the government what are you going to do about this situation are innocent children are paying the price in the public schools

  11. This is just heartbreaking!!! I mean babies!!! It doesn’t make sense!!! I absolutely agree Ted Cruz stated it’s important for Texans to have guns. So, now will the gun dealers be responsible for the deaths of innocent people. Everyone involved should be responsible for the death of these babies.

  12. Thank you Madame Escobar for your eloquent comments about what can be done in the Texas legislature and about this avoidable tragedy. Political members should be meeting personally with the school community when the time is right for a real view and sense of the impacts of policy decisions. 'Gun ownership and possession for responsible and mentally stable gun owners.'

  13. I dont understand what people are all up in arms about this is what we do, we kill kids in America that's our right. We need these military weapons so we can kill A large amount of them at 1 time. That's why I vote to overturn Roe v wade because we can't kill them if we don't have them( This message was sponsored by the NRA) vote Republican

  14. 5/25/2022

    My heart is broken every time
    My eyes see injustice around the
    🌎 world. The shooting started around 11:32 a.m., Arredondo said.
    The Uvalde school district reported an active shooter on Twitter at 12:17 p.m
    The gunman shot his grandmother before the shooting at the school, Gutierrez told CNN. The grandmother was airlifted to San Antonio and was “still holding on” Tuesday evening, according to information given to Gutierrez by the Texas Rangers.


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