Rep. John Lewis memorial LIVE: Civil Rights leader makes his final crossing of Edmund Pettus Bridge

Rep. John Lewis memorial LIVE: Civil Rights leader makes his final crossing of Edmund Pettus Bridge

#JohnLewis #GoodTrouble #Selma

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44 thoughts on “Rep. John Lewis memorial LIVE: Civil Rights leader makes his final crossing of Edmund Pettus Bridge

  1. what sick disgusting pathetic racists that come here to make horrible comments. You are sad individuals who accomplished nothing in your lives. This man is a hero. An amazing man! You will never reach his heights and that must make you so sad.

  2. Makes me laugh, these folks on here trashing Mr Lewis YET they watched his procession and commented. Dude was THAT important!!! Rest in peace brother lewis. The good people u left behind got this from here

  3. Merci Beaucoup, Congressman John Robert Lewis Forever & A Day🌅🗽🌉💝💝💝💝🎆🎈🎁🎄🎐

  4. I know this sounds bad but all the time and money and media coverage spent on this and nothing to change a damn thing.
    Unfortunately they need to bring him back to life to yell at everybody more because it appears no one learned a thing from his example.

  5. Why are there no protestors with signs saying " no good cops, no bad protestors" as Senator Lewis is being escorted by the police to the capital rotunda?

  6. I’m only asking a simple question. As an elected official. What has John Lewis passed to help the black community. Nobody can give me an answer

  7. You can't have a funeral for a loved one or attend mass, but if you are a lib congressman, you get like a 3 state week long funeral. Its infuriating

  8. Our loss is Heavens gain! What a wonderful man Mr. Lewis was! "The Conscience of Congress" Mr. Lewis sir you will be missed by countless people! I would have loved to have met you! What a legacy he leaves behind! We need more people like Mr. John Lewis in this cold world today!

  9. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😿😿😿😢😢

  10. Thank you for the Good Trouble. I watch your movie last week and it was great actually. Good story 👍

  11. Those damn democrats and their slavery and kkk. God bless Lincoln, and our President who cares about America and all American's. Unlike China Joe and Iran Obama. Only an ignorant citizen of the United States would vote democrap.

  12. I hate how these media outlets keep saying he made his FINAL CROSSING across the Edmund Pettus Bridge. What they need to be saying is this was his last crossing in the flesh. HE WILL ALWAYS BE CROSSING THAT BRIDGE IN SPIRIT and let me tell you this, WHEN THEY RENAME THAT BRIDGE IN HIS HONOR his JOURNEY WILL BE COMPLETE so this is NOT his FINAL CROSSING.

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