Rep. Joe Cunningham, D-S.C., urged his colleagues to come together and offered a toast “in the spirit of bipartisanship” by cracking open a beer during his farewell speech on the House floor.
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#JoeCunningham #HouseFloor #NBCNews
Rep. Joe Cunningham Cracks Open A Beer During Farewell Speech On House Floor | NBC News NOW
Cunningham for govener
Two of them clapped. I don't think they agree. Lol
What a chad
Im gonna do this when i leave my job
Cool Old English 800
Me, but on my first day, not my last.
The 3 people watching C-SPAN sure got a real show
24 grade qစက္ေက်ာင္း မရွá€ÂÂÂေသးဘူး ဒီမွာ အင္ကုလá€ÂÂÂမာလ ကူညီေပးပါ အာလံုးစာအုပ္á€ÂÂÂစ္အုပ္ ေရá€ÂÂÂစ္လံုး ေá€â€ÂÂá€ÂÂÂစ္လံုး လပ္ေá€â€ÂÂá€ÂÂÂစ္လံုး á€â€ÂÂွစ္စက္ေလး ဘာ သာ စရာပ်ေလ ဘယ္သူ ေအာ္ အယ္ á€ÂÂÂá€ÂÂÂာ á€â€ÂÂွင့္ သá€ÂÂÂလာ မသá€ÂÂÂဘူး ေရးျပီး အင္ကုလá€ÂÂÂမာ လ သံုးေလး á€ÂÂÂ်ဴပ္ ေá€â€ÂÂာ္အင္ကုလá€ÂÂÂမာလေဒášလာ စားေရး စစ္á€ÂÂÂပ္
မွá€ÂÂÂ္ á€ÂÂÂင္ ဖá€ÂÂÂá€ÂÂÂ္ေá€ÂÂÂášေရး ကံုပါျပီး ေအး ေဆး ကံုá€â€ÂÂယ္ အရာရာျပည္စ ေရး စက္ေပး သူမွá€ÂÂÂ္ á€ÂÂÂူá€ÂÂÂူေအး ရပါမည္ စကာျပá€â€ÂÂ္ အင္ကုလá€ÂÂÂမာ လ စဆံုး လမ္းမ သြား လာ သူ မ်ား ေရးေပးပါ စစ္ ေအးရာ ဧရá€ÂÂÂယာ ကံု ပါ ေဒáÂÂÂÅ¡ á€â€ÂÂွုá€ÂÂÂ္ ထြမ္း ေá€ÂÂÂါ ဖá€ÂÂÂá€ÂÂÂ္က်ား ေရး ေအာ္ မá€ÂÂÂá€â€ÂÂ္လႊá€ÂÂÂ္ေá€ÂÂÂာ္
စာ အမá€ÂÂÂá€â€ÂÂ့္ á€ÂÂÂူ á€ÂÂÂံစá€ÂÂÂုင္း အေမရá€ÂÂÂကာ အင္ကုလá€ÂÂÂမာ လ ဒလက္ မွာပါ ကား ကံု အက္စစ္ ဒလည့္ ထည့္ ကားေမာင္း မွá€ÂÂÂ္ သြား သူ á€ÂÂÂá€ÂÂÂ္သá€ÂÂÂု့ ေရး မွá€ÂÂÂ္ေကာင္း သည္ အရာရာ ျပည္ ျဖည့္ စြဲ ရပ္လပ္ ကြပ္လပ္_________¥¥…}•…€•
Dear American people ! I am the best veteran of the armed forces of HCM city, by vote. I always wonder :The American founders always insisted that no country can invade or defeat America. Yes. The US military force is number 1 in the world. Yes.The advanced American science and technology is number 1 in the word. Yes.The richest country and also is the promised land for the people of the world.Yes. But it is possible to buy America with money, girls and power.Yes. This is America's weakest point ,America's Achilles heel."Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom "President Hồ ChàMinh taught .The Vietnamese people have never been subdued .Will the America people be subdued ?
How about sit down and have tea and smoke some weed?…. don't promote alcohol….it's evil.
Doesn't know the difference between a glass and a can?
Shout out to kavanaugh?
democrats drink on the job. What a surprise
I just came for the beer
whf he just opened a beer no no its no bro beer time its serious time that was not cool. he should be let go whf so anyone can just open a beer a maybe drink it anywhere were does he get off that its right. he should be spanked hard to show no good college bros/ braws that isent ok
Takes a repubican to say it…just sayin.
Was that an American beer?
If you can only work with others drinking beer… you are a poor soul
Yeay alcohol! The best of driving, homicide, Fetal alcohol syndrome, mental & physical health problems, Matt Gaetz, MADD, & that drunk Supreme Court guy (what's his name? Squee?) Too bad reparations in the S.E. will always take a back seat to drunk pasty white guys.
Let's Go Have A Beer, That's What Exactly Needs To Happen, Nice That Was The Best To See, That's Good One Bro…
Pelosi loved this! She knows a lot about alcohol
Proverbs 25:21
If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he be thirsty, give him water to drink:
Bro'. . .you can afford Beer???
That isn't something you see everyday at an 80's Philadelphia Eagles game in Austin, Texas though?
The naive thoughts of man thats about to get played by a bunch corruplicans . You really work with the party thats actively committing treason ?
they drink liquor
ðŸÂ»It's time!ðŸÂ»
nkľb bvcvcvbvbvvbv vcbb n b nnnv
Cheers brotha were America dammit time to work together as 1 nation under GOD.
Joe Sixpack ðŸÂ»🤣
Americans need to update their language. Bipartisan should be buy-partisan.
Maybe they have already. My buy-partisan didn't get a spell-check line underneath it.
That would be me LOL 😂 FK IT
No way ! This man is crazy ?
Mitch McConnell he's the worst thing that I'm an American can have he's like Donald Trump Hitler
Now where did he get that mask ðŸ¤â€ÂÂ
Does he think he's at a Fraternity house party?
Why a beer ðŸÂº?
I want to use this opportunity to thank the great prophet for restoring back my home when i taught all hope was lost. Ex lover left for another woman and i met this great spell caster online call Dr phoka and i explain my situation to him, after 2 days my ex lover came back to me and now we are happy together You can contact this great man for any kind of spiritual work at email: drotuseomtuo@gmail. or WhatsApp him on +2347026580288
Was that a COORS beer? Of course it was a Coors beer look at who opened it