Rep. Colin Allred: US shouldn’t sanction Russia preemptively if Europe won’t – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Linsey Davis speaks with Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, who says the United States’ European allies do not agree with American senators’ push for preemptive sanction against Russia.


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Rep. Colin Allred: US shouldn’t sanction Russia preemptively if Europe won’t”
  1. President Vlad says he HAS NOT DECIDED WHEN TO ASK HIS SECRETARY to draft a letter asking his lawmakers permission to send troops from Russian Federation into Ukraine. Lawmakers of the Russian Federation say on condition of anonymousity to some western reporters in privacy in local cafes and bars that they will not give Vlad permission to invade Ukraine. In fact, the Russian constitution is copied from the western constitutions followed by the west and the rest of the world. Vlad needs TWO – THIRDS of yes – votes from his lawmakers sitting in their parliament or Senate. It is nearly impossible for Vlad to get two-third majority yes – votes to invasion approval with 67 percent votes. Another 30,000 American troops could be sent to the border with Mexico. Sending troops to the border countries with Ukraine is acceptable. FOR REACTIONS (or sanctions) from the west, there has to be military action on the Ukrainian border with Russian Federation. ** For military exercises, it is easy for both Vlad and President Brandon ( not even 51percent vote approval) to order to conduct exercises without lawmaker approval. Military exercises both in America and the Russian federation may start exercises easily, without opposition to the proposal. Getting two-third approval from lawmakers is next to impossible, especially the invasion of a Slavic Orthodox neighbor with a similar Cyrillic language and people. Lviv City ww2 was a German built city about 250 miles south-east of Warsaw. (as indicated on googled search) Bride seekers from America say, "This city looks German." THE MISTAKE OF Soviet government of Stalin WAS TO GIVE mixed population city of LVIV CITY (LEMBERG) on the western end of Ukraine from Poland to Ukraine. Ever since, every time a member of the deep State or an American bride – seeker visits Lviv city, they say,"Ukrainians and Germans must be the same people. Lviv looks German. I will ask Brandon to invest in Ukraine." All economies of East Europe in 1989 or 1992 were in shambles after overthrow of communism. Commie officials wouldn't even tell new democratic officials of East

    europe including Russian Fed how to open a submarine entry hatch. No one (no local leaders) of East Europe, except Poland forming new governments knew what to do. So, without an invasion,any sanctions may not be in order.

  2. If US Citizens missed the Memo,
    Putin is presenting defensive troops against NATO Defender Europe.
    The US hype seems intended to produce Sanctions to drive
    the Russians from the Heating Fuel Business in Europe.
    The problem is that Russia seems unable to live up to the Hype
    the US State Department is selling?
    It gets difficult to take over EU business deals lately?
    The Emir from Qatar came over expecting a party to celebrate
    the opening of the EU markets to some nations like the US…..
    The US just has difficulty getting their way today?
    How about a Condi Rice bake sale, with Yellow Cake?

  3. Top politicians throw tantrums .
    Rally there citizens to fight for them. "We Are Right"
    They are all spoiled impechlent children who were never thought the world NO! & Or
    Smacked on the A$$!

  4. Since 7years I have been sick of herpes virus, after I meant Dr OSABA on YouTube i bought some herbal medicine from Dr which cured my herpes virus completely.

  5. Sanctions should have already been leveled in response to Russia's direct military action of threatening eastern Europe. Why is invasion the only actionable threat? They do more damage now.


    Sun: "Hotter"
    Sugar: "Sweeter"
    Joonie: "Cooler"
    Yoongi: "Butter"

    Son unos de los mejores conciertos
    , no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente

  7. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you."
             -Psalm 50 : 15

  8. The philosophy of the rich and the poor is this: the rich invest their money and spend what is left. The poor spend their money and invest what is left.”

  9. Why is the military taking advice from Biden? They don’t HAVE to… they’re CHOOSING to… kinda messed up boys… kinda messed up…

  10. NHK reported that the Japanese F-15 fighter jet, which was training in East Sea, disappeared from radar on the evening of June 31.On the other hand, the U.S. State Department said, "Korea has excellent maneuvering capabilities to land its fuselage, but Japan's Self-Defense Forces such as the F-35, F5 and F-15 are unreliable countries that provide fighter information to China and Russia."He also said, "We cannot intercept North Korea's missiles with such reckless maneuvering," adding, "We will reconsider the sale of fighter jets."

  11. 1941年12月7日日曜日、日本帝国は米海軍軍艦が停泊しているハワイの真珠湾基地を目標に計画された、奇襲攻撃数万人の米軍の命を奪った。マッカーサー将軍は、米国の英雄や日本にとっては敵である。日本は今も過去史を否定、歪曲しながら長崎、広島原爆投下に対して米国の反省と補償を求めている。

  12. isn't sanctioning russia before they do the thing you don't want kinda blowing your leverage if they actually go through with it? what will you do to actually respond if you already did sanctions? war with a nuclear power?

  13. This is the worst administration in living memory, so to get themselves out of the sh1t. War is the answer, this will get them votes, these low life , useless , fraudulent democrats. Mark my words, this is not going to end well. The nation is wide awake !!

  14. After Zelensky said the best approach for the media and US government was to de-escalate and let them handle the situation, no one is listening.
    Everyone has a better idea than the players themselves…
    Democrats suffer “The overconfidence effect “.

  15. After Zelensky said the best approach for the media and US government was to de-escalate and let them handle the situation, no one is listening.
    Everyone has a better idea than the players themselves…
    Democrats suffer “The overconfidence effect “.

  16. After Zelensky said the best approach for the media and US government was to de-escalate and let them handle the situation, no one is listening.
    Everyone has a better idea than the players themselves…
    Democrats suffer “The overconfidence effect “.

  17. Zelensky has his head in the sand, he hasn't even started mobilizing the military reserve. The majority of the Ukrainian reserve forces requires some type of training prior to being mobilized.

  18. After Zelensky said the best approach for the media and US government was to de-escalate and let them handle the situation, no one is listening.
    Everyone has a better idea than the players themselves…
    Democrats suffer “The overconfidence effect “.

  19. Were there an invasion? Is there an invasion? Will there be an invasion? No. But there's massive brainwashing to justify US agression, which is in full swing for 2 months now.

  20. Everyone please don't let this moment pass please make the best decision of your life right now by allowing our God in heaven to come into your life by you praying to God everyday for his help in every decision of your life everyday and in every situation of your life everyday for I guarantee if you do this everyday then your life will get better, you will have more peace, you will be more successful, you will have more happiness, and all your dreams will come true that’s because when you pray to God then God will make all good things possible for you and you must not forget to read the “Holy Bible” everyday and a great place for you to start in the holy Bible is (Psalms 1) and everyday after that read a chapter in Psalms till you finish all the chapters in Psalms then after that start on (Proverbs 1) then everyday after that read a chapter in Proverbs till you finish all the chapters in Proverbs and after that read every chapter of the Holy Bible until you finish it for it will change your life in the most amazing way

  21. Democrats and Republicans alike inherently come from the wealthy ruling class due to the economic barriers that come with running for office. The wealthy ruling class along with their corporations fund their campaigns. The largest corporations ensure policies that are in their interests are passed by funding both sides. All of these politicians preach about how they will help the middle class and some of them even try and paint themselves as one of us. They do not relate to the struggles of working class people because they are incapable of doing so. They do not represent you, and they never have. They represent their own interests and that of their donors, other wealthy elites. Their interests are in direct conflict with your interests. They obtain more wealth and power by taking it from you. They earn more by keeping your wages low and prices high. Do you really think they have your interests in mind? This is a dictatorship of the wealthy ruling elite void of true democracy regardless of the security of an election. You're too caught up arguing with who you perceive as the opposing party to realize that you're doing the work of crippling any chance you may have to actually change things for them.

    Liberal Democracy = Dictatorship of the Wealthy Elite
    One person, one vote is now one dollar, one vote

  22. USA wants to control everything from middle East to indian oversean to Europe to Africa only South Americans are left
    They should not enter in every case
    Let Ukraine and Russia have bilateral talks

  23. After Zelensky said the best approach for the media and US government was to de-escalate and let them handle the situation, no one is listening.
    Everyone has a better idea than the players themselves…
    Democrats suffer “The overconfidence effect “.

  24. America has been at war for 81 years and bombed 32 countries since WWII that includes 14 Muslim countries.

    WTF – There are 2.5 million American military personnel (64,112 troops) permanently stationed across Europe.

    Biden says he'll use 340,000 (8,500 troops) for Ukraine. 1999 James Bond oil pipeline movie 'The World is not enough'.


  25. Will Ukraine be the 33rd country since WWII that America has bombed in the 'Name of Peace'?

    Afghanistan, Bosnia, Cambodia, China, Congo, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Grenada,

    Guatemala, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Palestine,

    Panama, Peru, Serbia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, (Ukraine?), Vietnam, Yemen, Yugoslavia.

  26. Afghanistan was American weapons versus Russian weapons.

    American and Russian arms and drug dealers became billionaires. Afghans died.

    Ukraine is American and UK weapons versus Russian weapons.

    American, British and Russian arms dealers and oil companies become bigger billionaires. Ukrainians die.

  27. isn't sanctioning russia before they do the thing you don't want kinda blowing your leverage if they actually go through with it? what will you do to actually respond if you already did sanctions? war with a nuclear power?

  28. Thanks to YouTube and the internet now we have access to media information and also to obtain information from independent journalist, and be more inform of what is going on in the world. Like USA wants to stop Russia to sell gas form its north stream 2 pipe line, so they can sell only its own gas in Europe, the only problem here is they use the American's money to finance their weapons and also they use the Army that does not protect the best interest of the Americans, but their own interest and also they sent troop they call heroes but these people only are fighting for the top group of criminals.. etc. etc. etc.

  29. If you preemptively sanction them you don't have anything left. Under no circumstances can the U.S. afford to fight a ground war in Ukraine, posturing like were going to do something more once we pull the trigger on economic sanctions would be an empty bluff

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