Remembering those killed on 9/11 from Ground Zero l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Biden will be on hand for part of the ceremony at the World Trade Center site.

#ABCNews #September11 #NeverForget #GroundZero


By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “Remembering those killed on 9/11 from Ground Zero l GMA”
  1. For the first time in 20 years the president of the United States is taking sides with the taliban supporting them while giving the finger to Americans !!

  2. i remember that day i was in…what i think 8th U.S. grade or equivalent, remember my first class of the day, Geography and the teacher just mentioned us that something incredidible and unheard just happened in the united states and that if we believe in god, we must pray for all the people in the united states and the rest of the world cause this thing that just happen might star a wolrd war, that's what she said, at the time no one in my school has have a cell phone and that school doesn't has a room teachers or alike and none of them wanted to tell us what the incident was, so when i came back home i can watched the real magnitude of the disaster, all that day the for the next two days the only thing you can watch on tv was news reports about it, I can´t believe 20 years just happened and still everytime i heard the calls of the persons farewell to their love ones breaks my hearth and bright me to tears. i have in highly esteeme the american people and all the good americans, so of course we share your pain and we back you up in the fight for freedom.

  3. What happened on the 9/11?
    The tween tawers that were made to with stand heavy winds were hit with tow small airplanes the security aircraft of USA allowed it to happen if not show any missed missal and they didn't drop on any angle they came straight down the airplane black boxes were missing anyone who had the footage among the public whet missing so why blame Muslims, Taliban or Arabs it was the government of USA wanted war with Muslims and they wanted to demonise Muslim.

  4. People will NEVER Know why this happened because the u.s government will never tell the truth why this happened since they were behind it and keeps lying to their citizens for 20 years now.

  5. 請記住:法輪大法好,真善忍好;並且三退。

  6. On 21 June 2001, al-Qaeda issued a warning. “The coming weeks will hold important surprises that will target American and Israeli interests in the world.” (James Bamford, A Pretext for War, 236). Soon after, intelligence agencies noticed a surge in terrorist intercepts including reports of a jihadi kamikaze plane attack on the G-8 summit in Genoa which President George W Bush attended under the cover of missile batteries, closed airspace and fighter patrols later that summer. The State Department issued a “Worldwide Caution” and US military forces throughout the Persian Gulf were placed on a heightened state of alert. The CIA issued a briefing paper for senior Bush officials on 10 July stating, “we believe that [bin Laden] will launch a significant terrorist attack against U.S. and/or Israeli interests in the coming weeks.” Bush was presented with a CIA report as part of the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) on 6 August entitled, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US.” The two-page document warned of an impending al-Qaeda attack (including hijackings) in New York and/or Washington DC:

    "Bin Laden implied in US television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef and “bring the fighting to America.” … Bin Laden told followers he wanted to retaliate in Washington … FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings and other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York." Presidents Daily Brief, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US,” 6 August 2001

    On 9 September 2001, Northern Alliance leader Ahmed Shah Massoud, the Taliban’s arch-enemy in Afghanistan, was assassinated by two al-Qaeda suicide bombers posing as Arab journalists. One of Massoud’s aides informed the CIA of the assassination a few hours later. Bush was briefed of the situation during his PDB the following morning. “I am very worried,” Russian President Vladimir Putin told Bush during a phone conversation later that day. “It makes me think something big is going to happen. They’re getting ready to act.” (Anthony Summers, The Eleventh Day, 358). That afternoon, Bush left Washington aboard Air Force One….

    Waleed Higgins

  7. I was 3rd yr high school that time when it happened and it shocked the entire world.Our school offers prayers for the victims and families affected of the tragedy:(
    LoVe from Philippines

  8. On this day, I remember Ahmad Shah Masood who was assassinated by the terrorists who told us that the worst things are about to happen, that we should help him and he should be listened to, and on this day, I honor and will remember the 75000 Afghan soldiers and 47000 Civilians who died during the 20 years of war – and the 10 civilians killed by our un-intelligent people operating drones on our last day in Afghanistan –

    On this day, I WILL remember that we handed the faith of 39 million more Afghans in the hands of most brutal terrorists – the 9-11 nightmare for us may be over as it has been 20 years since it happened, but the AFGHANS' nightmare just began thanks to us turning our backs to them AGAIN and both times we turned our backs to the Afghans, we empowered the Taliban – hummm.. draw your own conclusions. WE SHALL REMEMBER ALL OUR OWN ACTIONS TOO –

  9. Whoever set demolition devices in WTC-7 had to have the consent of the CIA and US Secret Service who were tenants in that building. Inside Job!

  10. Even biohazard rap metal band kinda predicted the attacks of the towers . Listen their album new world disorder 1999 . Song: new world disorder feat sticky fingaz . They mentioned "ground zero"

  11. I was 14 years old, it was a Tuesday, my 2nd day of freshman year of high school. Everything changed that day and it's never been the same.

  12. Tears of 9/11

    “With the rising of an untamed sun
    With the heat that summer had left
    With the promise of a delicate fall
    September came into town with death toll in hand
    Twin towers as if the Titanic of New York
    Designed not to be perished
    But perished
    Insanity rejoiced on the souls of diminished
    Measuring loss and measuring gains
    Confusion swirled around the created flames
    Like a house of sands
    Twin towers crumbled down to the ground
    Thousands were dead and wounded
    Thousands were crushed and pounded
    Thousands that is, human beings
    Peeled skin hanging from the face
    Blood and tears
    Whispered everywhere
    A man to save his life
    Jumped from the height of death if worth of try
    Mourners were allowed to secretly cry
    Thus, the seduction of slander survived”

    “Where ever goes the burden of blame
    No one was there to stop, no one to defend
    Such are the children of Adam
    Lost and confused
    Love and kindness are the subjects of fools.
    Criminals commit guilt free crimes
    Ignorance and arrogance make the best of rhymes
    There is blood in the river of Tigris
    There is no tear left in mothers’ eyes
    When this world about to be filled with widows and orphans
    When this world about to have no man and love of a man
    When compassion is replaced by compulsion
    When the best is blinded
    When lying is glorifying
    And truth is rejected
    When no human soul could testify
    But Angels are trusted
    When this earth yearns for divine style
    Come Prophet, one more time!”

    Author: Heeya Sharmin. “Beyond the Silver Line.”.

  13. My Heart goes out to all those that we Lost on that tragic day 9/11 you Shall not be Forgotten but Remembered for Generations to Come Rest Easy as Everyday we Mourn we will always cherish the memories you leave behind… Rest Easy 🕊

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