Recapping Day 4 of Derek Chauvin’s trial – Car Mod Pros Portal

Trial attorney Bernarda Villalona discusses the emotional testimony from George Floyd’s girlfriend and the impactful testimony from Chauvin’s former police sergeant.

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By carmodpros


33 thoughts on “Recapping Day 4 of Derek Chauvin’s trial”
  1. Really sad what happened to Floyd. However, I truly believe it’s going to be a hung jury. Both sides are at fault.

  2. How about if someone repeatedly says, “I can’t breathe,” and then dies the cop has to pay $50,000.00 to the family for every recorded time the cop had said, “Relax, Stop resisting, calm down, you’re making this a bigger deal than it has to be.”

  3. Wow the law is corrupted, really this cop defense thinks people are stupid… This guy killed this man and the whole world knows it…. Yes the whole world….. Are legal system is as circus…. How hard was it for an officer to cuff and detain. By all means my comments are not to create anything but really. Cops have guns he had nothing. Cuff his ass and move on… God will handle this pray and be patient….

  4. The George Floyd case shows that the US has the world's worst record for human rights abuses both domestically and internationally.

    The burning, shooting and looting that happened last year wasn't BLM or Antifa. It was thieving Americans from both the left and the right.

    Extremism within the US police and military ranks maybe why US troops have been stationed in Germany since 1945.

    Is the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act being updated in real time from this online trial?

  5. George’s reaction was very abnormal by watching the full clip (either on drug or alcohol and need medical attention) Police should not assume he’s faking it.

  6. Gf is “George Floyd: So Unfortunately No one wants to Focus on this Man (GF) Did Drugs, That this man (GF) had been locked up Many and many of times! That this man (GF) was resenting arrested and not listening to the commands of Not Just One Police Officer but, Several Police Officers!. That No one Noticed that this Man (GF) was saying “I can’t Breathe” before he even got into the Car!.. Has No one noticed or seen the video of him acting very strange in the Store (Cup Foods) before Police encounter?… and Did not No one Notice people in the Streets telling (GF) to STOP Resisting and just get in the car?…
    No, No One!! People are not wanting to really focus on any of that, Just that The White Police Officer Killed a Black Man 🤦🏼‍♀️ WTF is Wrong with some of you PEOPLE???
    Did you know it don’t matter the outcome of if he’s guilty or not now, unfortunately what has happened is a Race war!
    If the police officer gets found Not Guilty, then there’s going to be major Riots, and Killings against Police Officers and City’s will Burn and More monuments will be Knocked down and destroyed and More White People will be attacked and have their stuff vandalized, and Their Children Harmed ect…
    Or if he gets found Guilty, Then Criminals are going to be able to get away with whatever they want Now, Police won’t be able to sudo there subject/suspect, and or won’t want to do to the Criminal Boo boos ect… More White people will be attacked and vandalized Murdered, & Or Harmed!!!
    Are we Not seeing the Picture here?? Cause I’m sure I explained it very Well!…
    To Bad This World is Going to Shiz, and People can’t get the FK along!… STOP THE HUMAN HATE!…… …… …… ……

  7. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

  8. The officer Chauevin did not know if drugs were bought and ingested by George Floyd. I agree with the Lieutenant on the stand ; George Floyd had HANDCUFFS on, officer Chauevin could of treated George like a HUMAN and sat George on the sidewalk , called for A back up POLICE VAN. George had long legs he was unable to sit scrunched up in a caged backseat police SUV.

  9. Cuomo in ny is still responsible for the nursing home deaths as well as folks in …mi nj pa ca that signed same policies and opening up the southern border cures covid variants including china 🔴 and of course stops child trafficking and abuse…enjoy.. Happy Easterâš« MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN 🇺🇸

  10. It’s reasonable doubt. He HAD lethal amounts of drugs in his body. That is the literal definition of reasonable doubt.

  11. America has your back Derek!! Let’s gooooo 🙌🏻

    But why scar need to be formed before one get protection from vaccination? 
    Cos if you injured, blood only can be seen flowing out from the wound for a while before flooded by a clear substance even wound yet to close.

    That because red blood cell have 3 function and one of it, were locking themselves as interlock, when wound were detected, so temporary wall could be formed to block each blood vessel that could reach damaged area unless white blood cells which much smaller, can reach wounded area for repairing work. 

    And why BCG vaccination area usual swell and leave a scar becos white blood cells have function too upon detected weak bacteria entering body as BCG. 
    The method almost same like red blood cells, using interlock system. Just one of those cage, that they made to catch intruder were named Covid-19 by human.

    That mean cages for catching bacteria were round in shape, same like what formed by red blood cells to block blood vessels. 
    Yet the cage for catching virus mean inside is empty and eat up space at arms area since air pocket don't exist like lungs section.
    That also mean cages need to be pushed till skin area or how human body swell at wounded area but due to temporary wall formed by red blood cells. 

    After killing bacteria and cage dismantled or swelling start reducing, the affected tissue and skin would looks abit sunken upon cojoining back, due to prolonged period stretched by the cage and known as scar. 

    No scar? That mean white blood cells never did hunt weak bacteria, injected as BCG. 
    Since human body use alot of bacteria for breaking protein and work as enzyme or what known as good bacteria. Just the problem, one of them named TB after immune system fail to detect them as threat or no scar = no protection..

    And make sure you aware, leukemia were not cancer but red blood dysfunction since it cannot merge as interlock upon detected wound and not only keep jabbing BCG till scar emerged.
    (Google "Danny Woo Vk" in Bing for book of life and topic about pregnant women, that can tell Covid-19 vaccine cannot work against the disease)

  13. Shitty excuses if he was overdosing and having compulsions then they should have called paramedics immediately!!! He killed a man who had a drug addiction, this does not make George floyd less of a human!!

  14. ….. .Welcome to the new world order 🦅 🌎🦅 🦘🌏 🐼🦁🌍.
    ……..🐀 👑🌍….I am the Aztec eagle 🦅🌎🦅 and I here to get you heart 👑🐁❤️🦅 King 🐷❤️ 🦅
    I Am the Aztec 🦅
    They forced
    to practice Roman Catholicism and they invented fantasy heroes for us the Virgin of Guadalupe is actually a genocide

  15. Overdose?? When you overdose on drugs it doesn’t kick in when someone is on your neck for 8 minutes, he should of died in the door if it was a “overdose”

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