Recap of opening statements in Derek Chauvin trial – Car Mod Pros Portal

Opening statements wrap in the trial of Derek Chauvin, who is charged in the death of George Floyd.


By carmodpros


25 thoughts on “Recap of opening statements in Derek Chauvin trial”
  1. Stop hiring retired military people. They are trained to destroy and kill. They killed without apology in the name of defending our country. Now they back home, you give them a gun and authority of the people and called them police officers. They are hired assassins out to kill black people in preserving the so call white only America.

  2. This is nothing but a shamful ack OK. In the would ok. And iam candain OK. We are in the same place ok when it. Comes with racing and the cops ok. Shamful

  3. That's right we don't want something w…. On the street ok we all read no that we matter we need it on paper and two be t… As you would tr…. Any others human ok.

  4. You no that cop and the other cops are just murders OK. Who care if he was on drugs or not ok this got nothing two with OK he had no weaping what's so ever ok. Yes the cops in are would be racist ok and not thick they belive us black got no matter what's so every ok. And they. Are like that it's because the higher up meaning there boss yes the crown lets them go as they are be own the high up its all the highest up doing two. This man yes he's a man and the other men are nothing but murders OK and that's it OK

  5. Chauvin killed him on purpose. That's why he had that arrogant and evil look on his face the entire 9 minutes.

  6. “His hands were behind us back where was he gonna go” y’all mfs realize that his legs still work

  7. The media is biased. They and everyone wants to convit chauvin. But jury must look at totality of facts…, although we can never know true intentions of chauvin only him and God does. But if his intent was not to kill but restrain Floyd then a impartial Jury must look at all evidence and witnesses and only then decide on verdict. In my opinion many people gathering around as spectators and Floyd resisting arrest along with his heart problems, drugs in his system, If someone is saying they can't breathe while they dont want to get arrested is common and police is used to lies and they have to unfortunately use force all of these assisted in his death. Jury has to be honest, impartial and judge by the facts and witnesses are presented to them, but not by media or any partial opinion.

  8. I just read that Derek Chauvin & George Floyd both worked as Security Guards at a nightclub. They knew each other? Are we going to hear that in the trial? It needs to be told. The whole world witnessed a Murder! I'm disgusted with that white cop!

  9. Comments by guests on media make sense. I understand how the black community will say 'I wonder how you just ignore an almost 10 minute snuff film by Chauvin.' Also, I agree that Erik N. actually disrespected most people who saw the film, and the concerned bystanders – who were telling the truth. 'Check his pulse, he's not breathing.' What kind of a country puts on a show in public of a policeman killing a black man? And then allows the man killed to have character assasination (who is death by cop), and evidence about Chauvin is silent, and their working bouncer relationship, and Chauvin's past use of force complaints. My anger is simmering, and my anger concerns why aren't we hearing about the person who is on trial.

  10. Why don;t more people ask the obvious question: even if Chauvin DID kill Floyd, would THAT substantiate all of the property damage, the hundreds of people who were brutally assaulted, and, the many who have died in the riots, in the rioters response to the riots? WOuld it exuse the massive, blatant hatred that is preached and projected by BLM ad ANTIFA, and, those who support them? Also, keep in mind, that the way our justice system works, is that one must PROVE guilt BEYOND a shadow of a doubt. We do not have to prove innocence. If that were the case, there would be 10 times the number of people in prison…think of this logically…it is so WRONG for half of a nation want to lynch a man, a man whom they do not even know, or prove that he DID commit murder, or even be racist in his actions. All of that is mere CONJECTURE, and, not fair to Chauvin.

  11. How come no one is mentioning that big ass elephant in the room and that is the fact that these men knew each other before this event they even work together in a nightclub to do security so that bastard could’ve had malice to kill George Floyd.

  12. He can have in his system they can lie about but it doesn't change the fact that his knee was on the guy's neck until he died now come up with a lie about that

  13. 9 minutes, 29 seconds, that's all the evidents i need, that is why in my 80 years, i've refused to be a f8537n juror. i don't believe in the justice system. andddd,,,… if this so called XXXcop gets off, this will reinforce what I've just stated. you gotta' be a moran to serve on a jury triaL, trials are not truthful. God Bless George Floyd, may his journey into the next relm be friendly and joyous, not at all what he went through on his last day here.

  14. The street police in the USA have been wantonly, willfully, and brutally killing Black people for decades.
    The lies of the police ( which they laughingly refer to as testi-lying) are always taken as being the “absolute truth. “
    Cell phone video cameras have finally moved the scale, ever so slightly, towards justice.

    Unhappily, the crimes against humanity of U. S. governmental agencies are even darker than the slow-kill wanton extermination of their Black population through murder and impure drinking water etc. … For example George Floyd and the city of Flint
    In actuality, the American police are doing on a micro level that which the CIA/DoD are doing on a macro level.
    Allow me to illustrate this example through a fairly recent event.

    Please recall the threat which Ms. Susan Rice, the former National Security Advisor under President Barrack Hussein Obama , made to Snoop Dogg. (Ms Rice is also amongst the first chosen for Biden’s Cabinet. )

    ‘Snoop, back the ** off. You come for @ Gale King, you come against an army. You will lose and it won’t be pretty.’
    Ms. Rice was in the world’s face, speaking LITERALLY and not figuratively!
    Allow me to elaborate.

    The USA has well
    over 800 (eight hundred) military bases!
    Over FIVE HUNDRED of these bases are located OUTSIDE of the USA (Even in Africa … AFRICA?!?!?)
    Everywhere these military bases are located, reports arise of 5G electromagnetic torture. 
    From Japan to Thailand, from England to the USA, the precise same reports of 5G EM torture .

    In case you are unaware that 5G electromagnetic weaponry exists, search under ADS (Active Denial System). You will find an ancient government video which shows a tank which shoots 5G electromagnetic radiation. (If this site has been scrubbed, you can still find videos of this equipment on mainstream media outlets. )

    The official government video denies that handheld versions of this electromagnetic technology exists. 
    Absolutely False!
    Handheld 5G EM weaponry has existed for, at least, three decades. 
    There is even a miniature version small enough to fit into a man’s front trouser pocket and still leave room for his hand inside the same pocket. 
    The power and range of this miniature gun can cause  heart arrhythmia in the Target, and , consequently,  death is a possibility. 
    This method is used to publicly execute a Target and have the death appear to be from medical causes rather than a CIA/DoD hit.

    (Another rather ingenious assassination technique which has been developed by the CIA/DoD is food suffocation.
    The food or drink of the Target is contaminated using a biological/chemical agent.
    Upon consuming the slightest little bit of this contaminating agent, the Target’s throat immediately tightly swells up. The food is trapped in the throat’s passageway not allowing the victim to breathe and leading to suffocation.
    The offending biological agent disappears from the victim’s system within minutes.
    Once again, We see a gendre of assassination which gives the false impression that the victim was not murdered, but rather died due to an unhappy set of circumstances.
    As an aside, the CIA scientists perfected (by the 1960’s)an extremely virulent cancer which is many times(but not solely used to produce throat cancer. All biological and chemical assassination methods are perfected using real, live, none volunteer subjects. )
    For information on CIA latest weaponry read Project Soul Catcher by Scientist Robert Duncan (who also wrote , “How to Tame a Demon,” a book exposing the CIA/DoD program of Targeting and experimentation upon innocent Americans).

    To go forward, I must now go back a bit. 
    Some of you may recall the disinformation apology of President Bill Clinton for the CIA/DoD developed Project MK-Ultra. (This apology is on YouTube. )

    In his apology, President Clinton greatly diminished the level of the human rights abuses,  as well as the intensity and horror, of the torture conducted by the CIA/DoD in Project MK-Ultra.
    Nor did he mention that routine killing of the victims, once they were deemed to be “unnecessary, “was “normal. “

    Additionally, Clinton failed to mention that these CIA/DoD developed projects were heavily reliant upon SRA (satanic ritual abuse) to achieve their trauma based mind control objective.
    (See the YouTube channel of Fiona Barnett, an SRA survivor, who was sexually farmed out to President Nixon and the Rev. Billy Graham as a child. She now receives a pitance in compensation from the Australian government.
    (NATO aligned Intelligence Services co- operate in these CIA/DoD projects. ))

    Clinton also neglected to mention that the sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and children is another integral part of these trauma based mind control projects. 
    (See the book,” The Trance Formation of America,” by Cathy O’Brian. 
    Ms. O’Brian is an MK-Ultra survivor (as is her child who was also sexually trafficked). )

    President Clinton solemnly promised that Project MK-Ultra would be terminated.
    He lied.
    Project MK Ultra was, in fact, RENAMED and EXPANDED. 
    One offshoot of this renaming and expansion is the Targeted Individuals Program. 
    (For more information on Project MK-Ultra, research “The Black Vault. “ )

    Ms. S. Rice was, therefore, in front of the world, in plain sight, threatening ‪Snoop Dogg‬ with being placed in this Targeted Individuals Program.

    A few of the elements of the CIA/DoD Slow-Kill Targeted Individuals Program are:
     1.  Being gunned, 24/7, with the handheld version of 5G EM torture guns.
    2.  Being used as a human laboratory test animals for biological and chemical weaponry (Like the two assassination methods mentioned above. )
    3. Being bombarded with high frequencies which destroys the hearing and damages the brain (check the back of the left eat, near the jaw bone, beneath the ear lobe for something which feels like a lump of dry skin , that may be a chip)
    4. Having  none-stop subliminal messages pumped into one’s living quarters.
    5. Being none stop subjected to extreme psychological and emotional trauma (in addition to receiving long distance shocks and EM gunning)
    6. Having your pets (and sometimes loved ones killed)
    7. Being asset stripped ( not just your money and jewelry, but everything, job, reputation, clothing, photographs, personal telephone books, e- mail accounts, e-mail contacts, identification,University documentation ..EVERY-THING)
    8. During the constant home invasions, your food and water is contaminated to facilitate the shocks, and EM torture which they administer. (The contaminant is probably lithium which is odorless and tasteless, and is an excellent conductor of electricity. The USA’s two decades long war in Afghanistan is not because of terrorism , but rather to obtain their lithium and other minerals.)
    9. Having your body contaminated with worms which were meant to feed on dead bodies, but which have been genetically modified by the Intelligence Agency’s scientists to feed on those still alive. (See photos on Youtube of two Chinese doctors who helped to expose the Covid 19 virus and, as a result, were punished with being infested with these worms by Chinese Intelligence. The telltale sign of this infestation is the blackened facial skin. These two Chinese doctors now appear to be be two Black men. )
    10. Being chipped like an animal. (If a Targeted Individual, or whistleblower, reads this comment and is aware of why miniature drones,which were the size of bees in 2008, are sometimes used to hover over Targeted Individuals, notwithstanding the chipping please contact me.)
    11. Being subjected to V2K … 24/7.
    12. Being gangstalked
    If you wish to research gangstalking  and Targeted Individuals on YouTube,  please note that the CIA/DoD have taken the precaution of scrubbing most pertinent videos and   placing VICE and other disinformation videos in amongst those of the few remaining real videos produced by Targeted Individuals.
    13. Having your living quarters sprayed with contaminated “smart dust” and mold

    For the daily life of a victim,  there is the video of Myron May. 
    May was painted by the CIA/DoD, and, consequently, the media as insane. Nonetheless , his video shows us something quite different.
    Watch his video. 
    HE is SANE. (To see his video go to YouTube search. Type in Targeted Individual Myron May. Go down to post by memory hole blog, James Lico, Dabbin Good and others. … many are working to keep the memory, and sacrifice, of Myron May alive.

  15. 2008 —-rich bankers behaving like casino spivs in the city get off scott free.
    counterfeit 20 dollar note gets you killed ——says it all about American justice.

  16. If ANYONE should be tried for 3rd degree murder, relative to George FLoyd, it is Maurice Hall. Chauvin did not kill FLoyd. FLoyd was never "choked." Chauvin was merely incompetent, for a couple of minutes prior to the ambulance arriving. Incompetence is not intention OR negligence. Hall was in the car with Floyd when he was arrested. Floyd's girlfriend identified Hall as the drug dealer for George Floyd.

    Maurice Lester Hall was the drug dealer for George Floyd. Maurice Lester Hall sold Floyd the Fentanyl that killed him.

    Maurice Lester Hall was shown on film, on the video surveillance camera, exchanging contraband and currency with Floyd,

    inside of Cup foods, on the day of Floyd's death, prior to the arrest and resulting death of Floyd.

    Maurice Lester Hall is guilty of the death of the death of George Floyd. Maurice Lester Hall is guilty of MURDER IN THE THIRD DEGREE, 2020 MINNESOTA STATUTE 609.195 (b) :Whoever, without intent to cause death, proximately causes the death of a human being by, directly or indirectly, unlawfully selling, giving away, bartering, delivering, exchanging, distributing, or administering a controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $40,000, or both. *

    Maurice Lester Hall, 42, who was tracked down in Houston, and, shortly after arrested on outstanding warrants and interviewed by Minnesota state investigators, was the man in the car with George Floyd on the day of Floyd's death.

    Mr. Hall — who had outstanding warrants for his arrest on felony possession of a firearm, felony domestic assault and felony drug possession — provided a false name to officers at the scene of Mr. Floyd’s arrest, according to a Minnesota official. Hall then fled the state of Minnesota, right after the death of Floyd.



    (a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.

    (b) Whoever, without intent to cause death, proximately causes the death of a human being by, directly or indirectly, unlawfully selling, giving away, bartering, delivering, exchanging, distributing, or administering a controlled substance classified in Schedule I or II, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years or to payment of a fine of not more than $40,000, or both.

  17. This is capital murder‼️The cop deserves the death penalty☠️‼️ I’m sick of this happening to black men in America‼️

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