Race to stop spread of coronavirus expands across US | ABC News

Race to stop spread of coronavirus expands across US  | ABC News

Officials in California, Tennessee and Texas have tested patients for possible infections and the State Department issued a travel advisory urging Americans to not travel to certain areas due to risk.

READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/38tXR7s
A second U.S. case of the new coronavirus has been confirmed in a patient in Chicago, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The patient, a woman in her 60s and a Chicago resident, had traveled to Wuhan, China, in December. She was admitted to the hospital and is in stable condition, according to Illinois health officials.

#ABCNews #Coronavirus #Wuhan #China


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35 thoughts on “Race to stop spread of coronavirus expands across US | ABC News

  1. Sink all cruise boasts. Blow up all airports/subway stations. The number will drop really fast. Start rebuilding projects immediately and anticipate project completion in 2025 when the virus is completely dead by boredom.

  2. Discovered these GOOD NEWS articles today, re: VACCINE:
    Inovio, Beijing Advaccine Collaborate to Advance INO-4800 Vaccine
    by Global Biodefense 30Jan 2020

    And this article of 3 days ago:

    BBC News – Coronavirus: Scientists race to develop a vaccine
    By Tulip Mazumdar, Global Health Correspondent, San Diego

  3. I wanted to do business in China……….I think I’ll just sit my ass down somewhere now 🙇🏾‍♀️ stay safe everyone😷😷

  4. How they know the Texas college student didn't touch no one else in school or a computer or something or a door knob or anything a person could of came right behind him a touch the same thing and that's how the virus real spread all over the US if nothing is done about it

  5. Of all states why you have to bring it back to Texas ? Smh🤦‍♂️

  6. Its all planned folks. Many high up people have spoken about doing this for years. Of course the media won't give the real numbers they want to help people stay calm as Governments wipe out populations with bio-warfare.

  7. I may be a chinese person but I have to agree on the fact that China should shut down the airports to treat the disease and have investigations. It may hurt the economy a bit but people’s safety and health should come first

  8. Dang… I was at Tennessee a month ago and now there’s coronavirus there. Wow

  9. But like why did it have to hit the U.S?🤷🏽‍♀️😬🙄

  10. It’s been reported that the virus is evolving to be more virulent and while governments are working on a vaccine to stop it and exploring antiviral meds right now but they don’t appear to work.
    The virus can live on hard surfaces for 5 days which is why it’s important to wash hands often, not touch face and eyes, and wear latex gloves if you have a job that is around a lot of people or in public spaces.

    While hopes are that it will be contained, the nature of how this virus spreads is different from SARS or MERS in that people can transmit the virus for up to 10 days before showing any signs of illness. Additionally SARS and MERS required close proximity within a very short window to transfer the virus to others. It’s feared that the new characteristics could make this outbreak rival the way the Spanish flu spread that in the last century. Everyone is hoping for the best but it’s recommended that people take moderate efforts to prepare for the worst case scenario.

    Here are some guidelines to help you be ready should governments be unable to stop the spread of the virus:

    1. Ensure you have enough food and water available in you home to last a couple of months. Areas that have been hard hit are already experiencing empty grocery stores and shortage of medicines.

    2. Be sure you have enough supply of any necessary medication. Supply chains may be disrupted and may impact availability of medications and other supplies.

    3. Purchase latex medical gloves for use in public to prevent transmission from surfaces but remember that they are useless if you re-use them or and touch your face while wearing them.

    4. Purchase alcohol liquid gel sanitizers and use frequently when unable to wash hands with warm water and soap.

    5. Get out of habit of touching your eyes, nose and mouth since this is primary way to pick up infection.

    6. Ensure you have cash available on hand to pay for deliveries or other items should financial systems experience severe disruption in a worst case scenario. If you become infected you may be quarantined in your home and unable to access bank machines.

    7. Avoid attending functions where large groups of people gather (movie theaters, shopping malls, parties, parades, restaurants, etc.). If you must participate in these activities be sure to note that it’s hard surfaces than can transfer the virus within 5 days of being in contacted with an infected individual. Good personal hygiene habits are a must in these scenarios.

    8. Toilet paper becomes a valued commodity in these situations and you should ensure you have an ample supply.

    9. If you wear a mask, be sure it is of medical grade rating and if you have a beard, it’s recommended you shave it clean so that there is a better seal between your skin and the mask.

    10. If you experience cough and fatigue monitor yourself closely by checking for fever every few hours. If a fever becomes present, seek medical attention and evaluation as soon as possible. If you are infected with the virus, it may progress to pneumonia to kidney failure then death.

    11. If there is an outbreak in your location, it’s important that when using public transport like buses or subways that you wear a medical grade mask, latex gloves and wash hands thoroughly when you arrive at your office/destination.

    12. Travel to infected areas is highly discouraged and everyone should review the latest government travel advisories and follow their guidance.

    13. If you have employment that provides the option to work from home, talk to your employer about using this option extensively until you’re advised the threat of a pandemic has passed, . Isolating yourself in advance of a pandemic is a proactive way to minimize possible contact points for the virus to spread.

    While the above items are prudent actions to prepare yourself for the most serious of outcomes it’s important that to not panic or spend your days in fear. At the moment, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has not raised this virus to the category of a global pandemic and while the attention this news item is being given can be alarming, it’s you do not panic it’s important to realize that we are not there yet.

    Instead, take control of what you can impact and treat this as a scenario where you prepare your home in advance for a flood, earthquake, fire, or other item you might normally do to ensure the safety of your home and family. It’s better to be prepared for an emergency and know what to do if it happens than to end up in a worse scenario because you failed to plan.

    I hope the above has been helpful and also hope that you never need to enact these precautions.

  11. 😇🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇

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