Rabbi speaks out after deadly synagogue shooting

Rabbi speaks out after deadly synagogue shooting

Rabbi Israel Goldman told ABC News he was “centimeters away from death” after the 19-year-old suspect opened fire at Chabad of Poway in San Diego.

READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2PByBnF
Man who ‘rushed’ San Diego synagogue shooting suspect away tells his story



25 thoughts on “Rabbi speaks out after deadly synagogue shooting

  1. "I know your works, tribulations and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." In Revelation 3:9, "Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie–behold, I will make them to come and bow down at your feet, and to know that I have loved you."

  2. Jews' Own Children:
    Sanhedrin 55b,p.376. "A Jew may marry a three year old girl
    (specifically, three years and one day."
    Sanhedrin 54b . "A Jew may have sex with a child as long as
    the child is less than nine years."
    [9 years and a day old is OK?]
    Sanhedrin 54b, 55a, p.371."If a man commits sodomy with a
    boy less than nine years old, they are both guilty of sodomy"
    [9 years old and a day is OK?]
    Kethuboth 11b, p.58: "Sexual intercourse with a girl less than
    three is 'nothing'", or: [Kethuboth 11b . "When a grown-up man
    has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing."]

  3. Did they say where he got the gun from because if he purchases the gun a day before the shooting aren’t you Supposed to have a background check which takes 10 days

  4. Humans are so fucking disgusting. I’m nauseated just thinking about having to share a planet with you lunatics! I stay home because that’s the only place you’re safe now a days but I’m a pussy for saying that! Fucking psychopaths. Fuck all you. Fuck humanity.

  5. oh my God! these rats, rats who spring out suddenly when no one i watching.
    We are infested with rats, or cowards going with riffles and automatic weapons to kill innocent civilians. These rats are like lambs in front of trained men and like to imitate movie soldiers, what bloody miniatures they are.

  6. The Left & their "Search for Answers' when a Gun is involved in a crime. Stop letting in thousands of criminals– cuz you need their Vote might be a start?! And the answer for mental illness, wont be found by the media– you couldn't find the Sun with binoculars– morons

  7. Of course the video is 3:22
    Makes total sense this story..
    Sure there are jewish border patrol agents that take guns to synagogues…😳

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