R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison | ABCNL

R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison | ABCNL

Musician R. Kelly was sentenced on Thursday to 30 years in prison.

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30 thoughts on “R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison | ABCNL

  1. Alot of MURDERS don't get 30 years in Prison That said Rkelly Ego was Garbage when it came to young black girls over the years rkelly had help getting those girls also a Grown WOMEN rkelly knew was with him in those sexual acts where is she at now the victims said that 🤔

  2. Now let go find Kevin Spacey bring him back to America to face his punishment. He has s3x crimes following him all the way from Amerikkka to the U.kkk

    Let get Steven Seagal and Steven Tyler also and charge them for their s3x crimes. Stop trying to throw the book at Black people but yet turn a blind eye to your own disgusting p3dophiles you d@mn racist hypocrites!

  3. I'm going to give my opinion speaking from a surviving sexual abuse victim. I was only 12years of age when it began and it continued for about 1 1/2 yrs by someone I trusted and someone who actually protected me from others. Approximately about 6mths from the last time he protect me from harm he began his abuse. Now that I've spoke a short bit of a horrible time in my life I really hate to say this bcuz sexual abuse is real and nobody shld ever have to deal with that . I truly dnt feel like they really had to lure anyone of the girls to him at anytime from younger to older especially in the 90s&00s they want to be in his presence parent was taking their daughters to him even when rumors of allegations was known. Why? For the hopes of fame & money from both the parents & females wanting to. I also feel like he diffently shld have been charged wit a fk Rico. About the documentary about these females making all these allegations is really strange to me why wait 20 yrs later why the first thing done is to participate in a television production instead of going to the police.Also hear the stories it just sounds rehearse it like the all have the exact same story nothing differs its all the same story to a T. I feel like there is some dark evil things that go dwn in the industry and if u dnt comply wit what they have told u u was going to comply wit they send warnings if it's continued there goes ur career if u still dnt comply itsb1 of 2 outcomes which are prison or death. U wld be surprised of false allegations on ppl bcuz u was approached with a amount of $$$ they cldnt deny.This is how I feel about the whole situation the just tried to do this samething about 1yrs ago anginst another famous artist it's nothing new to the industry always have a messed up trick up they sleave.

  4. imo this has been going on since the 90s with R Kelley. He was treated differently than any other black man would have been under those circumstances. Yes we know there are other men doing this, using the term "enterprise" may not suit his offense to the letter but he sexually assaulted young girls. Any other black man or average man would have been locked up a long time ago. Some say it's a witch hunt in his case, but there would never had been one if he hadn't violated those minors. Breaking the law, at times subjects a person to the partiality of the law.
    It's unfair, but it was unfair to those young women and girls too. He's being labeled, but he also labeled those women and girls as sexual objects. He is simply reaping what he sowed, just worse than other wealthy men, and that is normally how it works. You plant 1 apple seed, you won't get one apple, you will get a bunch of apples, that will continue to produce fruit during it 's season. R Kelley may want to appeal, but the longer he fights against this, the worse the repercussions. He cannot avoid what he has created by his actions. It appears he hasn't learned a thing, he wants to appeal this, and is bringing up his sexual assault from youth, and trying to be a victim. If he was sexually assaulted, then he should know how horrible that was and in his case penetrated young pleading girls should have triggered something to make him stop, but instead he found pleasure in it. Twisted displacement. No excuse Robert Kelly.

    If he is granted an appeal, will he sing? Hope not.

  5. Whenever U Get The RICO ACT****Thrown At U..On Top Of Your Abuse and Predator Behavior on Minor Children-and Young Adults This Constitutes A Criminal Enterprise, And One Or More Individuals Acted To Continue and Enhance This Enterprise and One Or More Individuals May Soon Be Charged and Brought To Justice…..They Just Got The HEAD Of THE SNAKE****After All These YEARS….Amen!!! The Body Is There to Take Apart!!!

  6. The power and the love of money is the root of all evil. Money cannot cover your sins. Never will. For all who thinks the justice system works quickly.. nope. They will build a case properly

  7. Regardless his situation! He will forever go down as a LEGEND in the R&B music game!! 💯💯💯💯💪🏾

  8. I just can't understand why these acusers waited so long to come forward and report these sex crimes. Why wait years after, 20 years? Sometimes I wonder if some of these acusers are liars and are seeking financial gain. If they are lying, their ass will be dark for there is a God. He is black so I am not surprised they are going after him!!

  9. Let that be a lesson to all male entertainers don't trust no female or male deal with the strip club industry or the porn industry so you won't be in situations like this,who is the next king of R&B

  10. HOLY BIBLE 18 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. 19 Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. 20 Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. 21 Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

  11. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves the recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; —–HOLY BIBLE


  13. Because his have money every woman growing crazy to be in love to him women in America are just for money lovers R.kelly needs a break he did not case no mader we born to love not to hit

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