Questions raised about whether Iran is to blame for Saudi Arabia attack – Car Mod Pros Portal

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he believes Iran is behind the drone attack on the world’s largest oil refinery.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Questions raised about whether Iran is to blame for Saudi Arabia attack”
  1. What happened to the defence shield the Saudis purchased for billions from the US? 🤔. They couldn’t even stop the Huthi fire crackers? How are they going to stand up to Iranian missiles?

    Oh wait, the US couldn’t defend its own bases in Iraq from Iranian missiles! And those weren’t even the Iranians’ best missiles. Damn… I guess it’s all about the hype, propaganda and lies…

  2. Any time money is made I suspect it. Houthis rebels all went to IT school and developed drones? No. Saudi having problems cuz of low oil prices? Yes. Fracking facilities sitting doing nothing cuz of oil prices? Yes. 25 cent increase in oil prices activate these same fracking sites? yes. Oil companies having funds to correctly dismantle useless Fracking facilities as required by law? No. Greed destroying the world? Yes. vids of actual drones hitting threads sites? no.

  3. Go back to irak attack and how usa take over the country for the Å“il then u will understand usa and Zionist try to put their hands on resourses ….don't forget 11/09😏😏😏 usa controlled by Zionist

  4. Funny how fast the damage is fixed….almost like it was planned lol "Aramco restored oil production of around 10 million barrels per day within 10 days and said it was on track to regain its maximum capacity of 12 million bpd by the end of November." Suspiciously quick if damage was not "chosen". This was a false flag attempt to drag the US into a war with Iran…it failed. Any even cursory BDA shows the accuracy and detection/evasion to be superior to the best the US has…(impossible)This only highlights how obvious it is that it was not as described and is likely to be a false flag, with planted debris. The other obvious lie is saying radars were "not looking" in the right direction".

  5. The drones were sent from Dubai to explode Saudi Aramco oil fields. And my prediction is that they are going to send drones to explode Chernobyl in Ukraine.

  6. I'm laughing on the people that say Saudi Arabia is killing Yemeni people please before saying something go and read about it on google search about Houthis movement then you can talk about this

  7. The rebels in Syria supported by the USA, Saudi Arabia etc, tried to attack a Russian military base with such drones but both times Russia dealt with those drones swiftly. US arms must not be as good as advertised.

  8. I just wanted to say 1 more thing. I believe Trump would fight to protect our country, but hes not GWB and hes not a war monger like some have been. Hes a smart man and thinks things through before acting. He does care about children of other countries. He does care about legal immigration, he does care about doing the right thing, not kissing the asses of countries that rely on the USA to fight all their battles for them. I pray Trump wins in 2020 because he is a good President and the far left well Hillary could put them in her basket and burn it. I just want our country to take care of us for a while and I dont mean give us stuff. I mean make it possible for us to REALLY make our country great. Drain that damn swamp. Mr. Trump you win in 2020 you cant run again so do a few things to help the good old USA get rid of the far left like you said you were. Let the other countries fight their own battles God knows we have sold them enough toys, God put 2 oceans between us and them, let's make a few friends for a while stop making so many enemies, how about we mind our own business and stop being the policemen of this beautiful world. God Bless Us All.

  9. 04:45 You lie, look at Russian Khmeimim air base in Syria that is drone attacked many more times then Saudi facilities. USA defence equipment don't work

  10. This is a masturbation by US allies to finally get involved Iran in a war. Keep in mind, this attack doesn't serve any benefit to Iran at this time, but Zion. Make sense????

  11. With cell phone cameras in everyone's hands and not a single bit of footage and supposedly rebels taking claim and they say Iran the only country in that area that isn't under the influence of the west ie America and England and I call bull shit think about it people it getting close to Christmas they need to boost there money its all bull shit the didn't do it and there was no way that drones did this that you can buy over the counter ELON MUSK get your damn ass on the ball and let's get rid of these oil Barrons

  12. Saudi is loosing war with youthis they even took Saudi Territory if you seen there propaganda movies they are more than capable of doing this attack

  13. Saudi Arabia only thing going for it is the oil and subsequently money.
    The ENTIRE world hate them otherwise. So getting rid of the oil (and obviously our oil) they wouldn't have any defense from anywhere in the world.
    For the US president to phone and offer support, shows how money makes someone respectful no matter how horrible the dictatorship of the country is.
    Who likes Saudi Arabia? No one.

  14. Do you remember Iraq and Afghanistan, they were blamed for nothing, sent to the stone age by the bully nation called USA, Iran can't be bullied even if they bomb us ships

  15. Maybe it's time to start walking, biking, taking public transportation, or better yet, stay home and relax. Cut your spending, start living. )

  16. This irrationally blaming Iran of attacking Saudi Arabia with no evidence then finding out it wasn't then should show that America wants to attach Iran and they are justing itching to pull the trigger…..

  17. We need to immediately look into and question the intelligence agencies and secretary of the states Pampeo…. We cannot have this type of a failure were we blame a country without looking into the evidence… This is not a small matter, we are talking about countries going to war over misunderstanding.

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