Puerto Rico on edge as Tropical Storm Dorian nears l ABC News

Puerto Rico on edge as Tropical Storm Dorian nears l ABC News

Many in Puerto Rico are still living with the devastation of Hurricane Maria, including 30,000 residents still living under blue tarp roofs.

#ABCNews #Dorian #PuertoRico


36 thoughts on “Puerto Rico on edge as Tropical Storm Dorian nears l ABC News

  1. Did they not take the water temp ahead of the storm or are both models not as reliable that far out as presented?
    That thing is a 157 mph cat 5 four days later

    Edit:185mph surface winds tied with Irma

  2. I bet George Stephonopolis would like to have the 75K back he donated to the Hillary campaign. He tried to lie about giving it and almost lost his job for the lies and the donation. Obviously it shows that he was biased and should not have been "acting" as a journalist.

  3. hope it wipes there island off the map after all the aid they received after the last hurricane . they refused to deliver aid to there own people , lied about all the aid they received. They cried for months no power no power then we found a warehouse full of supplies along with food supplies hidden after that after they were taken from the warehouse . 83 % of the power was restored i'm tired of there un great full ness and there bs beating up america and fake news fueling the lies .

  4. We are now entering the end of Summer holidays, which means the regular star anchors and reporters of newscasts will be absent from their posts, replaced by network second-tier talent, which has always meant people of color fill-ins, look for the dyed hair to be blonder, and perhaps a lot of straight haired wigs to be worn too, not to mention a lot more greasy lipped females…

  5. God Almighty bless my country Puerto Rico amen 🙇

  6. I kinda want a hurricane to come because I don’t wanna go to school 😭😂

  7. People need to turn to jesus Christ . people have gone away from God living by there own stardards calling evil good and good evil. Turn away from immoral things such as promoting reggeton music and sexualizing things , gays, lesbian, killing, all kinds of things that are wrong and abominable in tje lords eyes. Turn to jesus call upon the lord and repent. Follow Christ read the holy bible kjv or reina valera version 1960. God loves his people and whats them to turn towards him. believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your house will be saved King James Version Holy Bible

  8. “Pray for Puerto Rico,God commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves..amen 🙏


  10. 😢😭💔

  11. We don't want no devastating storms but California is suffering nothing but heat waves and dryness and all these other cities and states in the US and other countries are getting plenty of rain and wind and cool air and it's like we're just over here suffering 🤢😞😔

  12. Really? The west coast of south America has storms twice to 2x as big…yet no mention…and food okd Fema there stocking up. So? Look what they did last time, it all sat there and they couldn't coordinate it out to the people. Pathetic.

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