Puerto Rico faces staggering COVID surge despite high vaccination rate

Puerto Rico faces staggering COVID surge despite high vaccination rate

ABC News Cristina Carujo, reporting from Puerto Rico, gives insight on the islands COVID battle as the positivity rate soared from 2% to 34% in just two weeks.


26 thoughts on “Puerto Rico faces staggering COVID surge despite high vaccination rate

  1. Here in PR there are practically NO free testing sites except CVS and Walgreens and they have limited availability and it takes hours. Most people think that because they are vaccinated that they can not get it or transmit it. So the media escape goats the unvaccinated and play off the social tension, mass hysteria, and medical apartheid they have created. A population scared in compliance and convinced that only the government knows what’s best for them. What a 🪤. PR most wake up.

  2. We already know the Mandates are unconstitutional, lol. Mandates are only for government and their employees and contractors, with the exception they cannot trample on one's God given Constitutional rights. That's why we are a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy as they have tried to drill in our head!!! People need to learn their State Constitutions,and they will, already are in droves,lol. The satanic cabal,secret societies, aka deep state,aka the swamp have put their srlves in positions of power, as JFK spoke about before he got his head blown off by these satanic cabal members, aka the very deceived. To the gallows you go. The satanic cabal is done for now and the deathblow to them is coming soon! Very soon! Time for them to reap what they have sown, death and destruction!!! The Judgement is in, plenty of time for them to repent has been given,but they choose unwisely, lol. The manifestation of the Judgement is at the door. Like I said, to the gallows you will go!!! Who can fight against The Almighty God,the creator of everything and every being including the biggest douchbag ever created, aka satan… Tik-Tok. The satanic cabal and all who colluded with them will be utterly destroyed this year,early this year. Every thing they created to murder and imprison the Patriots will be used for them. Don't believe me,just watch as it will come to pass. Your FEMA prisons,your coffin liners,your giatines,lmao. Tik-Tok you evil sons of bit****!!! That can't and won't happen to us illuminated, you say,lmao .You chose poorly, but what did you think was going to happen stupid… Praise Jesus The Christ!!!

  3. This is just typical city rot propaganda. To many people are to close togeather. Humans are social. Vaccinated or not doomed to face the virus eventually and who knows who can spread it. Might as well eat healthy exercise daily and keep D3 and C and B vitamins adaquet.

  4. Vaccine does not stop infections. At least 50% of infections are fully vaccinated persons, fact. And this number is rising. Vaccinated persons are what we call near asymptomatic super spreaders.

  5. Of course because they all ran to get the jabs now they are a breeding ground of plagues…. They even say once you get the jab you can spread the sickness for a month. And all those people there getting those tests and jabs … You are your own destruction of plagues spreading on the island

  6. More cases where there’s more shots? Do the math. What’s in the shot?

  7. About time the fact that these vaccines don’t work is being acknowledged.

  8. Imagine that: High vaccination rates AND high positivity.

    Who gives a 💩 about positive test results? Take your vitamins, Nyquil and sleep it off.

    Gene therapy and boosters are not the answer.

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