Puerto Rico braces for Tropical Storm Dorian | ABC News

Puerto Rico braces for Tropical Storm Dorian | ABC News

Puerto Rico’s governor has declared a national emergency ahead of a storm threatening the same area destroyed by Hurricane Maria in 2017.

#ABCNews #PuertoRico #Storm #HurricaneMaria #NationalEmergency


32 thoughts on “Puerto Rico braces for Tropical Storm Dorian | ABC News

  1. These storms are from Africa look it up find out for you self
    Africa still using steam engines for trains .Africa is the world leader in smog
    Africa is stuck in the early 1900's . But thats OK just blame the cars

  2. I have several family members in Florida and I have a really Bad Feeling About This Hurricane 😳

  3. I live in Florida😓😓😓

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  5. prayers to everyone in Dominica and Hispaniola and those on Puerto Rico we have a Cat 1 storm coming in board up your windows and evacuate the islands now we have a storm surge and in 24 hours everything on those islands will be destroyed. Head to Haiti or to Cuba and the US do not stay in Barbados, Dominica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, or Bermuda. Everyone you must leave and leave now or you will lose everything when the storm hits.

  6. 😰😰🙏🙏🙏 what about Jacksonville, Florida ?

  7. Wait did see The bottom is says “Puerto Rico delares state of emergency “but is not a state!????????

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