ABC News’ Devin Dwyer reports on the case of Washington state high school football coach Joe Kennedy who was disciplined for holding prayers at midfield after games.

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By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Public school coach asks Supreme Court to okay post-game prayers”
  1. I was under the impression that any class at public schools can have a moment of silence to let anyone who wanted to prayer however they wish or wish not. So the Supreme Court does not need to waste their time on this.

  2. What happens is peer pressure. Most ARE Christian. Those who aren't WILL be forced to either go along to get along, or risk being ostracized to varying degrees. Even when these prayers are led only by students this happens. ~Student of the Bible Belt, class of '01.

  3. I acknowledge that this coach cares for his team and wishes them well. Every coach wants that, and it can be a beautiful relationship, and I saw that as a band kid who was in close proximity to these guys. It’s a bond that very few school organizations have. While it a,so must be noted that a separation of state and church is essential to our enlightened democratic republic.

    If teachers and school faculty can blatantly and fragrantly inject speech with religious intentions, what does that do to the school’s environment? Would a Baptist teacher get to call a Catholic’s faith demonic? Would the coach get to cite ones faith as a reason why their Jewish wrestler honorably lost? Would they encourage that wrestler to better convert or else they may lose more?

    It also shows how uncreative one is at management of a classroom or team If one has to resort to religious language to get a group of students to fall in line and get inspired. If two teams can pray, and they are both the same sect of faith, does one win over the other mean the winners are just, “better”, Christians? If they are different faiths praying, does it mean one is true and one is not? This can of worms is neatly set aside by this separation of church and state, and helps these deep distracting questions that only weigh in certain parts of the population be left to theologians on Sunday mornings.

    The coach can do this at private religious educational institutions if he wants to have this type of religious relationship with his team. While his intentions are pure, it is better to protect the public with a freedom from this act of open religious and everyone can sustain their own faith or lack of it as one wishes.

  4. Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward…….When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men.

  5. The Bible does say to pray in private rather than publicly. But what the Bible says doesn’t really matter to many.

  6. Culture wars, A wolf in sheep's clothing, does anybody know what that means today?

    When it comes to checks and balances it is highly unlikely that Russia will accept becoming a third world player leaving only China as a world power to contrast American politics and policies. America's new religion joining money and politics is a scary prospect changing culture and history of other countries. World domination has never been readily accepted by competing powers. The War in Ukraine goes deeper than most people realize. I still believe anything can happen.… Televangelist Pat Robertson came out of his retirement to say Russia’s president Vladimir Putin was “compelled by God” to invade Ukraine. The televangelist added the shocking claim that Mr Putin’s attack on Ukraine was in preparation for a massive “end times” invasion of Israel.


    Is Satan sitting on the throne of God? It would seem that living in these times you have to sow your seed to Satan in the way that avarice owns the system that money comes out of and here is an example.… "God allowed 9/11 to happen to show America they need him", evangelist are saying. Recently it was electing Donald Trump president of the United States that Franklin Graham (Baptist evangelist pastor) said was by the hand of God. Who does not love God more today knowing that Satan cannot go against God's will and it is God himself that is bringing all this evil into the world? It must really suck knowing that today children have to go through life with a God that is trying to kill them. I have learned that in 2016 when Donald Trump was running for president Pat Robertson and all other major televangelist were in support of his presidency. Except for the evangelist needing their own private jets to fly around the world spreading their own word of God, could someone please explain to me now Why greed is still good?

    PS.The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) is an American Christian media television network and production company. Founded by televangelist Pat Robertson, its headquarters and main studios are based in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States. CBN has produced numerous broadcast since the 1960s, including The 700 Club general interest show, and co-produced the ongoing Superbook anime starting in the 1980s. CBN has been described as having been "at the forefront of the culture wars since the network's inception in the early 1960s. Today, CBN is a multifaceted nonprofit organization that provides programming by cable, broadcast and satellite to approximately 200 countries. Pat Robertson resigned his ministry (Dec 27, 1987 — to run as a Republican Presidential candidate to allay concern that he would impose religion on government) … claiming he was a businessman not a televangelist he lost. Gordon Perry Robertson is the current CEO of the Christian Broadcasting Network. He is the main host of The 700 Club, the show founded by his father, Pat Robertson. There are 195 universally recognized countries (193 members of the UN plus two non-member observer states the Vatican and Palestine). Places like, Kosovo and Taiwan are partially recognized which increase the count. The State of Palestine is often included but it is only recognized by 138 UN members.Aug 26, 2020… As a footnote– telling the world how God thinks I am sure everybody has heard of Pat Robertson/ex-televangelist, faith healer, and religion to the flag by now. Even if all this does adds up there is one more thing coming out of the children of this new generation I didn't see coming from my century to the next and it is a song… "I love the way you hate me". I have already learned from my generation that music and song often can foretell the future. If This is still the case today, anarchy is still right around the corner and not something anyone should look forward to in realizing for themselves.

  7. I don't think so! You don't get to do the news anymore. Remind us how "everything" is Trump's fault losers! Russian Operative. You lost all credibility, and we are watching you FAIL. You would triple your viewership if you did real news like investigate lying cheating Hillary. Russian Operative. You didn't give the man a chance and said horrific and TRAITORIST lies. We won't just blow this off. Now Hunters Laptop$$$$

  8. ”I am inherently a shitty person, religion keeps me in check” is a pretty awful argument to force religion upon others regardless of your intention.

    Just the fact that he takes this to scotus and tv shows that it is not optional for his students and you will know that you are not falling in line.

    If the supreme court grants him this, America has lost the meaning of freedom. Why is it okay for him to force his religion upon others? That is the fundamental question.

  9. What happens is peer pressure. Most ARE Christian. Those who aren't WILL be forced to either go along to get along, or risk being ostracized to varying degrees. Even when these prayers are led only by students this happens. ~Student of the Bible Belt, class of '01.

  10. This argument will immediately end if while that coach is praying some kid pulls out a praying mat and starts praying to Allah…..the coach would be the first against it lol

  11. Matthew 6:1-34 “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. …

  12. That shows how many people that has distance thereselves from God n would rather live in sin, yea get mad n boohoo like little kids. When that day comes when Jesus comes down your going to be trying to repent n it will be to late n another thing, you putting things out there about prayer not wanting it TO ME ITS THE SAME AS DENYING JESUS IN FRONT OF THE WORLD N THE DAY HE DOES COME HE WILL DENY YOU IN FRONT OF HIS FATHER N THATS ALL ON YOURSELF YOUR DISCISION YOU MADE. YEA IM STILL YOUNG A KID BUT AT LEAST I DONT DENY HIM EVEN AT MY SCHOOL WE PRAYED N A FEW OF MY FRIENDS DISTANCED THERESELVES FROM THEM N USES GODS NAME WHEN CUSSING IM SURE YOU DO TO ALOT. Alot of us pray n believe in the power of prayer, but you can choose to believe or not believe just like God gave you the choice to be bad or good. Reading some of these comments I already know where your heart is n it's not God it's with sinning n thinking it's ok please carry on but I will say a prayer for you as well as I do with alot of people I do not know personally may you find your way back to prayer and for your family n friends. You will be more happy with returning to prayer to God n Jesus n our blessed mother n holy spirit, may God bless you. I'm sending prayers up for you n your families, I know you're going to retaliate n call me things but it ok cause words can't hurt me n cause God Jesus are my protectors.

  13. He knows he can pray anytime he wants. What he's asking the Supreme Court for, is a ruling saying EVERYONE, HAS TO PARTICIPATE.

  14. Hermosa eleccion 2😍 X18TINDER.Uno de mejor siempre en mi corazónq mañas no se la.🌹🤩💜 Son unos de los mejores conciertos.

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