The ongoing demonstration in China has successfully delayed the proposed extradition bill, but the people of Hong Kong will not stop protesting until the bill is cancelled.
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Whenever you igore your intuition, you will be in trouble. But if you really listen to your ituition and follow it, you will be amazed what you can do and how well you can do it.
Lol protesters my ass. You dare to start a war first, we dare to fight back. Cuz fuck you!
I'm from Hong Kong. We didn't gave a shit about protesting. they are rioters to say the least
They are just commoners demanding common right, how did the government pointing them with gun
As a Hong Kong citizen, we see these as riots, not protest.
Why didn’t you show the clips of the protestors picking on and attacking innocent citizens who do not share their views!! Biased media! Shame on abc!!
Abc supports violent thugs enough said America is the ghetto y’all are beneath Europe in terms of mathematics and living standards. The entire America is a shethole of course you nimrods would support domestic terrorists. Skanks
All those protesters who say they are not Chinese, should come to Australia. Happy ending for all. Don't forget to come by boat.
China Always no 1🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
i dont know what is wrong with human beings.
If this how thing are because china is trying to take over, I cant imagine how it will be in 2047 when China has full control and if relationship keeps getting worse and in 2047 may turn deathly.
western media don't post the truth
who watching this from mainland ? 😀
How do these people survive not working for 11 weeks? Are they being paid?
I am a China mainlander .i am curious of "if USA people know ' bonus army'?" who can tell me thx.
1:23 then wtf are you then😂😂
Hong Kong is a part of China!!!
You foreigners support these protest marches without knowing anything. You do not know that which side is right. Hong Kong has been China since ancient times and Hong Kong people are Chinese. I want you to be clear about which side you choose to support. Please think about whether you can support these ignorant thugs protesting against the Chinese government like this if something like this happens in your country.Chinese people have always been very friendly, some of you believe the words of some malicious foreign media. If it is our Chinese government that is doing wrong why only a small number of these thugs are protesting. There are still many Hong Kong people who support China.Supporting protests is simply wrong.I hope you can understand the cause and effect of this riot before you jump to conclusions. Finally, I love China, I love the most peaceful country in the world, and I love the foreigners who are friendly to us
This is called biased reporting!
Why should the so-called liberal democracy of the United States delete the people's Facebook, Twitter account? Think they sent the real thing?
Chinese goverment has been really restraint! Look at the protest happened in America yesterday, hundreds were arrested immediately,,,, and that's were people calling DEMOCRACY!!
The end times are coming don't get scared now we caused it.
Tianamen square Massacre v2
那个说"we are not Chinese"的人åºâ€ÂÂÂ该被ä¸ÂÂÂÂ国æâ€Â¿府枪毙。
American police is worse if you compare to this plz yankee media this was a weak propaganda against china..Fuxk ofF USA
Fvck China.
Hong Kong people : we are not Chinese.
China: but you look like one
This is the liberal vision for America. To crack down on any dissidents….wake up America, Stay true to the second amendment
The price of Freedom is High
The communist government isn't following calling agreement with England the agreement the China wouldn't interfere with Hong Kong for 50 years the Communist party wants to control everything I stand with the people in Hong and the Communist party is shining go to to hell.
what they do not want full Govt control….. amazing and that's what the liberals want for the US …. LOL insanity