Protests break out in Iran after plane shot down

Protests break out in Iran after plane shot down

Protesters marching against the regime, chanting, Shame on President Rouhani, were hit with tear gas.




#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #ABCNews #IranProtest


42 thoughts on “Protests break out in Iran after plane shot down

  1. Donald Trump is starting a war he assassinated the general okay then, he blaming the American citizen for his murder. I am American citizen. Wake up! 🌍

  2. President: “I Believe it COULD have been four embassies, and a lot of other things too”
    CBS: Secretary of State Mark Esper TRYING to clarify the president’s remarks
    Secretary of State, Mark Esper: “the president didn’t say there was a tangible, he didn’t site a specific piece of evidence, he said he probably he believed…
    CBS: are you saying there wasn’t one?
    Secretary of State: I didn’t see one as regards to four embassies. What I’m saying is as regards to the president’s view, is that Probably my implication is that they were going to go after our embassies

    …really CBS? I really hope people aren’t watching this and thinking they’ve received a well-rounded view of this situation from only this video. You’re going to have to watch all of them…

  3. Wow these Iranian protesters are just as stupid as these Americans that are buying this bs. America shot down Iran Air Flight 655 and killed 290 passengers and then tried to deny any involvement in the matter. Oh how people have short term memory… these protesters are just a product of a coup against the Iran government..

  4. *Wow Iran is very powerful at retaliating* 😱

  5. Irak, Egypt, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Libie, Hong kong and the list goes on. What happens in Iran is the same as what happened in all those other countries. How do you conquer the world according to first tell a lie and then you let the people revolt against their own leaders. when these leaders step down, you put down a person who represents the vision of america, england, israel and some other countries. If the leaders do not want to cooperate or resign, then use brutal force.

  6. Attack China, I believe China dare not send troops.攻击中国。

  7. It’s so sad but who started? Trump did. Is like going up to a person punching him and expect him not to fight back? Yes, Iran did wrong for hitting a passenger plane but people shouldn’t blame on just Iran

    Both should take responsibility.

  8. Spewing more lies. That's all they do and twist the truth. I don't know about you. But a threat being today or next year doesn't make much of a difference to me at threat is a threat. Especially when it's coming from a terrorist. How about outlets say thank you to our president for trying to keep our country safe and our people.

  9. This concept of imminent threat is ludricous! Imagine a serial killer taking a holiday break. does that mean the FBI cannot arrest him as he is not of imminent threat? Shsssh!

  10. you guys are fake news pieces of shit first of all this guy you guys defend so much already killed hundreds of our troops morons he was a terrorist, if he would not be killed that day it would of been another begazi then your sorry asses would be trump should of done something. there is no winning with you all fucking stupid you guys should be fired.

  11. Lmao, I love how their stupidity has stopped their ability to posture and fight with the US. Dumbasses cant even aim and control their missiles right and they think they can go to war with us 😂😂😂 #IranFail

  12. I blamed everything’s on trump

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