Protestors march through the streets of Hong Kong

Protestors march through the streets of Hong Kong

Hundreds of thousands took part in the march to protest legislation that would allow citizens of Hong Kong to be extradited to mainland China for trials.



#ABCNews #HongKong #China #HongKongProtests


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33 thoughts on “Protestors march through the streets of Hong Kong

  1. Protest lah,denominations of all such a reviews passport or billings finished like the conform.if legally of demands sight off laws for contract skills reach Hongkong seconds to get back demands on training instead money Loundry.retired of losing bills to just saved up and employed screeds the benefits system will storms on terms before echange one's reader beneficial sample of losing China,why it takes a value losses for me except stage one of recently bills $15.000 the amount on groups, stocks of all bonds such as china's laughingly are safe Saudi no confrom sounds like a they paid attend both of them colonialism,I see Google bills registration stability over for explained,we came do China document or post it back demand of free legally,correct.and Qnet to be removed that'd or bindary exchange from digital or public financially on the basis of their left hand

  2. Philippines 🇵🇭 Big Support Hong Kong 🇭🇰

  3. South Korea supports Hong Kong!!!🇭🇰🇰🇷🇭🇰🇰🇷🇭🇰🇰🇷 Stay strong and stay safe!!💪💪💪

  4. World supports Hongkong.🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰🇭🇰💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

  5. South korea supports Hongkong.🇰🇷🇭🇰🇰🇷🇭🇰🇰🇷🇭🇰🇰🇷🇭🇰💪💪💪💪💪💪

  6. Because of all this hongkong drama, its confirmed, im moving, avoiding this, its too dangerous, the economy will drop, hongkong will no longer be the same, this is a sighting of global warming HAHA IDK HOW THAT LINKS BUT EHh

  7. Right now 🇭🇰Hong Kong Need the US🇺🇸 and 🇬🇧 UK, hope they can helped them🙏😊

  8. 讓香港成為香港! ✊🏻🇭🇰 | Let Hong Kong be Hong Kong!

  9. 1. The leaders of this movement, same as before in the 5 years. Everyone in HongKong know who they are. They hold foreign passports, travel many countries for speeches of "HongKong Freedom or democracy", also get funding from US.

    2. Hong Kong's "Special Branch" was under directly control by UK MI5, the Special Branch dealt with political issues before in HongKong. The branch has been cancelled since 1995, but its network is still working underground, share information with CIA and MI5.

    3. There are no Criminal Extradition Laws between Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. we say that Taiwan is paradise for Hongkong's criminals and gangs. Those HongKong's criminals would be fine once they can run back to HongKong after they killed people in Taiwan or Mainland…

    4 this movement is not about millions people there, not 10 millions in some media. is about 200K people, the majority of Hong Kong people don't support this movement.

    Love Hong Kong forever…..

  10. I feel sad 😭😭😭 hong kong people… In my country pakistan china control my govt Also for chines money

  11. March for freedom ❔❔may all benefit from peaceful laws and be a safer community as well.

  12. 🇭🇰❤️❤️

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