Protesting during a pandemic | ABC NEWS PRIME – Car Mod Pros Portal

Infectious disease expert on the risks of protesting in the age of COVID-19.

#Protesting #Coronavirus #Lockdown #Pandemic #COVID-19 #COVID19

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By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Protesting during a pandemic | ABC NEWS PRIME”
  1. There was a new case of 230 out here yesterday and people still don’t get it. They just wanna be heard, and make a noise 🤦🏾‍♂️ this is the worst time

  2. Obviously CV-19 is either a ruse or authorities have allowed blacks to spread a virus among themselves that is killing them at allegedly a much higher rate. There is NO social distancing, and thousands on top of each other. We know the 1st amendment right to assemble means nothing because they denied church goers that same right.

  3. May the protesters be protected by the justice of their cause.
    I'm not saying the doc doesn't have a point.
    Just that I'm praying cause it's time to for me.
    You do what you do..
    I'll do what I can

  4. i dont understand why they can't protest slightly spread apart (same goes for the people protesting against quarantine/lockdown, which isnt a great reason to protest and many of them didnt have masks)

  5. Oh that's a good point.
    This virus is second , compared to protesting. Just demonstrates the outcry of anger !
    Change has to come!!!

    Black , White , Chinese, whatever your race is. Change needs to come already. Police definitely have to change too, the hiring process. No more slaps on the wrists for misconduct of a officer.
    Let's face it, NOT ALL but A handful , like the officers responsible for the death of George Floyd…Should of never been slapped on the wrist years ago when they came up before the police disciplinary board. It always starts at the top …

    If , the one officer who so brutally kneeled on his neck would if been fired years ago for his misconduct back then … Perhaps, George Floyd' would still be alive today

    Slap the wrist and your just as responsible for this murder

    It always starts at the top. ..

    American people have seriously lost faith in a broken down system
    Policing , and Political

  6. Burn homes, business, public building, assault innocent people but please social distance. Disney/ABC the “ pervert coverup” network is on the job.

  7. So now the pandemic is back after a couple of days ignoring it…🤔😂🤣

  8. EBOLA covid how immunity woks ( lock down postpones herd immunity , governments only study vaccines which destroy the immune system for WALL ST cash. , if not for money governments could make a strong human immune system ,.. lockdown the old sick week , but instead the governments did this '',,,,,,,,,, States ordered nursing homes to take COVID-19 residents. Thousands died. How it happened. Coronavirus has spread like wildfire through many nursing homes across the Northeast, and state officials are scrambling to better protect those most vulnerable. Yet the death toll has been devastating. they were full of flu vaccine
    DoD study suggests flu vaccine may increase risk for coronaviruses

  9. Ummm SORRY HUT YIUR FAKE VIRUS ISNT REAL! What’s at risk is elderly that are very VERY ill! You’re a dam liar!!!Even if you catch the scary virus, if your young and healthy then only 90% won’t even get symptoms or just recover easily! You’re such a dam fear mongerer! There is no virus it’s a dam flu!

  10. just stay home
    people can protest from home by phone and internet
    contact police and politicians
    and media if you really want to protest and not just do wrong

  11. protesting and rioting and unfortunately unlawful destruction of property and stealing is continuing because of its formulation in the cooking pot that is 2020. corona and stay at home took away our jobs and now many of us have been living off very little income or no income, and battling unemployment etc. to get income…. that alone… then you add to it the injustice of George Floyd in which he was clearly murdered by asphyxiation while handcuffed on the pavement and face down while several other officers were captured on camera in very close proximity during the murder, which has outraged not only all races of all colors of all humans in USA but also the world thus you have protests there also honoring Floyd and bringing the issue of racism to light and now in a way that it MUST stop now. this isn't about superiority or who has the power when you see the riots in huge numbers in many major cities. There was a row of police cars in Grand Rapids mi last sunday all ablaze I was shocked but not too surprised. Grand Rapids is a major city of Michigan but its close to home. So this is going on in many more cities than are being reported. I used to live in GR MI a while ago and currently living in west Michigan in rural area. I saw the vid on youtube and heard the tires pop just like many other videos posted in the past several days over understandably peoples wrath they are experiencing because of all the powerful ingredients in the cooking pot. While I don't believe this is right nor looting or stealing this is about a lot of factors that need to get resolved now and we are beginning to demand it as a country as a whole. There is inequality both in financial terms and in race etc that needs to be resolved. that fake 20 dollar bill that George Floyd supposedly passed is symbolism for all the looting going on. we don't have enough money can't you see this that's why the cities are turning upside down that's a main element fueled by lots of factors in the cooking pot right now and as one black woman protester put it the pot may just boil over and it appears there's nothing anybody can do about it particularly when you try and meet fire with fire to your own people and threaten to turn our own military against your own people because you think that would stop it. There's too many cities and not enough military for that. The chaos could be multiplied many times over so we need to be real careful as killing is horrible. We most definitely don't want to become a spectacle of a country in the world where inside wars and killing is going on. We are not like that because we are lead by God and trust our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We don't tear each other down and we don't murder each other. We don't hate, we speak and type like I am to get our points across to offer solutions to help to sort out our indifference and hopefully solution suggestions and actions lead to correct things that need corrected like inequality including pay equality. When I worked at Shape Corporation in Injection Molding plastics at the age of 35 you know how much I was paid? 14.10 per hour. I had money taken out for insurance that I didn't even want and what I really made was quite a bit less, I couldn't get ahead at all. I tell you the truth. I know that I was owed at least pay of 17/hr. in working there. Working there in the summer was hot and was challenging to keep up with the press many times but resulting in good discipline similar to going to the army however I did not get ahead financially and it was all because of my wage. That's been the extent of my life in every job I have worked in MI and it's why I've planned my entirely life to move and to move to my dream city Los Angeles as I love southern CA and will be going there soon hopefully making a special mask. Please donate to me if you click my picture watch my vid I have a gofund me fundraiser. In my opinion minimum wage regardless of position regardless if you are a waitress or what if you are on payroll anywhere minimum wage in 2020 should be 20/hr. And the price of items should not be raised nor inflation going on as a result of minimum wage. This has always been the concern is that when you raise minimum wage it increases all other costs. This does not have to be true. That's only true if by corruption. Every single person should be paid at minimum $20 USD/hr to work at any job in the USA. If legislation enacts this you know what happens? people go back to work, and they have enough. They don't live off unemployment or welfare so much anymore. I feel our federal government absolutely needs to send out more money to your people now if you dont want this country turned upside down. I would recommend, as Walter Obrien IQ who had a childhood IQ of 197 and has been nicknamed 197 his entire life, early on in this pandemic he predicted what has happened thus far during an interview with Dr. Duc Vuong and suggested things could lead to a civil war. During that interview Walter Obrien is quoted: "The Bigger worry for me it's not the virus actually, it's … I wrote a report on this 6 months ago Every indicator out there is that we were do for a massive recession and reset in the market anyway at the end of this year. It just throws fuel on the fire for that. When everyone can't pay their rent for 3 months and cant pay it after that and then the commercial businesses go bankrupt, and then the land owners who are leveraged up to the eyeballs can't pay their mortgages…. This isn't like 2000 or 2007 when one is dot com and one is mortgage, this is EVERYTHING plus a virus plus printing our own cash plus ticking off every other super power that's no longer being a consumer of our stuff, IT'S LIKE THE PERFECT STORM LIKE THE PERFECT STORM SQUARED"-Walter Obrien. Later in that interview Walter suggested the solution which I believe is the answer right NOW to guarantee a restart of our economy: his solution is brilliant and its not a new suggestion but it is the correct time for it to be implemented its called Universal Basic Income. Walter warns that government will be greedy and not implement universal basic income even though we need to. He said we won't be smart enough to do it everyone will be greedy, fight for survival, everyone will line their own pockets, poof it dissapears like slamming your hand down on a foamy bubble bath ledge! Walter's predictions have proven correct. Listen to engineers and visionaries such as him if you want what could happen at any particular course because they see all the things in place and can form reliable predictions many times. Billions went out to big businesses as aport of the over 2 trillion dollar stimulus package and the supposed loans to help keep companies afloat and keep employees on the payroll. POOF. Walter said why give anyone money, cut the money out of it give people credit to buy groceries. Universal basic income even though we need it now since this pandemic provoked our desperate need for it. Universal Basic Income like Walter Obrien suggested is the logical way to solve MOST problems which are 100% economical right now. Honestly the gov't would be foolish to not do this and implement universal basic income of at least 30,000 per year because if they do this then instantly we have an economy again because people will spend it and back to our spending habits and lifestyles for the majority while for a select group they'll save and save such as myself since I've never had savings but would invest in my own businesses. If you don't give them 30K and give them 20K, it won't be quite as sweet for neither them nor for big businesses, it goes fully circle. Make it at least 30K per year and mandate minimum wage at 20/hr and this country will run very smoothly economically and business wise. As for our severe civil issues and humanitarian crisis and my advice to whoever is in power listening right now besides this is we need humanitarian experts to help us with this crisis such as Hilary Clinton. She shouldn't have to "deal" with it as we chose to elect Trump over her, however this is her specialty. Reach out to woman peacemaking humanitarian leaders NOW and send us funding/moneys or people will steal to eat and to have clothes. TRUTH

  12. Justice for George….and grab a Gucci Bag with a side of Covid-19. Just morons.🤮

  13. COVID-19 = donald j trump Virus
    103,000+… USA deaths to date

    melania's husband and the U.S. republican house & senate does not have our nation's best interests (blood and treasure) at heart.

    Romanian dictator, Nicolae Ceaușescu; Christmas Day, 25 December 1989

  14. The one thing people don’t seem to realize is that Corona is still going Very Strong in Minnesota which was the origin of all the protesting. Of course I realize the protests are spreading through other states and countries. But as far as Minnesota is concerned, we haven’t started dropping quite yet and there are Many HUGE groups of people close together. It’s a scary situation for everyone in Minnesota and surrounding areas.

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