Protesters demand answers over man killed in no-knock warrant raid I GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

Amir Locke, 22, was fatally shot by Minneapolis police officers in an apartment early Wednesday morning by officers executing a “no-knock” search warrant.


#GMA #Minneapolis #AmirLocke #Protests


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Protesters demand answers over man killed in no-knock warrant raid I GMA”
  1. I know the cops should have knocked on the door first and ask with they would please flush all their crack cocaine because they're coming in. And then ask them if they need a minute so they can hide their illegal firearms period that would have worked much much better LOL then you people got the good guys and bad guys all mixed up I think

  2. Go after the Judge the police 🚔 didn't sign that warrent, Sue that judge force him of that murder seat punish that God forsaken human bean 😈😈😈🔥🔥🔥🇺🇲✝️✝️👎🏿👎🏿⚰🪦⚰😷🇺🇲🇺🇲👉we must rid🐍🐍 society of these 👺😈Sub Human monster.🥶🤬✋

  3. Paid leave?! At what point do officers see who they are dealing with and de-escalate. No knock warrants should be banned nationwide. Clearly that man was sleep!

  4. Not listed on the warranty, doesn't live there, totally zero involvement, and they refer to him as a "suspect" when they talked about how they murdered him in the press conference. Sickening.

  5. You could be sleeping and armed thugs will wake you up at 7am to point guns at you, never mind the fact that it’s hard to understand them because you just woke up mid sentence.

  6. Dam less then 3 secs of buddy waking up they shot him. They had to slow it in slow motion just so you can see it. He had no record so people can't say he was a pedo or something and it was the wrong house but I love to see how folks will try to criminalize this one. I also hope Candace owens Brandon and many other conservatives show support for him and keep that same kyle rittenhouse energy they had…

  7. When will black folks realize we are better segregated. We owned ourselves business, controlled & maintained an economy & were at peace with each other as soon as we integrated we had hell to pay.

  8. Amir Locke defended his home and property by using the 2nd and 4th ammendment but is a criminal to you people, but Kyle Rittenhouse driving 3 hours from his hometown to kill people in the street on public property makes him a hero?

  9. He was holding a gun, give him a few more seconds and he shoots a cop. The cop may not have done the right thing, but he did use his only realistic option. For anyone who disagrees, picture yourself in his shoes, you have been told that you are arresting someone suspected for homicide, you enter the apartment and see him waking up with a gun in his hand. What would you do? Stand there and get shot or shoot. The choice is yours.

  10. The fact the police chief tried to tell us that they yelled Police before entering the room is ludicrous. Like wtf do you think we can't see what happened for ourselves or do you just think we're dumb.

  11. There is no reason for no knock warrants. If you have the place surrounded and are capable of establishing proper surveillance, I don't see how they're even needed in modern times. We're capable of breeching second floor walls, using thermal optics, and more than capable of using audio and video surveillance, so why are officers still using this tactic? I'm not stating the person involved is or isn't a criminal, just my opinion on no knock warrants.

  12. Cops need to stop preforming "no knock warrants". Many of these people live in neighborhoods where armed burglars routinely break in and rob them. Some even pretend to be police officers as well. This guy was asleep and still confused. Just break in the door and announce yourself before crossing the threshold. Its just as good as a no knock warrant and gives the suspect time to understand police are coming so he better not shoot unless he wants to get lit up. Rather than barging in while a man is sleeping with a gun and giving him a few seconds to figure out if you truly are police or armed burglars

  13. Cops need to stop preforming "no knock warrants". Many of these people live in neighborhoods where armed burglars routinely break in and rob them. Some even pretend to be police officers as well. This guy was asleep and still confused. Just break in the door and announce yourself before crossing the threshold. Its just as good as a no knock warrant and gives the suspect time to understand police are coming so he better not shoot unless he wants to get lit up. Rather than barging in while a man is sleeping with a gun and giving him a few seconds to figure out if you truly are police or armed burglars

  14. Cops need to stop preforming "no knock warrants". Many of these people live in neighborhoods where armed burglars routinely break in and rob them. Some even pretend to be police officers as well. This guy was asleep and still confused. Just break in the door and announce yourself before crossing the threshold. Its just as good as a no knock warrant and gives the suspect time to understand police are coming so he better not shoot unless he wants to get lit up. Rather than barging in while a man is sleeping with a gun and giving him a few seconds to figure out if you truly are police or armed burglars

  15. Cops need to stop preforming "no knock warrants". Many of these people live in neighborhoods where armed burglars routinely break in and rob them. Some even pretend to be police officers as well. This guy was asleep and still confused. Just break in the door and announce yourself before crossing the threshold. Its just as good as a no knock warrant and gives the suspect time to understand police are coming so he better not shoot unless he wants to get lit up. Rather than barging in while a man is sleeping with a gun and giving him a few seconds to figure out if you truly are police or armed burglars

  16. Cops need to stop preforming "no knock warrants". Many of these people live in neighborhoods where armed burglars routinely break in and rob them. Some even pretend to be police officers as well. This guy was asleep and still confused. Just break in the door and announce yourself before crossing the threshold. Its just as good as a no knock warrant and gives the suspect time to understand police are coming so he better not shoot unless he wants to get lit up. Rather than barging in while a man is sleeping with a gun and giving him a few seconds to figure out if you truly are police or armed burglars

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