Prosecutors reveal chilling details of fiance’s alleged murder

Prosecutors reveal chilling details of fiance’s alleged murder

Colorado mother Kelsey Berreth, who vanished on Thanksgiving, was allegedly murdered by her fiance who tried covering it up with the help of a nurse, prosecutors said.


39 thoughts on “Prosecutors reveal chilling details of fiance’s alleged murder

  1. I call BULLSHIT, that nurse could’ve stopped all this, she is lying, she is just as guilty!

  2. I 100% believe that Kinney was involved. You dont admit that you drove 3 times 100's of miles away from your own home and chicken out. 3 times? Doubt it. She also admitted Kelsie and her knew each other and they both wanting Frazee. They were junior high school sweet hearts shes sad. Of she didnt take part, then she straight out did it for him!

  3. This beautiful woman had no chance. She was being plotted on and stalked. 😭😭😭😫

  4. Only black people are making this about race because they’re mad Jussie lied lol get over it . There’s many cases of every race killing in horrific ways like this !

  5. What a bag of trash.


  6. What monsters. That woman only decided to testify AFTER Kelsey’s blood was found in the bathroom, guaranteed. Don’t let her act of benevolence fool you, this is just a ploy to save herself from a murder charge. That inhuman piece of garbage and his cheap blonde-extension clad succubus deserve nothing more than the maximum sentence allowed.

  7. Do you know what kind of psychological dysfunction it takes to bludgeon a woman to death with a baseball bat? Any air he breathes is too much, too long. As far as the nurse is concerned, I know a guy from Clifton, NJ that got 30 years for throwing away an extension cord. That was approximately 1991. Read PRAY FOR US SINNERS.

  8. The girl is an accomplice and should be charged. She knew that she was going to be killed and did not even have the audacity to contact police. I dont care if it wasn’t for her they would have not charged him. She knew it and i think the police caught on and she had no other choice but to plead a deal .. she is guilty just like he is.

  9. That’s exactly Y women don’t trust other women!! But, they don’t mind unifying when it’s time to come forward with an allegation.💯🤫

  10. So he tries to convince her 3 times to kill this woman, and then tells her to come help him clean up the scene. So I count a total of 4 good reasons she could have gone to the police. But instead of calling the police, she buys the woman coffee, fails to go through with two murder attempts, and drives in the middle of the night with all the things needed to help him clean up after doing it himself. This woman had plenty of time to go to the police, if she was truly scared of him. Instead, she waited until she was compelled to tell the police anything. "Tough cowgirl" huh? I'm not buying any of it.

  11. WoW these DEMOCRATs are evil POS➡💩

  12. panera and starbucks racially block black customers offline … becauze they cannot be questioned and their racist companies … black people need to spend their money else were …

    dont let a racist white kill your family by eating at starbucks or panera …

  13. Some others here made comments about race. I wanted to add to that. I had made another comment asking the same thing why are people talking about race. I think if we all little by little tried to stop making those types of comments on social media and instead look at these as crimes being committed by one human being to another maybe it would start to diffuse racial issues still going on today. And as others have said there is good and bad in all races, religions, etc but if we keep bringing race to the forefront and making hateful comments we will continue to perpetuate the hate. The person commits the crime not their skin color.

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