Prosecutors consider charges against woman in fetus’ death

Prosecutors consider charges against woman in fetus’ death

Marshae Jones, who miscarried after she was shot in the stomach, could be prosecuted for manslaughter.


23 thoughts on “Prosecutors consider charges against woman in fetus’ death

  1. Are you kidding? Women go to abortion clinics all day long and "cause" the death of their babies and yet because she was shoot and it was her fault it's murder. Thousand of babies are legally aborted. What the hell is wrong with our criminal system? So lets get this right. If she had had an abortion the day before it was OK but today it's murder. God help us.

  2. We are going to charge her with manslaughter? Yet if that woman had shot and killed her, she would only be charged with ONE count of murder, not two! The fetus isn’t recognized as a person under the law until born. I disagree with it whole heartedly. But until we are willing to charge somebody for murdering a fetus when the mother is murdered, they can move along with this case. They won’t make it stick.

  3. Planned Parenthood stepped in and demanded charges be dropped against this mother because of Roe vs Wade. Prosecuting this mother would set precedence over Roe vs Wade and criminalize mothers having abortions.just my opinion.

  4. This is not right he didn’t pull the trigger the other woman Pulled the trigger

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