Progressive Rep: We have an obligation to fulfill promises on agenda

Progressive Rep: We have an obligation to fulfill promises on agenda

ABC News Phil Lipof speaks with Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-NJ, about the next steps for House Democrats on the $1 trillion infrastructure bill set for a vote on Thursday.


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43 thoughts on “Progressive Rep: We have an obligation to fulfill promises on agenda

  1. The framing of these questions by lamestream media is disgusting. The reconciliation bill has 80% support in the country and yet they do not say this. ABC is paid for by their corporate advertisers.

  2. You have an obligation to get something DONE! What in the heck already…work it out for God and Country’s Sake!

  3. I'm fine with defaulting – I don't own any bonds. Let it happen. Let the rich suffer the same crap the rest of us suffer when gas is allowed to go sky high or run out completely. So your bonds lose half their value – welcome to America 2021.

  4. It's a bit hypocritical to hear progressives complain about "minority rule" about the gop and joe manchin and that's why they need to get rid of the filibuster when their own plan is supported by a minority of the Senate and the house.

    The american people voted in the democrats, not the progressives.

  5. Congress has neglected human infrastructure for hundreds of years NOW that the Endless war is over let's see how many DEMOCRATS Republicans will sign up for the WAR on POVERTY TERM LIMITS 4 president 2024

  6. The same dead people that voted for Biden, are the same dead people that voted for this woman and the same dead people in agreement with this bill! The Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus will be performing all week long in the Capital Building!

  7. Stop making promises we can’t afford…..

  8. Every time I write my tax payment out, I think of all the poor little Afghani kids we need to teach about gender sensitivity. 🙄

  9. They just trying to pay ppl for all the rioting online propaganda against trump for the last 4 years. Used money they didn't have. Now wanna sell us on helping them lmao genius

  10. Good
    They are so scared of Trump and his supporters.
    Progressive and liberals Protesting in canoes and paddle boats outside of Joe Manton home and threatening Kerstin synima with centering and commite removal.

  11. Inflation is currently out performing wage growth. This $3.5T will be a shot in the arm to increase inflation. Do Democrats know inflation hurts the poor the most forcing them to have less purchasing power for basic needs like food, fuel, and utilities?

    With our current open borders, the state's budgets will hit the red trying to fund housing and medical for all the immigrants. Support and services will dwindle down for the poorest Americans, and shift to migrants.

  12. Where’s that tidal wave to wipe out the east coast?’s long overdue

  13. Glad to see most Americans can see right through these disingenuous politicians and ABC (Shame on you for not reporting real news only fake news). Reading the comments most know the democratic non-sense that is killing this country and are going to vote these bastards out in 2022 keep your Eyes on the steal ladies and gentlemen!!!!

  14. Obligation my ass. The lying left are corrupt and only care about money and power for their elites, not the American people. All the left does is lie and hold double standards.

  15. I don’t want far Left Progressives to saddle my family with lunatic ideas and mountains of debt to pay for it.

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