Progressive prosecutors work to reform criminal justice system from within | Nightline

Progressive prosecutors work to reform criminal justice system from within | Nightline

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner and Bostons District Attorney Rachael Rollins two of a wave of prosecutors who are focusing on ending mass incarceration and addressing racial disparities.



#Nightline #CriminalJustice #RacialDisparities #MassIncarceration #ProsecutorsAlliance


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36 thoughts on “Progressive prosecutors work to reform criminal justice system from within | Nightline

  1. Trump has flouted science, social distancing and made a mockery of masks, deliberately refusing to wear one in situations where it was deemed necessary by hospital authorities.
    Trump during the onset of COVID-19 has repeatedly lied to the American people about the severity of the virus, repeatedly thumbing his nose in the face of science with ridiculous pseudoscience claims that could potentially endanger others, over 200,000 American citizens are now dead with the numbers climbing.
    Statistics were not on Trumps side as he openly encouraged people to attend rallies without social distancing and other protective measures in place. He's now tested positive with the all too real possibility of having spread the virus to countless others through his selfishness prior to diagnosis.
    Trump brought this on himself and he only has himself to blame due to his own arrogance and hubris. .It's not the past lies that is the issue, but the fact is; in the future everything Trump states will be suspect and questioned.
    Is this what we deserve as American Citizens?

  2. We know what you are doing you progressives. Giving criminals free reign while the law abiding will be criminalized. This is truly demonic! Btw, many of us know the “progressive” is a nice sounding word that basically means satanists. In order to achieve your satanic world system criminals must have the rights to criminalize and law abiding citizens locked up or killed. WOE to you who call evil good , and good evil. Woe to you. May you suffer the eternal destruction due you. And it is coming, whether you believe it or not,it is coming.

  3. Live or die

    In the Criminal System of the United States, there is this lethal poison that has killed and continues to kill hundreds and thousands of people over the years, I am referring to this situation. In 2006 a person was arrested and then imprisoned to serve a sentence, had to go through the entire judicial process, pay a private attorney, go to court innumerable times while he was detained in a place known as maximum detention center security, waiting to be sentenced to then make time, or rather to meet the sentence imposed for the crime committed. Already sentenced and serving his sentence, he was placed in a prison, this prison is called BareHill correctional facility, the various people who have control of this prison are in a brotherhood, if that is what you can call this group of several people, men and women, they decide who lives and who dies, of those sentenced who will serve their sentence or sentence to that facility or prison. Those people in charge of all those inmates, have a peculiar way of deciding who lives or who dies, they take the inmate to the office where he leaves and enters the prison, they look at the inmate and a person asks him out loud Will it live or die? And they will vote, how do they vote? In this way: if the majority of people who are in that office, which are men and women, put their hand with the big toe up, that inmate will live, but if they put most of the hand with the big toe down, it will die that inmate. The life and death of that inmate will depend on the decision of those people who work in that office, as simple as that. My question is: why was he arrested and tried by the criminal court of justice and sentenced to a sentence, and telling the person sentenced, when you complete your sentence you paid your crime and you are free of charges. Then find yourself in an office in a prison with a group of people with the thumb of a finger decide if he lives or if he dies, it is best not to fall prisoner, even if you commit a crime. And to those people who charge them for the crimes they commit daily in that facility and in the other facilities of the same area, because they are all doing the same. And in mockery they tell the sentenced inmate: we kill them when we want because we have the protection of high government officials, the criminal court system is unbalanced and full of criminals with charges of officers, sergeants, legal lawyers, prosecutors and even the nurses. That is another case that I saw, doctors and nurses leaving to die and causing death to the inmates [inmates] but they fill out all the forms making it appear that if they gave all the necessary help, but only in the medical papers, because in fact not one Pill was given to the inmate. There are many Dead by these ruthless people, and you can see the body language when they mock and give them satisfaction what they do, that is more than abuse and maltreatment, it is genocide Hidden under the camouflage of authority and order, I met several inmates that are no longer there because they were killed by those people. 2009-2013. they judge others for what they do, and even worse, they are the authority, and who charges them? Therefore they make fun of it.

  4. זה קרה במתקן התיקון החשוף

    אדם שנידון בגין העבירה ריצה את עונשו בכלא לביטחון בינוני שנקרא מתקן תיקון פשוט בגבעה הממוקם במלונה במדינת ניו יורק, כינויי הכינוי של הנידון ×”×–×” נקראים אסירים, האסיר ×”×–×” מילא את כל הכללים הוא כופה את המתקן או את הכלא ×”×–×”, הוא מילא את כל התוכניות שלו, אבל בלי לדעת זאת שמו אותו ברשימה להרג, אם כן, במאלון ניו יורק יש אחווה של אנשים שעובדים במתקנים או בבתי כלא שנמצאים באזור באזור ×–×”, ואנשים אלה ממלאים תפקידים של סמלים, קציני תיקונים, אחיות, מדריכים. אנשים אלה נתמכים על ידי גורמים בכירים במדינת ניו יורק והם הזמינו את המשימה להרוג אסירים באופן דיסקרטי, איך הם עושים את ×–×”? יש להם כמה טפסים אך שלוש המפורסמות ביותר הן הבאות: ממשרד הם מתקשרים לשומר התיקונים שאומר לאסיר ללכת למשרד הראשי, כאשר האסיר מגיע לשומרים שמחכים לו אזוק אותו, אז הם לא יכול להתמודד בהתנגדות למקרה שהוא יחליט להילחם על חייו, אז הם יעלו את ההצבעה המפורסמת, אם רובם יניחו את האצבע, האסיר ×™×—×™×”, אם הרוב ×™× ×™×— את האצבע שלהם האסיר ימות, איך הם הורגים אותו? כשהם באזיקים הם תולים אותו ואז הם משמיעים כמה טפסים שקרים על מותו וכך מכוסה עוד אחד מהרציחות הרבות שלו, דרך אחרת להרוג היא, הם מתקשרים לשומר האחראי על הבית בו גרים האסירים, השומר אומר לאסיר ×›×™ ללכת למשרד הראשי, כאשר האסיר מציית ומגיע למשרד הם מצלמים את האסיר ומצלמים תמונות. התמונות האלה מראות את האסיר נושא חתול ואז הם יורים באסיר ואז הורגים אותו וממלאים את הטפסים האסיר ×”×™×” מזוהם בזעם מהחתול. דרך נוספת להרוג שהיא הפופולרית ביותר מכיוון שהיא זו שהכי משתמשים בה, היא הבאה, הם מתקשרים לשומר היכן שגר האסיר, השומר אומר לאסיר ללכת למשרד הראשי, כאשר האסיר מציית ומגיע ל המשרד הקים אותו במיני-טנדר בו ישנם Ãââ‚

  5. She should live in these high crime neighborhoods. They can stay at her place. 😆

  6. ……. BREAKING NEWS……..





  7. I'm hoping my spirit allows me to be a part of this 🙏🙏, it's the least that I'm willing to give myself too.

  8. The problems in "urban areas" are the results of poor parenting. These types of polices just add to the problem.
    When someone does wrong, they need to face punishment. Instead of using obvious common sense solutions, Democrats are telling people who do wrong "it's not your fault that you robbed / shot / raped someone, let's blame white people… you're the victim and they are the criminal". Which I think every intelligent person can see is just wrong and mostly based on anti-white racism.

  9. BTW… this Keyon who got released after 20 years in prison and finally got justice looks so YOUNG…He looks 25 … 🤗🙌

  10. Putin is the main suspect in the case of Trump's infection with the COVID 19 coronavirus through his assistant Hope Hicks, since only Putin has an antidote for this disease and he planned to exchange supplies of vaccinations to America for lifting sanctions from him and Russia for their crimes.

  11. Now trump tested positive, they will make us believe that if he is not re-elected, there will be no vaccine for covid 19. White supremacist supporters (white, yellow, red, black, republican, democrat, etc.), who work for them without knowing it, in the best cases, why are you always lying ?! Some of them have no humanity and are the best liars!

    No more talk!

  12. Anyone who has spent time in our around the justice system or penal system knows that prison doesn't reduce crime. It increases it. Prisons are breeding grounds for gangs and places where violence is the number one communication method.


    Do you think you are born again just because you go to a church? Not all churches declare the Truth. On the contrary, your church could be a completely worldly church. For your own soul, you must come out of the churches that use the Bible but do not declare the Truth and speak lies differing from the bible. Hear what the Spirit of Truth says to the churches and receive the eternal gospel!!

  14. They’re not talking about slapping murderers on the wrist, but they are talking about non-violent crime.

    Crimes born from a community member stealing to feed themselves or a community member who is not having their needs met who only resort to crime due to that and other socioeconomic factors.

    In the murder case: If you don’t have enough evidence, or your witnesses recant and you don’t have enough to fairly prosecute—you can’t remand some one “just because” and deny them bail. I swear to you: if we just meet the communities needs we will have less crime.

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