Professional sports leagues refuse to play after Jacob Blake shooting | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

The NBA, MLB, NHL and MLS have postponed games and practices in protest of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Sunday.




#WorldNewsTonight #NBA #MLB #NHL #MLS #JacobBlakeShooting


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Professional sports leagues refuse to play after Jacob Blake shooting | WNT”
  1. Do your job and play professionally. What a comedian (a professional entertainer) stopped telling jokes during his performance, to tell us about social injustice, think about the boos he/she would get. Just like what’s happening in professional sports. He/she would be in the unemployment line with the rest of the entertainers.

  2. you all should blame yourself for whats happening now and for what you all done and let this happen. side will not lead you all to happiness but to become a racis/haters. my point we can be all go along because we all live in america isnt this is what we all wanted to be american

  3. This is the man they are defending. A man who fought police and had a knife in his hand.

    Blake is accused in the criminal complaint, which was obtained by The Post, of breaking into the home of a woman he knew and sexually assaulting her.

    The victim, who is only identified by her initials in the paperwork, told police she was asleep in bed with one of her children when Blake came into the room around 6 a.m. and allegedly said, “I want my sh-t,” the record states.

    She told cops Blake then used his finger to sexually assault her, sniffed it and said, “Smells like you’ve been with other men,” the criminal complaint alleges.

    The officer who took her statement said she “had a very difficult time telling him this and cried as she told how the defendant assaulted her.”

    The alleged victim said Blake “penetrating her digitally caused her pain and humiliation and was done without her consent” and she was “very humiliated and upset by the sexual assault,” the record states.

    She told police she “was upset but collected herself” and then allegedly ran out the front door after Blake, the complaint says. She then realized her car was missing, checked her purse and saw the keys were missing and “immediately called 911,” the complaint alleges.

    The alleged victim told cops she has known him for eight years and claims that he physically assaults her “around twice a year when he drinks heavily.”

    Police filed charges against him for felony sexual assault, trespassing and domestic abuse in July when a warrant was issued for his arrest.

  4. I am not sure how this can be a bad thing. Professional Sports teams could completely disband and cease to exist and it would not hurt us at all. The lies being spread by the Democrat Communists have taken over everywhere and all of these groups are supporting the Communist takeover of our country. Now the Democrat Communists are showing us exactly what their plans for the November elections are, by accusing the Trump camp of planning to do what they are actually going to do with their voter fraud and their plans to force the election into the Supreme Court. The Democrat Communists are all about denying our rights to vote for our leadership and they are not even trying to cover it up any more.

  5. WANNA KNOW WHY J. BLAKE'S FAM WON'T waste time with tRUMP! Kenosha Po🚔 & Sherrif IS HORRID-RACIST!! ✔ this📹 & Ffwd to 9:50….
    NO🤔 WONDER TRUMP'S GOAL IS 2 Meet w/Law Enf.👎 If Trump's re-elected the US is in huge ass trouble!👎😰😡😩 *

  6. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!! Vote for change, vote for equality, vote for balance of power, Vote for Joe Biden 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. It's all political, that's why Joe Biden is gonna way in. They're trying to punish Americans, they lose their jobs, good riddance.

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  9. #Trump2020 and save this Country from the far left and Creepy Joe Biden. 🇺🇸👍👍👍

  10. Lebron; teach your kids not to fight the police, don't beat their girlfriends, don't be high when they get stopped, don't pull out a weapon, and your children will always be safe!

  11. I came to the comments to see the white supremacists crying about this.. This is a great move and necessary!.. I believe BLM just as much as mine!

  12. Let me tell you something when I was a boy I was to obey adults and respect authority figures"policemen". Reaching into a vehicle after fighting with police …what do you think will happen? People who think they don't have obey police commands and end being shot? They are at fault! Bad parenting and being stupid will get you shot…

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  14. Blake’s actions are what got him shot, not the color of his skin. In this case, BACK THE BLUE.

  15. The money they make in sports shut up an play that all we want u dont want to play then get out all lives matter if dont like u racist an can f yourself black lives matter bullshittt

  16. Now that we know Jacob Blake was a wanted fugitive who resisted arrest and was reaching for a knife, how dumb do ya’ll feel?

  17. I can't believe what a utter joke sports have become. Sports use to be what brought our country together. Now it's ripping us apart. Every sport is infected.

  18. The shooting was justified. Jacob Blake refused to cooperate with the police not to mention that he raped a 15 year old.

    He was warned at least 3 times. They pepper sprayed him and used tasers on him & I know that he was shot 7 times, but that's because a police officer is trained to shoot until the criminal stops moving.

  19. No one cares it’s just one man ppl die everyday it’s part of life get over it.

  20. Twice as many whites are getting shot by the cops every year. Every race is getting it evenly across the board, yet the media is portraying it as race related so Democrats can show their support and steal the Black vote. How sad is this? Google the stats if you don’t believe it! The liberal media works with the Democrats.

  21. 🤔*To hell been a nice guy* no more nice guy I'm going bad to the bone I'm going to do all the crimes he did (I can wait to have sex with the first sexy woman the pass in front my car ) 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤦🤦🏿🤦🏾🤦🏽😜😜😜

  22. What these entitled millionaires don't understand is that they get payed to entertain us not to be political someone should tell them to shut up and start dancing for our amusement

  23. Why are news channel so 1 sided, they need to tell the whole story. Haven't they cause enough chaos already. If it was a man of different races, they too would still be shot.Blake got a warrant out for his arrest, he got quite a history, he didn't deserve any protest.

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