Prince Harry, Meghan step out for 1st time in US since royal departure l ABC News

Prince Harry, Meghan step out for 1st time in US since royal departure l ABC News

The two attended an exclusive JP Morgan investment summit at the One Hotel in Miami on South Beach as they continue their transition from the UK to North America.

#ABCNews #HarryandMeghan #PrinceHarry #DuchessMeghan #JPMorgan #SouthBeach


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41 thoughts on “Prince Harry, Meghan step out for 1st time in US since royal departure l ABC News

  1. They look happy now that they’re living in California I’m happy they left that country.

  2. I hope that they actually stuff a sick in MM's mouth when she appears on International Women's Day. Best that she just sits there and bides her time. Given that she has in the past used platforms like that to sell herself with more fabricated self history and outright lies, and she cant follow any script she is told to follow if it's not the one she wrote herself. It's becoming more and more obvious that she has played to RF and the British public, the Americans and pretty much the whole world and had a great deal set up before she ever left Canada to jin Harry in the UK to milk the entire experience into the largest dollar amount she could. It would have been a great deal worse if she really was as smart as she thought she was and had not allowed a lot of her actions to become so public that most everyone could put two and tow together and figure out what was up as thing unfolded. Right now the only reason she is still getting anywhere is that she is still "Royal" and theer for somethings are still hands off and she has Harry as a shield. With Harry in tow, there is a limit to just how hard the RF will come at her and she knows that the public still has a soft spot for the little prince they watched follow his mother casson to her funeral. I think the only reason she has not sent Harry packing is the fact that he is sill usable as as hield and des still give her some legitimacy.

  3. It’s all lies!! Show us real time photos. The public are not idiots. In my opinion I think that they’re not even together!!!!

  4. Old pictures and speculation! Hope they stayed in Canada 🇨🇦 for quiet life! LA paparazzi is dam bad for them! But if they choose Hollywood life star it’s up to them ! Good luck 🍀👍🏾 !!

  5. Every photo in this “news” story is OLD!!! Where are NEW photos of them actually attending this supposed event?!? SMELLS FISHY!! If they were really there, photographers wouldn’t be able to stay away, or resist figuring out a way to put photos of them into the public sphere because everyone knows those pictures would fetch LOTS of $$$$ and H&M would obviously want to cash in on the publication of said photos. Won’t believe it until we see it. 🤦‍♀️ That so-called “reporter” – what’s his name? Obid Scobie?? “He” looks like a mannequin they made to look like it can talk! FAKE NEWS🤢🤮

  6. This is all smoke and mirrors. If this is true, why are there no pictures.? In this age of social media, and not one person at this event took a picture, I'm calling it bs.

  7. Lots of speculations… no surprise. Unknowns about people’s personal lives are news….please. ABC leave this for the tabloids; we know what they are reporting are NOT facts – just people giving their five seconds of lies from “sources”.

  8. Meghan 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍

  9. I am just kinda over them. They seem very privileged and overfed and now doing nothing for it – sorry know that’s won’t be a popular statement. I always liked them but my feelings are changing on them. Sadly.

  10. Why would anyone pay to hear Harry whingeing once again about his depression and trauma from his mothers death.
    He constantly berates the media for being the cause of his mothers death but he is also making money out of her corpse.
    As for Megan, introducing him and talking about her love for him. It’s pathetic.
    Why would these highflying billionaires, sit there listening to a man who scraped by with one A-level school with the help of an aide.

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