Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s shocking interview shakes British monarchy | Nightline – Car Mod Pros Portal

The scathing inside account from one of their own alleges the family is out of touch and bigoted. Longtime Royal watchers came to the monarchy’s defense.



#Nightline #MeghanMarkle #PrinceHarry #Royals #Celebrity #OprahWinfrew


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s shocking interview shakes British monarchy | Nightline”
  1. Then why isn't Archie not given the title he is entitled to the Earl of Dumbarton keep saying it isn't about race these people must think we're stupid

  2. Harry should know uk rules! He new he need to stay there under their protection!! I remember him getting MAD one time when the government brought him home for PROTECTION! He needs to live on UK!!! She did not like the job. So she left with their baby and after he follow her to Canada. Canada did offer them protection. The laws on UK are different from USA / America laws. Also they should not had share their home on TV. They should ask the real estate person to remove the pictures from computer. Facebook /Mark Did it etc. Maybe they should buy a house for less than 14 million and invest on secure / safety . Because you live with movie starts does not mean you have more protection. Also that family was there for Meghan. When her family turn their back on her. They where there when his mother passed away. ( smells like an actor book ) They are on their 30's and they have money. I wish both of them the best.

    #harry #meghan #uk #la #losangelos

  3. What amazes me is that in the 21st century we are even talking about kings and queens and princess and goblins….
    It seems humans move way too slow.

  4. If you are born into the royal family nobody knows what the future holds. Or who could pass away. That poor little boy should be given a title no matter what his skin color is. Love is what matters not skin color… Shame on the Not So Royal but rude and insensitive one's. GOD KNOW ALL

  5. It is very unlikely that the royals made Meghan suicidal. I am not denying she felt that way, but the roots of suicidal impulses usually stem from childhood issues. The other possibility is that it was hormonal as she was pregnant. i am not an expert, but I am in my second year os psychiatry at university and I don't think the royal family alone would be the cause for this.

  6. My boyfriend is black on both sides. His parents say think of Meghan as white, they think of Doria as honey coloured and they see Meghan as a. ruthless woman who is taking advantage of real black people.

  7. Listen carefully when Megan says in the interview at what date and time that the racial slur was said.? she was lying through her teeth to get ratings and sympathy. it was a cruel lie.

  8. In the interview with Oprah Winfrey the alleged question of skin colour was raised BEFORE Megan and Harry were Married so how can this remark have been made towards Archie who hadnt even been conceived at this time. If a serious lie is uncovered like this in an interview then the person who lied can not be believed about anything else they say. So why are people not realising this.? Its been a set up from the beginning

  9. The monarchy shaken?…..

    NEVER! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  10. Your royal watchers are as racist as they are. To speak to the very people that were and are part of the reason they left. Dr. Shola I love you. You notice none, except Omid Scobie, did not address her mental health.

  11. What crap. No body should be prepared on how to bear abuse! Meghan was a pro on Royal duties and both outshined their superiors Charles and William.

  12. What ????? Kate suffered more compared to Megan. Remember she was photographed topless from a private place. And media feasted on it. What is that ???? Isn’t that unfair too ????

  13. -So the RF breaks strong women
    -wait… isn’t the queen a strong woman🧐?

  14. I am black woman in America, I hope not to offend anyone who have or may suffer from mental have mental health issues or suicidal ideations. as those are serious issues that must be addressed. Having said that, I did not believe everything Meghan said. Suicide ideations is a serious matter and should be treated as such. However, I hope no one would use race and suicide as means to fix their negative public image and to garner public empathy and support. Meghan said she was suicidal and told the Royals but they did not get her any help. Harry who has had mental issues and has gotten help with his family and has made it a Public Platform said he was embarrassed to tell his family. I do not understand how Harry's wife could be suicidal and he is embarrassed to tell anyone, yet he goes out to a public event with his wife in tow after she tells him she can't be left alone. He should have cancelled and dealth with her mental health crisis as he more than anyone should have known how serious that statement was. I remember that event it was showed on TV and I believe there were people in the audience booing her, maybe that is why he gripped her hands tightly. Your wife is suicidal and you are too embarrassed to get her the help she needs when you have a world mental health campaign. So did she tell them or were they too embarrassed to tell them. If they were too embarrassed to tell the family why would they tell HR where there is a possibility that someone would leak the story. Now she claims she has emails. Was this a setup. When she was in New York for her Baby shower she could have made arrangement to see a therapist but she apparently did not do that. She brought in her own OBGYN, I would assume she could have brought in a therapist just the same. She could have had one come to visit her and tell the Royals the person was a friend. The Royals did not even have to know she was having these suicidal ideations. If she was that would be tragic and I would greatly empathize with her. When did she stop feeling suicidal? did she ever speak with a therapist. I believe she marry Harry thinking Harry was higher in the hierarchy and when she found out that she would one day have to curtsy to Kate and William she could not handle it. She could not take the idea that she would not be the leading lady but only the supporting actress. I am just having a hard time believing her. She claims she stop talking to her dad e=because he put so much things in the media about her. Yet she did a 2 hour tell all about Harry's family where she said so much negative things about them and painted a picture that they were the worst people on earth and most racist people she have ever met. This is hypocrisy. She praised her Mother for "dignified silence" yet she did not act with "dignified silence". I recall her father said that if she did not try to control Harry like she did with her ex-husband her marriage may last. This tells me she has a controlling personality. This explains her need to want to control the media so she sues everyone to censor and control them. She cannot control what everyone says about her. I also recall one of her friends at the New York baby shower anonymously reported she was up all hours of the night "barking orders" to the UK staff about paint colors telling them what she said goes. her story does not add up. Sorry I am not believing it.

  15. Opačne môže byť stať problém veľký problém stal chýbala malé

  16. The royals are living off all these suckers and do absolutely nothing. This is white privilege in it's ultimate be form. Brits and some Americans just didn't like the fact that he chose a biracial woman. All they see is her blackness no matter how light skinned she is. Like blackness is a curse. GTFOOH 😤

  17. I think it would be a great idea for a bell or something to sound every 15 seconds whenever this interview is played or discussed. That's roughly how often a black child dies of malnutrition in the world. Might put some perspective on just how deserving these particular two refugees are of sympathetic debate. That's nearly 500 in 2 hours by the way. Black lives matter indeed !

  18. And also if they wanted to make big claims like that then they needed to OUT THAT INDIVIDUAL. They should have since they were doing this interview.

  19. I don’t think it was Charles, William or Kate. I think it was someone within the firm and not immediate family.

  20. There is a difference between "Titles" and being called a "prince". Archie was not given his father's senior subsidiary title "Earl of Dumbarton" as a courtesy. At the time of Archie's birth, it was reported that it had been Meghan and Harry's decision not to have him use the title, but this claim has been debunked by Meghan during the interview. She claimed that Archie was denied Earl of Dumbarton title at birth by the palace, and that even though, Archie could become a prince automatically after his grand dad prince Charles ascends the throne, there are discussions within the palace to change that law to permanently deny Archie from becoming a prince whatsoever. That is the crux of the matter. The royals do not want a black prince or princess. For the fact that Archie was denied the Earl of Dumbarton title at birth underscores the the concerns Meghan had about the place of her kids within the royal family. These are some of the grievances expressed by Meghan. Pls. kindly, rewind and watch the interview again.

  21. You need to do some research ABC, including looking into Robert Jobson's history of commenting in a negative, biased way against Meghan and Archie. Around the time of Archie's christening, Robert Jobson appeared on an Australian talk show where the host mentioned that Archie looks a lot like Harry. Robert Jobson exclaimed: "Thank God!" What an awful but revealing thing for Jobson to have uttered. Meanwhile, Archie actually looks like both of his parents, unsurprisingly. Archie has his father's coloring, forehead, ears, and head shape with what appears to be gingery brownish hair and eyebrows. His eyes are dark like the Ragland side (Meghan's maternal side). Plus Archie's eyes are spaced far apart, another Ragland trait, completely opposite to his father's close together eyes. Archie also has fairly full lips like his mother, not like his father's thinner lips.

  22. Please ABC do better research on the current laws governing British royal titles, and then review what Meghan said in the interview. When Charles becomes King, Archie would be eligible to be titled HRH Prince. You didn't bring up this distinction, and you also failed to understand what Meghan said about this in the interview: She said that there was discussion before Archie's birth about the possibility of changing the law when Charles becomes King, to prevent Archie ever being entitled to receive the HRH Prince title. Someone also told Meghan & Harry before Archie's birth that he would not receive security protection, which was of great concern to Meghan & Harry since they had received death threats after their marriage. Both them and their offspring certainly require security protection. Plus Harry is practically the only current member of the royal family who fought as a soldier on the front lines of a war for his family and for his country. Sadly, Harry now has to battle his own relatives and the institution to protect himself, his wife and his children.

  23. They seem like fools to me defending a family that sees them as commoners and subjects. I can't wrap my head around being that brained washed, but to each their own.

  24. These white men just dont get it! The always want to be on top. These are the people who sold my Ancestors!

  25. Who care what the skin tone might be my father is black my mother is white and i have a white skin tone im still a human being and im happy

  26. Oprah is so artistically surprised as if they had not spoken before, they are their first friend and everything is rigged, the Kardashian asked the Oprah to crap the royal house because of a deadly resentment

  27. Who ever this so called expert is supposed to be she is not smart enough to figure out that Harry would know the rules and if Meghan said they were going to change the rules just for Archie. This so called expert or even a person with an above average intelligence could figure out that they must have meant when charles is king Archie would not be a prince and so still would not have security even though the rules say he should be!!!

  28. 🌺 Of course Prince Charles refused Harry's phone calls after they split. I wouldn't either if my grown children, who should've known better, behaved in such a spoil and disloyal way. Putting ego, pettiness, and $ over all else.😞

  29. 1) It's puzzling 🤔 that a supposedly strong, experienced, socially savvy and older working American woman like Meghan cracked under the pressure of royal duties within just months after the wedding. 2) If Thomas Markle (who meant well) talking to the press is deemed as unforgivable betrayal, how does this 2 hours Oprah interview be viewed? Noble acts of confession and whistle blowing? 3) The Queen, her husband, and Prince Charles are not getting any younger. It's a terrible waste that Archie won't have a chance to be close to them… Or any uncles, aunts, cousins for that matter. 😞

  30. James Hewitt is harry's father! he is not a royal…cut him off and out of the royal family!!! Megan if the royal family were racist you would never have been welcomed and accepted to begin with. You are a dangerous woman self serving narcissist you think you and your, frankly silly husband can hoodwink everyone into feeling sorry for you because you didnt like the narrative about you in England. You decided (knowing the climate in america right now) to play the race card with oprah! So of course everyone is blinded by your acting. Anyone who wants to come for me, all I will say is watch the body language experts analyse her in this interview and also i am entitled to my opinion, which does not make me a hater so save it

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