Preview ahead of Day 4 of the Ahmaud Arbery homicide trial

Preview ahead of Day 4 of the Ahmaud Arbery homicide trial

Police investigator Parker Marcy testified that Gregory McMichael told him he chased Arbery so that police could arrest or identify him, saying Arbery was “cornered like a rat.”

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13 thoughts on “Preview ahead of Day 4 of the Ahmaud Arbery homicide trial

  1. In order to claim self-defense you have to be either standing your ground or protecting someone else and under immediate deadly threat… if someone threatens you yet ALLOWS you to escape you're not allowed to sneak around behind them and attack then claim "self-defense in court"

    You have to consider how your interpretation of the law will be applied to other situations

    If an old black farmer holding a shotgun threatens an evil racist skinhead who's tagging swastikas on his barn the skinhead isn't allowed to sneak around the back and attack the old black farmer claiming self-defense… once you've escaped the threat you're not allowed to get violent

    Since Arberry was already a career criminal at 25 he wasn't allowed to carry a gun but had he been a legal Firearms carrier and been threatened by the McMichaels I would completely support him pulling out his firearm and killing all of them had they brandished Firearms at him while he was trying to escape after he had simply trespassed in a home under construction

    The trouble is the chase and the shooting are two separate incidences…Arberry had been allowed to escape and then returned and ATTACKED

    The McMichaels were not actively chasing him when he attacked them and since they didn't harm him in their initial encounter he had no reason to believe they meant to harm him in their second or they would have simply shot him from distance

    The fact that the entire neighborhood was chasing this kid doesn't negate the McMichaels claim of self-defense because they clearly had no hostile intentions and we're simply forced to resort to violence when the fleeing Criminal escalated by trying to grab a gun from a man who is standing his ground on the phone with 911

    If the McMichaels wanted to hurt him they would have used a high-powered rifle and shot him distance

  2. Here we go again. Killed for BLACK WITH A PHONE or SUBWAY SANDWICH or JAY WALKING.

    The World should hold the US accountable for American human rights abuses at home and abroad.

    Feb 1964 – A change is gonna come – Sam Cooke. 1965 – Color of Man’s Skin 4:416:15 – Billy Graham.

    Aug 2017 – Very fine people, on both sides – LOSER Trump. May 2020 – George Floyd and BLM protests.

  3. Is the US still the Land of the Free or the Land of the pinky power MAGATs ?

    Ask the First Nations what they think.

    Ask Blacks when they see Police and Karen.

    Ask Chinese when you say Chinese Flu or you shoot them because of LOSER Trump's xenophobic rhetoric.

  4. 🗣🎤 FREE ⛓ 🙌🏼 The White Victims

  5. It's been over 3 years since a hit and runner smashed a beloved bicyclist to death. He's still on the run and still to this day I have not heard the media report his story or even care. The FBI spent all that effort trying to find Gabby's killer well they found him so why don't they look for that hit and runner? It's been over 3 years!

  6. 緊急速報~~
    また、COP25会議で「化石賞」受賞で二冠を達成した。 日本はすごい

  7. I own you!!!! 😘😘😘

  8. Let’s go Brandon 🚩

  9. Shout out to George Floyd on 534 days of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals🖕

  10. By pitting us against each other, blaming immigrants, blaming liberals and especially blaming people of color and Black people in particular – the plutocrats have divided us and gotten away with it.

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