President Trump says Joe Biden has ‘recalibrated on everything’

President Trump says Joe Biden has ‘recalibrated on everything’

In an exclusive interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, the president said, “Everything [Biden] has said he’s taken back two weeks later because he’s getting slammed by the left.”



#Trump #Biden #2020Candidates #Politics #ABCNews


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30 thoughts on “President Trump says Joe Biden has ‘recalibrated on everything’

  1. The pro slavery, pro baby killing Democrats have too many white Privileged Candidates. Believe the polls, Joe hair sniffer Biden can beat bad orange man. Joe has integrity and is principled. Joe would never flip flop or just say anything to get elected. I bet Joe Biden could cure cancer if he wanted to.

  2. Everyone needs to quit worrying about Joe Biden. Sleepy Joe ain't gonna get anywhere. Yeah, he Looks pretty good right now but, watch him start falling back little by little

  3. “OPPO” Research….what, exactly does “Says Something Bad” mean? Saying naughty words?!

  4. I smile thinking of how big a puddle the Tofu sucking socialists will make on the floor while they stand helpless watching President Donald John Trump place his hand on the bible and take the oath of office for a second term. Imagine the screaming hysteria, the bottle throwing riots as we slam our borders shut, tear sanctuary cities to shreds, enforce free speech on campus, chisel the Second Amendment in stone and guaranteeing the right of a child to live whether mama likes it or not. Social media will be deemed a utility which means right wingers will be cramming propaganda down the socialist's throat from now on. May our Christian God bless greed, profit, Las Vegas, expensive hookers, expensive cars, Jack Daniels, T-bone stakes, milk shakes and the American way! The barking socialists can get use to the idea because there's nothing, NOTHING, they can do to stop it.

  5. 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Well, he has. Trump is right. Biden, like all politicians will say and do ANYTHING to be president. The fact that he'll be defeated or never get there is plain for all to see.

  7. Our President is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!! You got a problem with that??? STOP SPINNING, TWISTING, MISCONSTRUING & SCREWING up His Messages, Georgy! You Overblown, Self-Elevating, Self-Congratulating MISCREANTS!!! Read: “UNFREEDOM OF THE PRESS!”

  8. …& Georgy Snufalupagous is the WORST at inflating his OWN ego, Lord knows HE can’t live high UP 🤣🤣😂enough that BARELY scratches an IOTA NEAR the level of RESPECT and POWER OUR PRESIDENT EMANATES & DESERVES— for The OUTSTANDING LEVELS OF GREATNESS HE has ACHIEVED only thus far!!! If you laugh, the last laugh’s on YOU, (Georgy & the likes!!) for NONE of you come CLOSE to HRM The QUEEN!!!…and SHE, Herself, has UTMOST RESPECT for PRESIDENT TRUMP, His Enormous Influence, AND His Uncompromising, UNshakable STRENGTH & Authority!!! President Trump will REMAIN one of THE BEST Presidents in Our History Of The United States, and will CONTINUE to GROW GREATER for MANY Years AFTER You All have withered and DIED!!! (CHEW on THAT for a while, Socialist Democrats!!! 🤣)

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