President Trump not taking responsibility for coronavirus testing issues

President Trump not taking responsibility for coronavirus testing issues

The president says he will “most likely” be tested for the virus after spending time with a Brazilian official who has since tested positive for COVID-19



#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #presidenttrump #coronavirustesting, #testingaccess #covid19 #covid19testing #maralago #brazilian official


37 thoughts on “President Trump not taking responsibility for coronavirus testing issues

  1. Just goes to show how stupid this Scamdemic has become. The President knows that this is a weapon & only targets certain Chinese ethnic groups with vulnerable people with health problems caught up.

  2. Somebody needs to dig up those old Apprenctice tapes and play them on a loop. Play the ones where he repeatedly tells the Project Managers that ultimate responsibility falls on them when a task fails or falls short. How many times did he FIRE a project manner because their managing of the team did not produce a winning result? Play those. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. He's already filmed your effective ads against himself.

  3. The basic reason for any nation/organization/crew to choose/elect/accept a leader, is to get a guy who takes the lead in a responsible way. Interesting that a NYC real estate CEO doesn´t even know the most basic role of a president!!!

  4. "I don't take responsibility" "I don't know anything about it"?? is this what a president of a nation should say in front of the publicc??? WHY IS THIS VIDEO HAS 8.2K dislikes like wth, they're just stating factual information. SMH

  5. Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United States: “The buck stops here.”

    Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States: “I don’t take responsibility at all.”

  6. Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2013

  7. What a shock that this psychotic genocidal mass murderers takes no responsibilty. Anyone that listens to him or anyone near him is an imbecile. Medical people now estimate it likely that at least 70% of the earth will get it and the current death projection is 150 million people. The premature opening of of business …trumps refusal to allow testing and refusal I investigate or manufacture supplies…he has never even heard the far Inc light….is going to kill untold millions…..most of you people are staggeringly stupid. This will make the Spanish flu and bubonic plague look like good health by comparison…..not only will it kill more people then a nuclear war….but it is ending the world economy it is estimated within months 25% of the work force Wil be unemployey….many of them simply because they are dead. Trump and his trumpeted are the most dangerous and deadly insects to have ever walked this planet…I dunno….could I state my feelings or facts more clearly…..many of you reading this…likely me will be dead within the year….and you are all too fill in stupid to even care.

  8. “I don’t know anything about it, I don’t know anything about it”

  9. MSNBC, Guardian News, ABC News will you stop spreading lies and disinformation and misinformation. You know that we know that you are creating again the same psychological JOIN THE BANDWAGON warfare tactics and strategies inorder to boost your ratings. And to obey your real stock-shareholders who are not really Americans but are BRIBRED AMERICANS being used as fronts by COMMUNIST PARTY CCP COMMUNIST MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNIST CHINESE GOVERNMENT.

  10. Except he have responsibility for his sponsor Lockheed Martin to start the War with Iran that is why Lockheed Share Price is going up and New Employment of 5000 workers for sure More Dangerous Things is coming on the way.By the way War Is Good from his prospective WTI price will go up + More Budget for War will go into his pocket +Good for His Election.Everything on Election, Covid-19 Will Be Distract =Finally:Trump Says ‘I Don't Take Responsibility’ For Coronavirus Failure.

  11. Trump’s, “I take no responsibility” line may turn out to be the most memorable and the most representative quote of his entire presidency.

  12. If the orange knew every single Americans name by heart, I bet James, Mary, John, Patricia, Robert and Jennifer, would've gotten it the most!!! If you're name is mentioned please snap your damn fingers.

  13. Blaming everyone else for this contagion and denying his role to enact federal testing for the general population is a great way to delay the inevitable of more americans either carrying this contagion and going about untested just long enough for the November elections in hopes of a re-election. Less than 1 percent of Americans have been tested to date, almost 800k people. America has a population of 328 million……all walking around without knowing if we're carrying and spreading Covid-19. America's Liar in Chief Trump, the Great Hypocrite tweeting "Liberate Michigan, Liberate Wisconsin and Liberate Virginia" while stating from a script in daily press briefs (that are nothing related to briefs) states we should continue to practice social distancing as protesters gather in groups demanding their right to return to work as they prance around without masks, possibly carrying and spreading contagion unknowingly since they haven't been tested…….

  14. This is why I encourage all people to STOP voting. Every presidency things happen that people do not approve of and yet people still continue to vote. It makes zero sense. How can people complain when most voted him in? How can those who voted for someone else complain when who knows how their presidential candidate would of done? What people say they will do and what they actually do are two very different things. I see a pattern every single time a president gets elected. Everyone ends up hating the president and then when the people are dumb enough to vote again, then the new president beyond that gets hated and then the people start to like the past president. Isn't this all just a tad bit absurd? I never vote and will never vote for great reason. Just because people make the claim that they will make this country great doesn't mean that they will or will be able to because of everything needing to be passed through congress. This is not the kind of system to vote for a president. So please do yourselves a favor and stop voting or if you do vote, don't complain when things do not work out.

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