President Trump insists America’s mass shootings are a result of mental illness – Car Mod Pros Portal

While saying that background checks won’t solve the problem of mass shootings, the president has promised to put forth a big gun control package before Congress.


By carmodpros


20 thoughts on “President Trump insists America’s mass shootings are a result of mental illness”
  1. In the UK we was allowed firearms until Dunblane and Hungerford removed assult rifles and hand guns and the mass shootings stopped. Now we can still apply for a gun licence and get riffles or shotguns. We can shoot for sport but we don't have an abundance of guns so no mass shootings

  2. Btw, ALL the mass shootings across the World and USA are committed by the CIA and Mossad agents who used post hypnotic suggestions on young kids to commit murders and then to kill themselves or engage federal agents to be killed in process so you'll never find out who really perpetrated murders! They used mind control since 1950's successfully. The reason they do it is to piss people off who in turn will ask for civilians to give up the arms and in process demolish the Second Amendment right to bear arms as it is the last bastion of freedom before they take you to FEMA camps and exterminate everyone undesirable. Australia was first to do that, now New Zealand and USA is next unless you rise up in numbers and stop evil shadow un-elected government!

  3. Many die and no ones listoning. So fast and easy to blame it on mental health. How many die or are perminently disfigured from our own drs. 250k+ thats how many…and are these drs considered mental? Fuck no theyre protected for murder….Im a statistic thanks to our failing and miserably pathetic medical system in pain 24/7 for over a fucking year.. You tell any fucking dr what it is and he thinks your crazy and mental. Or wont act on your needs. While you suffer and get worse. These people who do this for the most part have had severe injustice done. To them in one form or another. And the innocent pay the price. For others doings. As long as we stay shitty its gonna be shitty. Wake up America your killing your own people wholesale with no mention while pointing fingers.

  4. A lot of people here are 'hating' on our president! This is not all his fault. Yes, he has his downfalls, but some of y'alls audacity is out of hand! He is our president and you should respect him, point blank period.

    Edit: some of y'all are trying to say facts, but I bet you don't even know the three branches, or even the difference between socialism and capitalism!

  5. I am an avid #MentalHealthAwareness advocate and spoken word performer, and this makes me so sad. I travel the country trying to bring that awareness on stages, in classrooms, hospitals, and on my YouTube channel. I'm not saying that there isn't a link between certain #mentalhealth issues and violence. What I'm saying is that, when we put the focus on #mentalillness we're helping to make the average person believe that mental illness equals criminal. So we need to stop blaming the mental illness and start blaming the individuals. ❤✌🏽

  6. I Think They'll Be Asking The NRA Before Implimenting Any Effective Gun Control Action. Something else that Bothers Me "Americans Screamed and Hollowered For "I We Want Our Guns, WELL YOU"VE GOT YOUR GUNS!"

  7. Actually it appears there're more of these mass shootings happening nowadays, always one triggering the next ones like in some vicious cycles…!
    Repeated, weekly mass shootings have become the norm and we've also seen some strokes of daily shootings.

    I truly can't remember, that it's been that bad under Obama though…
    & As an Europea I couldn't care less, if one's a liberal, the other republican, they also could be both coming from the moon, or the same political party.

    I'm mostly interested in and comparing their temper, characteristics of their official statements, their actions, their effects onto the public and not their political parties.
    Idk if this drastic increase is necessarily connected to Trump, generally he gives the vibes of a savage, quick-tempered person though.

    This increase could also be connected to the rising influence of the internet on humans with lots of weapons at hands as well as a mix of both of them.
    Comparing the mass shootings numbers – between the two presidents in the same time frame/first legislature, same timespan – won't hurt at all, imo.

  8. Man, why is it that EVERY time white folks kill up a bunch of people, it's because of "MENTAL ILLNESS", but when minorities kill it's "TERRORISM"??? Man, Trump and all of u who agree with him are Full Of SHIT.

  9. Why is the media ignoring the 8 elementary school children who were recently murdered in their school in china?

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