Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly told Trump that Congress might pass a resolution disapproving of any decision to declare a national emergency.
President Trump faces criticism from his own party on declaring a national emergency

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly told Trump that Congress might pass a resolution disapproving of any decision to declare a national emergency.
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God Bless you Mr President……Haters gonna hate…..on everything! Get over It HATERS….
Best President ever! Thank you President Trump!
Trump is the New Kennedy ! En France on a Macron (rothchild's son) ans it's Bad Trip.
GO Trump GO 2020 !
We currently live under 31 national emergency. One more won't make any difference.
The dems allow and embrace the killing of infants at birth. They have no right to an opinion in this country anymore. Their regard for human life does not exist.
The threat to America isn't illegal immigrants, the threat to America is Trump, his base, and the GOP.
#ImpeachTrump #RemoveTheGOP
OOO Nancy !! 5000 ms13 going to
penatrate your W A £ £ !
Should of already been declared !
fuck woods we need and trade we will take a white democrat yes im black
Probably getting tips of how to beat his wife from tigger woods bunch of pussies
Does he have another choice but to declare a national emergency? No, it’s his last option and knowing trump he’ll use it and won’t care for even 3 seconds what anyone on the right or left thinks 😂 he is a ballsy fella like him or not, trump doesn’t heel to any party he does what he wants and that I do like about him everything else is all nonsense
I amid mammadov ask you to help me the deal is that the consul of Uzbekistan in Baku called Tashkent to ask for several times to give me help but they answered that I have no relationship to Uzbekistan though i have an Uzbek birth certificate in any place I go in Baku they say we cannot help I ask for help 18 years even unhcr red crescent red cross iom Baku said that they cannot help us my parents worked in Uzbekistan then they married and I was born in december 9, 1982. when I was a child they come in Baku and I was registered here until I was 15 years old when my mother sold our flat she got very little money from it and we couldn t buy a new one since 15 years old I suffer now I hawe a permanent residency but they say I must acguire citizenship of Uzbekistan people please help us my father died mother is I'll shei 55 she cries every day please help us to get job and home I am weak that s why I cannot work hard I cannot lose my mother some Russian and foreign people help us they trust us when we show them our documents we want to go back to Uzbekistan but we hava no money please call us we will explain you our situation we are dying please people i have registration Baku unhcr but i stateless person to me anything don t help at our place there are no clothes i and mother on the street to us don t give tent please save us god will help you email
People please help I mama we trou Baku we nau Georgia Tbilisi all humanitarian foundation say we cannot help +995574194003 bir aile faciesi
What choice was he given? Trump for America! Possibly the greatest president ever! Trump 2020 🇺🇸
I give Trump credit for putting up with all he BS in DC. If I were him I would step down and give the finger and a FUCK YOU to every Republican that has been against him and every Democrat. Let the country BURN like all the stupid sick Elitist politicians want. This country doesn't deserve his dedication. Let it burn down and maybe people will finally get their heads out of their asses.
He's not facing backlash from his party. It's merely a person or two who may have a different opinion. That's not backlash. That's fake news. He's gonna erect the wall . That's a must. The supporters on the left are too blind to know what's what. They've got no direction, no purpose. They oppose everything which is righteous . Ok. I've complained a lot. Trump 2020
The orange buffoon playing politics as usual. Of course the Democrats want border security. The difference is that they want EFFECTIVE border security, while Trump is more interested in campaign slogans that rile up his base.
Just let the baby build the wall lol
ABC News: one of the bullshit news sources. Pretty pathetic…
Be a voice for helpless babies being killed by Abortion !Over 700,000 a year.Stand up and fight this evil practice for profit.
Wait wasn't it trump who was criticizing Obama about playing to much golf
If he gets elected twice I will move to Canada