President Trump announces national emergency

President Trump announces national emergency

President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency, releasing $50 billion to fight COVID-19. READ MORE:

#BreakingNews #ABCNews #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Trump #NationalEmergency #Outbreak


32 thoughts on “President Trump announces national emergency

  1. ahh, it’s been a year w rona🥲

  2. The Dems are likely to promote unrest and even the use of guns to cause chaos, like last summer's riots in cities across the nation, so as to revoke the Second Amendment to remove citizen's right to own guns.

  3. This is the day we’ll never forget..

  4. At the top of the world's CoVid-19 virus epidemic prevention is a paradise (Taiwan) that foreigners want to enter. It is also a place where presidents and leaders and CEOs of the world will take refuge. It is a clean land for mankind to cherish, and it is also the safest place in the world..

  5. They are two very big words morons. The meaning of them! Not the actual length of the words. Jesus how stupid can you be 🤣

  6. Understand, Its about taking control of you and me. This is about taking away the constitution. Look into things like Agenda 21, FEMA, HLS, REX84. Executive orders from president's past.

  7. Judging from some of the naïve comments, where irrelevant, and just don't get it. What DJT- X POTUS has just said. why go into a big speech. Tell a friend to tell a friend ,show evidence ask they to do a little research. Do not give up your FREEDOM brothers and sisters. No to globalization and no to Bill Gates's doddgy vaccine. Love from Scotland. UNITE. The plebeians and the middle classes must insist on a plebiscite, (the direct vote of all the members of an electorate on an important public question such as a change in the constitution). Take control back to the people UNITE. HE (DJT) said the constitution dose not work for this. What they are about to execute. ITs in GODS hands, This is the the New Age of Enlightenment for the Plebeians. Don't give up.

  8. Steve Bannon gets busted for ripping of donations for the wall & then you turn around and declare a national emergency! What happened lately differently that is now a national emergency? Is there aliens from outer space? Unbelievable. Your dangerous Mr. President!

  9. this man has no idea what hes saying🖐😭

  10. To everyone who was commenting about his breathing…obviously it wasn’t Covid. I guess none of you has or knows anyone with ALLERGIES?! It was spring, after all!

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