President Trump and first lady attend 9/11 memorial service

President Trump and first lady attend 9/11 memorial service

The Pentagon service commemorated the 18th anniversary of the 2001 terror attacks. READ MORE:



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23 thoughts on “President Trump and first lady attend 9/11 memorial service

  1. Trump sucks! We, the American people, WILL and should ALWAYS REMEMBER the tragic attack on our people and nation that happened on 9/11/2001; which cost the lives of 2,997 of our fellow American countrymen and women. Right NOW, on 9/11/2020 we as Americans, are facing yet another attack on our people and nation, which in terms of the tragic loss of lives of our fellow Americans, we are losing the equivalent of lives lost on 9/11 EVERY 2 and 1/3 DAYS! In fact, in terms of the loss of life of our fellow Americans, the loss of life from COVID 19 has been 305.67 TIMES GREATER than the loss our nation experienced on 9/11! That is like 9/11 happening REPEATEDLY 305.67 TIMES, ALL OVER AGAIN THIS YEAR! THAT is the harsh and heartbreaking TRUTH of the matter!
    For those that remember, after the attack on our people and nation on 9/11, Americans stood UNITED as a nation, and were ready to take a stand FOR JUSTICE and ACCOUNTABILITY against those RESPONSIBLE for the tragic and devastating loss of life on 9/11/01. With the loss of life being 305.67 TIMES GREATER IN NUMBER, more horrific, more heartbreaking, more tragic, I ask you, HOW MUCH MORE should we as the American people, be willing TO ONCE AGAIN UNITE AS A NATION, AND TAKE A STAND, FOR JUSTICE and ACCOUNTABILITY against those held RESPONSIBLE for the devastating loss of life that is happening to WE, the American people, RIGHT NOW?!

  2. Unfortunately some retards will not agree with me, I don't care. Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats want the United State's to forget about 9/11. I say we should be reminded about this horrific and tragic day everyday and we should show pictures in our schools and talk about it instead of trying to pretend it wasn't really that bad. My grandchildren and others will never forget about it, I'll continue to remind them, Nancy Pelosi. When coward's kill innocent people including defenseless little babies and people like Nancy Pelosi and others want you to forgive them and welcome the coward's into our country and then put them on government assistance and health care while our veterans are being treated like shi#. Ha Nancy Pelosi go live with your cowardly friends because true Americans look at you like the enemy anyway due to your love for these coward's and your hatred towards our military men and women. Hopefully Trump will continue his effort to protect our boarders even though Nancy Pelosi and others are fighting Trump' all the way on boarder control. Remember folks Nancy Pelosi is flooding our Country and schools with undocumented, unvaccinated and illigals. And she also is fighting hard to release illigal felons so that ICE can't get them. Scary stuff. Hopefully your children won't be next to be killed lby a illigal.

  3. 0.21 how smart trump is by betray himself fly 77 plane that explain very much trump did this crime 9/11 with 15 saudis to come with false papers

  4. 9/11 controlled demolition. Fake terrorist attack to enter Middle East for the Greater Israel Project founded by Theodor Herzel a historic figure and father of Zionism who drew up the Israel flag we know today represented by two blue lines, each line represent a river – the Euphrates and Nile. WW1 was to destroy Ottomans and WW2 was to establish Israhell. Always look at the outcome of wars and you will know the true reason behind it.

  5. I don't remember the hijackers claiming they were part of al quaeda. I don't remember them having parachutes either which confused me when BBC reported Hijack suspects alive and well.

  6. Thoughts and prayers from your nourthen neighbors🇨🇦🇨🇦🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. The other day we where talking about rehabilitation programs for people unfit for society wich we call jail. Some people stated that criminals should be used as slaves. My answer to that was rehabilitation programs doesn't grant any laisure to any one, especially crude people who are looking for free rides in life. Is this the way to ask for slavery? should perhaps things be clearly like abc ?

  8. We all act like we care during this time but the next day things go back to normal if we really cared we would be helping the first responders still suffering from cancers and respiratory problems from that horrible tragedy (* im not necessarily talking about your average person I'm talking about the politicians that do crap like this and go about there day after the memorial*)

  9. DEPORT all Muslims. Trump 2020👏👏👏👏👏👏

  10. trampedo I have lie detector in my eyes ears tel me you are not honestly sorry sound like you take your rewenge on American innocent people

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