President Trump addresses the nation on the coronavirus outbreak in the United States

President Trump addresses the nation on the coronavirus outbreak in the United States

#coronavirus #uscoronavirus #coronavirusoutbreak #trump

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30 thoughts on “President Trump addresses the nation on the coronavirus outbreak in the United States

  1. India oppresses Kashmir, Syria oppresses Palestine, God imposes curfew on the world. In the case of the virus, people still have time to apologize to God and stop oppressing God's creation. Commit to Freedom God will free you from the wrath of the United States, Israel, and other nations to take action against oppression so that God may have mercy on people.

  2. I always watch David Muriel's ABC nightly news… 🙌

  3. Most advanced healthcare 🙂 Here health care is some personal
    right everybody has. During this challenging time it shows that this is the right way to go.

  4. " Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power "……. Abraham Lincoln. This Orange Narcissistic Lying Idiot is no Lincoln……John (UK).

  5. It’s all a cog in a bigger wheel, now prisoners are being released. Something big is about to go down.

  6. Is Donald Duck 🦆 in America got talent be fore %.%

  7. 🤣 he’s high risk he can’t fucking breath 😂

  8. This dude can hardly read 🤦🏾

  9. A restriction to travel to China first thing because the virus originated in China can someone please tell Jim Acosta and arrecifos mouthpieces that work for the Chinese government that flip flopped so quickly

  10. Timeline.

    Two leak-level incidents closed at the National Bacterial and Virus Research Institute in

    July and August. (Labs say research is done for peace and defense, but the United States

    is the only country that has not joined the BWC.)

    The incubation period for new crown virus is 14-20 days.

    On September 29, the U.S. began an outbreak of the flu, with more than 20,000 deaths so


    From October 18th to 28th, Wuhan, China held a military games. The United States sent a

    large delegation, but the result was 35.

    There were five American soldiers who went to the local hospital for treatment. The

    symptoms were similar to new coronary pneumonia, but at the time the doctor thought it was

    another disease, but it was also confirmed to be caused by a coronavirus.

    Unknown pneumonia in Wuhan, China, at the end of November

    It became popular in December.

    It was determined on January 20 that high-risk transmission would occur between people.

    Wuhan closed the city on January 23

    In March, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control acknowledged that new crown

    pneumonia was detected in US flu cases last year.

  11. Trump is a big liar he care more about his dollars then people life.This is so simple they did not take actions fast they let the virus spread just to maintain the money the dollar. I hope American people will be okey after this eventually we are all humans and i do not wish bad for anyone. Trump is a liar and from his words any smart person can know that

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