President Trump acquitted by Senate in final impeachment vote

President Trump acquitted by Senate in final impeachment vote

Sen. Mitt Romney did something no other senator has done before and voted to remove his own partys president from office, but Trump was still acquitted on both charges.


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22 thoughts on “President Trump acquitted by Senate in final impeachment vote

  1. Romney’s a fucking turn coat – faith in the Chinese lining with Democrat lint in the bottom.

  2. Romney’s a fucking idiot. An opportunist who cares nothing for his constituents.

  3. Romney very weak man. And what did they expect but a vote along party lines. The Democrats knew that before it even started as in the last one, so that is why they did a tush job as it was just political theater? A very apt display of the mist vicious, incompetent time-wasting men and women in the country. If they wanted to try Trump that should have laid a complaint at the local police station. They still can, but this vote shows they haven't a hope of measuring any matters up to the judicial standard and also shows they knew it and that's why they gambled doing it this way. Trump should take the transcript to The Supreme Court and get a Declaration on the validity of the vote counting election result since The House raised it as an issue relating to intention which has to be proved a link in a potential criminal charge and allege they had have no power now to bring a charge and ask for an injunction – permanent – there is then jurisdiction and as the mail-voting was contravening guidelines and unconstitutional, ask for a Declaration once he proves it as a fact. Then the Supreme Court has jurisdiction on procedures.

  4. Of course he was. These republican's won't acquit him. He's gonna get away with everything and that's disguisting. At least he ain't in office. It sucks Biden has to be in office but at least Trump ain't in there.

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