Biden pushes for more relief as cases continue to rise across the country.
47 thoughts on “President-elect Joe Biden talks jobs, COVID-19 relief bill”
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Biden pushes for more relief as cases continue to rise across the country.
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First off creepy Joe's not president-elect he's just creepy Joe at this point. Second off your jackass if you're a support him and what that said he has absolutely no right criticizing president Trump cuz creepy Joe's just a piece of the crap and that's all there is to it. And you guys are jackasses
Disgusting. No one wants any of this.
Lets hope that President Biden can get us more relief in a Executive Order or something. This paltry that republicans came up with is not nearly enough. It should be 3 or 4 trillion dollars. I am SO happy that Biden will be our president, because he has proven he cares, and also that trump could care less for anybody unless they are rich.
Boy Biden really believe's he is going to be President. You people are crazy and full of lie's.
First of all, he's NOT the "President-elect" since the election is still under investigation for fraud and has not been called. Second, both Biden and Obama together, on the best day of their lives couldn't create a job at a lemonade stand.
This is so dumb, i wish i could curse but youtube auto censors now. Imagine thinking the government will do anything for anyone when they give multi national corporations Trillon dollar bailouts, and give small business owners a one time Five Hundred Billion dollar bailout, which obviously has helped very little as tons of businesses are failing everyday. Good luck everyone because, it is just friends, family, and you who can help yourself in this life.
Social distancing is the only way they could get Joe to stop sniffing girls
You satanic MSM idiots, you SOLD YOUR SOULS TO THE DEVIL!
I like seeing the thumbs up and down now. The numbers are getting further and further apart AND NOT IN MSM FAVOR!!!!!!!!! When will you stop your suicide mission? When the likes are 0? Going down with the sinking ships? YOU COWARDS!!!!!!!!
You're the devil's children. Serving Satan's agenda against America and the world!
God bless America and God bless all the honest peoole doing God's work! Please dear God, let's lock these treasonist MSM AND BIG TECH evil ones away forever! Praise Jesus!
This guy will not b inaugurated over my dead body unless they audit the swing states Biden stole w millions of patriots so get ur reporters ready and call cnn and the rest of u pathetic losers who think America is yours to takeSORRY!!
Fraud-elect Biden and ABC FakeNews 😂🙈👉🇨🇳👎
Biden will destroy the U.S
Who said Biden is PRESIDENT ELECTED.., YOU…??
Joe Biden destroyed oil and gas jobs will he give me free money now?
He couldn’t create jobs with Obama so why would it change?
Hahaha,,really??Masks inside my house,,🤣🤣🤣😂😂
Good job on an accurate title
President-elect Biden……what a joke…….As long as Kamala allows Biden permission? Then Kamala……none of this garbage will wash……wear a mask even in your home! 😱😱ðŸ˜ÂÂÂ🤪
Americans will die of starvation caused by the wuflu shut downs in far greater numbers then those who have really died of wuflu. My wife and I are nearing 70 and have had wuflu I had mild cold symptoms my wife got bronchitis we are being lied to
George Stephanopoulos got on board with George Soros’s Marxist ship a long time ago. He sold out this country for personal gains. He is a shameful little weasel.
president-elect? lol
I hope the media is destroyed after this sham is over. I haven't seen one news clip showing Biden as "President-elect" where most comments clown him and dislikes are 3X the likes. Biden is a joke, which means your actual president, if this all came about, would be Harris who is hell bent on destroying this country. Good job media!
Doesn't matter how many times you say it it's still a falsehood to claim Biden is president elect.
Okay I suggest you get going with the drugs as soon as possible. Why is it allowed overseas starting now and yet our government officials want to do more testing. Why weren't they there when the drugs were being tested and manufactured working on side the manufacturers now they want to do the old fashioned way we wait and now we retest everything that they've tested horseshit.
Stand huddled in her homes as done nothing, closing down businesses has done nothing to curb the pandemic.
It's out there. Everybody reacts to it differently and I really doubt that the death figures are correct they may have had covid but they died from the underlying effects of their health conditions. If you look at the total number of deaths in this country we have lost less people even when this pandemic than in previous years talking total deaths. I'm really sick and tired of the two political parties not working together coming up with their own ideas and doing what they damn well please the American people be damned.
You driving everybody out of business and here's a clue Joe not everybody gets stay home pay we're not all unions like your union buddies.. why don't you and your colleagues take a clue from Donald j Trump why are you drawing a paycheck and why isn't that money going to the people that can't go back to work first.
And I don't mean everybody I mean the people that don't have a means to pay their rent to pay for food to pay for heating to pay for gas to pay for insurance those are the people should be helped.
Not the people that have money not the people that are in unions that have their healthcare taken care of.
People with money can take care of themselves they don't need the government they are not in dire straits. I have a friend he's in an automotive Union so is his wife Chrysler and general motors both of them are going to be retiring early in life. They're two kids as well as my friends all got relief money. They don't need it.
Joe Biden and his ideas are from the past, the people that he's bringing into his administration are from the past. This administration is going to bring back hope and change really. They're going to take us back all right and they're going to take us right back into the arms of China and Iran. I suggest the Democratic party take all your money and you go save the world save the planet. You have no business taking this country over and involving yourself in trade deals we've seen what the past brought us and now people are stupid enough to go back to it only they're not stupid enough I have a hard time believing that all these people voted for Joe Biden. If none of this was true in regards to the election fraud then how come your friends in the media don't even run anything any of the hearings or anything. Then there's the media non-stop negative negative. And it's the same old thing we'll reach over the aisle and make deals really reaching over the aisle the old fashioned way how Joe where you got to give up a lot of crap that doesn't make any sense basically piss money away to get something to go through that makes no sense at all that is a dead dog on arival and that cost America. Go away Joe take John carry with you take Camilla with you go to a retirement home with the Obama's and the clintons of course it'll be in the Hamptons because that's where all our Rich politic people hang out.
As Biden carefully wobbles to the podium he will attempt to read what his handlers gave him to say. I’m not going to waist my time writing about ABC communist propaganda.
Biden is not the President elect. He is however a criminal.
LoL, this is all lies people. Don't believe a word. Wake up and do research. Probability of death is .001%
ABC. A bullshit channel.
Biden encouraging more shut downs which closes small business. There were close to 200,00 small business closed in the US due to Covid hysteria restrictions, while Bezos and Amazon made $91 billion. You are witnessing the most enormous power grab and wealth grab in the history of civilization. When America collapses under Biden, and the globalists, the entire world will suffer. Be prepared to return to slavery, there will be almost no small business able to survive, and you will be at the mercy of the globalist superpowers. Gates wants to eliminate 90% of the human population, enjoy your "healthcare" for all. Stupid lemmings.
Rule of thumb… always do the complete opposite of what the msm tells you. Hey! BREATHING creates carbon dioxide! Hmmm
Wtf is this bs
No such 'person' as titled.
Glad to see the comment section is coming to terms that Biden won the election.
This message brought to you by The Ministry Of Truth
Not president elect, not decided! Way too many discrepancies with the vote, and mathematically impossible results that yields more voters than enrolled ! Mountains irrefutable evidence!
No one is paying any attention to this so called news🤮🤮🤮💩💩💩
So…put on a mask, Dude.
Lies, all lies
So basically, competent people are saying that this is a hard problem that competent people can solve. This doesn't really strike me as news. It is just the flip side of the "incompetent people made a mess of it" reporting. We want projections of when it is likely we can get our shot. We want projections of when the health workers will all have had their shots. These are the important points. Don't "Bury the lead"
democrats are wolves in sheep’s clothing
Reported as spam or misleading due to joe Biden not actually speaking about jobs once. You know why? He doesn’t actually have any policies.
Propaganda media doesn't elect presidents. CDC site says only 6 percent of deaths are from covid. This clown is a liar. Covid is not contagious
ABC STILL doesn't get! Biden is not yet President-Elect until certified by electorates!
Joe Biden is a Joke just like ABC news media Corrupt media
All these Trolls have no life lol.