President Biden promises country will see more advancement in next 10 years

President Biden promises country will see more advancement in next 10 years

Biden suggests the National Institutes of Health create a separate agency to develop breakthroughs preventing, detecting and treating diseases such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes and cancer.

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19 thoughts on “President Biden promises country will see more advancement in next 10 years

  1. What a laughing matter, yes, biden laughing at you. President Trump started what you are trying to take praise for. Biden, what about raising gas prices, raising product prices, what about raising cost in all since you become the laughable president? !!!

  2. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

  3. Clean energy! Environment issues! Enhance national security! Defense department! Internet! GPS! Assimilated project research facility for heaLTH! clap clap clap clap alzheiMers diabetes cancer

    This guy is full of buzzwords but literally says nothing

  4. Ahaha…”advancement” = socialism to dementia Joe & his progressive puppet masters💯🤮👎🏽

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