President Biden getting closer to completing social spending framework

President Biden getting closer to completing social spending framework

Republican Congressman Kevin Brady of Texas speaks on the framework of President Joe Biden’s social spending bill, including the potential billionaires’ tax plan.

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45 thoughts on “President Biden getting closer to completing social spending framework

  1. Okay this is how it should really work.
    For every dollar of taxpayer money that is handed over to someone here illegally for any reason $2 will be given to a taxpaying citizen from a politician's account. At the point at which that total reaches $450,000 ever politician capable of making policy loses a digit.
    That makes a lot more sense to me.

    What do y'all think?

  2. According to the President who couldn't stop the rising cost of living NOW. He has good plans to make your lives easier in the FUTURE. If you allow him to print and spend ALOT MORE money.

  3. Biden is Not in Charge. Biden agreed to be a PUPPET. He knew THAT from the start. He knew THAT when he agreed to be the Democrats' candidate. He knew that he would NOT be the one making the Decisions. The Decisions would actually be made by Ex President OBAMA, but would take into account the views of a small group of Big Tech billionaires, together with a group of senior Democrats who worked for/with Obama during his Presidency. In effect Obama IS RUNNING THE SHOW as his 3rd Presidency. It is a crazy situation where the "elected" US President is clearly a PUPPET and the decisions are NOT HIS; hence Biden does not want to be "Questioned" about them as he is NOT familiar with all the details that Obama has in his mind . It's a MESS ! and it will lead to many many UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES

  4. What do I personally think of the POTUS' social spending bill? What have the Military Personnel, First Responders, Front Line Workers to this President and Administration they can treat us a replaceable roll of toilet paper? The POTUS wants to pay the families of illegal immigrants crossing the border that were displaced from family members almost a half million dollars. They will also get additional benefits and free medical care. What do Military Personnel, Veterans, Front Line Workers, First Responders, and their families get ………FIRED if they won't prove they have at least one COVID 19 vaccine. These illegal immigrants will be living a life of luxury and We, The People, will fall deeper and deeper in the POOP Chute while having to pay Mr Tidy Bowl for invasion of his personal space. Mr. President, if you do not LOVE your Country and my Country, which is the United States of American, then leave and then see how many of the impoverished nations (illegal immigrants coming from) and see how much entitlements you will get. We, The People, are tired of the Federal Leadership stomping on us and creating more and more cracks in the foundation on which this country was built on.

  5. The U.S. government really did charter secret flights to relocate illegal immigrants into our country in the middle of the night.

    Just as the chaos in southern Texas IS Joe Biden’s border policy, smuggling illegals into the country IS his immigration policy.

    At this point, Biden is nothing more than Coyote-in-Chief.

  6. Demented Joe giving illegal aliens $450,000.00 just to spite Trump.
    Demented Joe wanting to hire 80,000 more IRS agents to spy on you.
    Demented Joe raised your prescription dugs, just to spite Trump.
    Build back better ?? Hell !! just return back to last year.

  7. Full electric driving counted and payed as zero carbon also in california nonsense fraud not counting carbon from electricity and lithium production also wasting lithium instead plugin hybrid like new daimler c-class insted lithium price 2021 explosion in china the future CATL Na or Mg ammonia.

    BMW & Daimler did buy CATL and CATL did buy lithium mining likely the reason why apple must change battery company.

    California electricity is 32% imported, in state 46.54% gas 11.34% hydro 9.38% nuclear.

    20.10 Lithium carbonate 99.5% Li2CO3 price 195 000 yuan/t china domestic +6.8% w-o-w
    Japan & korea 22.5$/kg +9.8%

    57.6% LiOH
    China 190 000 yuan/t +8,6% domestic
    japan & korea
    24$/kg +11,6%

  8. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته انا المواطن الفلسطينى من غزة أبلغ من العمر 32عام وعندى أربع أطفال ولم أجد لهم أكل وشراب ولبس بسبب سقوطى أثناء عملى عن الطابق الثاني ووضعى حرج وممنوع عن العمل بطلب من سيادتكم تنظرو إلينا بعين الرحمه تساعدونا لوجه لله ربنا يطعمكم في صحتكم وشبابكم والله يا إخواني انا شب مثل الورد بس قلبى محروق على اولادى وهما أقسم بالله العظيم بنامه بجوعهم بترجاكم ابوس ايديكم والله والله تعبان نفسي حدا يسمعنى الله يرضى عليكم ويوفقكم ويبعد عنكم شر المرض قال رسول الله صلى آلله عليه وسلم دوى مرضاكم بصدقه اقسم بالله قد ما اوصف حياتنا ما بقدر أعبر شعورى😢.الله يوفقكم ويبعد عنكم شر المرض ساعدونا لو بشى رمزى اطعم اولادى

  9. And the FAKE MSM continues to cover for this Clown 🤡, just like they did for obama…

  10. DemocRats🐀
    Build Back Better 🇺🇸💅


    1964 Japan's first bullet trains, The Beatles first record album. Manchin & Sinema want the US to stay 57 years behind Japan.

    1998 China has 37,900km of high speed track with 32,000km more under construction.

    2021 US trains travel at 135mph, China's travel at 268mph. China's modern airports rub salt in the wound.

  12. Joe Potatohead might be getting “CLOSER” to a RECKLESS SPENDING PACKAGE, but he’s getting NOWHERE CLOSE TO THE BORDER CHAOS THAT HE CAUSED.

  13. So today I hear Biden wants to give reparations to all illegal aliens. $450,000.00. TO EACH PERSON. Let that sink in …… THEY HATE US. THEY are the enemy within. NOT us. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  14. Since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans…The average income of Americans would be more than double its current level if the economy had grown at the Democratic rate for all of the past nine decades. Ten of eleven U.S. recessions between 1953 and the present began under Republican presidents.

  15. No he’s not. He has no political capital. He’s a failure on everything and everyone knows it. It’s possible VA is sobering up and doing the logical by electing a R gov. D’s are reeling from one disaster to another.

  16. 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

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