Preserving national legacy of jazz during pandemic

Preserving national legacy of jazz during pandemic

Sean Jones, Grammy-winning trumpeter and composer, discussed the seismic loss in Americas jazz community due to COVID-19 and the efforts to preserve its rich national legacy.

#Pandemic #Jazz #SeanJones


11 thoughts on “Preserving national legacy of jazz during pandemic

  1. This was REALLY SOMETHING💚💚💚did all these Wondrful, talented , Jazz men pass away due to this covid19-???😩😳😳how sad…alot of tragedy..he is still here thank Goodness…..yes Louis Armstrong!!! Learned something new today He survived other pandemic WOW….THANK G loved Him…!! Know was very talented…..Jazz💚💚💚🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏

  2. "Everytime you lose a legend, you lose a library." Asked; What would have happened to Jazz if Louie Armstrong had died in the 1918 pandemic? "What would happen if salt was never the part of the equation of food? You wouldn't know food the way you know it now without that element, without salt. Louie Armstrong he's the salt of Jazz, he's the foundation so imagine something that important not existing, would you have elements of the music, sure you would but that spirit wouldn't be there. It'd be a completely different thing." – Sean Jones (Word!)

  3. Narrative, narrative, narrative…jazz co-opted to support the narrative. Thank God, jazz exists beyond the narrative and will be sounding out when the narrative has fallen quiet.

  4. Jazz will be around forever. Just ask any serious musician. It’s not really mainstream but there are tons of people playing jazz, white and black, and all colors. It not going anywhere!

  5. Muito triste 😭😭😭

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